Happy New Year! Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a modified schedule (see below). In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Join Sasha Slocombe and Coach Chris Fox from 9am to 10:30am this morning and start off 2019 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. We’ll begin with a yoga flow (accessible to all levels of experience) before moving into breath work and learn a few simple ways to work with your breath to help bring you back to balance, whenever, and wherever you need it. You’ll also learn a simple full-body relaxation technique that takes only moments, and can be a very useful tool to have during times of stress or indecision.
Intention setting is more than making resolutions, more than wishing and hoping for things to change. Today you’ll set an intention for action as you move forward into the coming year. Resolutions tend to be flimsy and negative, focusing on outcomes like “lose 10 lbs,” vague notions like “get in shape,” or things you want to stop doing like “eating carbs.” Today (and everyday) is an opportunity to ask yourself, “What do I want to have happen, and what steps must I take to get there?” You’ll spend some time thinking on a time when you were successful at overcoming an obstacle, no matter how small, and what practices helped. You’ll identify a goal you have for the future, and begin to clarify for yourself not only how to get here but why it matters to you.
This community workshop is open to all members and non-members with a $10 suggested donation.
Today’s Schedule
Class Schedule:
9am – 10:30am Yoga, Mindfulness, and Intention Setting Workshop
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2pm CrossFit
10am – 3pm Open Gym-only Membership
Everything else!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Dumbbell / Kettlebell Complex | Box Jumps, Row, Burpees
How to Bust Through a Strength Plateau Girls Gone Strong
The Strange History of the “King Pine” The Paris Review
The cries of dismay from the 11am class upon seeing the holiday workout made me feel so at home. I love you, cfsbk.
I wholly agree with your “this is why CrossFit gets a bad name!” comment. LOL
Secret partner cardio hell with Kate, 28:12 with me running 270s starting in round 3 because I’m a 🐌.
I thought I was coming in to do yesterday’s EMOM and I probably would have stayed in bed if I’d seen what we were actually doing. But okay, okay, I’m glad I came!
Wait there is a special workout???? NOOOOO it’s 2pm! I didn’t know!!!
Wednesday’s Programming
Tripod Headstand
A) Tripod Set Up > Knees to Elbows
B) One Knee Off > Both Knees Off
C) One Leg Inverted > Both Legs Inverted
D) Straddle Press to Headstand > Pike Press to Headstand
A strong tripod headstand is the foundation of the Handstand Push-Up. Spend some time today practicing the basic gymnastic skill at a level appropriate for you. Once you can get into a position at one level, you should be able to perform multiple reps before moving to the next level.
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
4-8-12-16-20…reps of…
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
Box Facing Jump Overs 24/20
Games standards on the Dumbbell Snatch – both heads must touch the floor at the same time and must switch hands below face level. The Rx is a two foot jump and both feet must touch the top of the box on the BJOs. They may NOT be lateral jumps, though you may turn atop the box on the decent and stepping down is okay.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
4-8-12-16-20…reps of…
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 35/20
Box Facing Step Overs 20/16
Games standards on the Dumbbell Snatch – both heads must touch the floor at the same time and must switch hands below face level. Jumping or stepping up to the box counts as a rep, and both feet must touch the top of the box. They may NOT be lateral steps or jumps, though you may turn atop the box on the descent.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Thanks and so much love to everyone who came to the New Year Yoga and mindfulness class this morning! What an amazing group of people. I wish you all a fruitful and happy new year.
It was amazing! Thanks Sacha and Fox!!!
I’m just so sad no one mentioned there was a special fun workout.
Yes, Sasha! Thank YOU so much. It was a great way to spend the morning.
I’m waiting for someone to tell us what the other special workout was…I’m trying to figure out if I’m glad or sad I missed it 😬
With a partner:
Wall balls
Before each round, run 400m together.
No rest. You do burpees while your partner does wall balls, and vice versa. 😳
Sad I missed the workshop this morning but needed one last day of guaranteed 7+ hours of sleep! And let’s face it, I’m not a morning person.
Came in thinking I was going to do strength work and a 2 minute WOD (yesterday’s workout) and instead did a 30 minute WOD.
Partnered with Kristeli and we finished in 32:20. Took our time- and I esp took my time on the runs. All WBs unbroken except for one air ball that slid down the wall in the round of 15. Wall balls went surprisingly well today and only had to no rep myself twice. Had a massive headache prior to the workout (not from a hangover) and it went away after working out. So glad I came in today 🙂
@Allie I’m sure you’re wondering what the WOD was and since there’s no more classes today to spoil the surprise:
Wall balls
Partner 400m run to start each round. One partner does WBs while the other does burpees.
To echo Sasha, thanks to all of you who came to the workshop this morning. I was pretty nervous leading up to today, then as people began showing up, setting up, and moving, it all felt great. It was especially nice to meet so many friends, parents, kids, and spouses of CFSBKers!
We were happy when we knew at least 5 people were coming. 50 was, in the true sense of the word, awesome. Y’all rock.