WOD 12.31.18
Every Minute on the Minute x 32 (8e):
1) 2-4 Strict Muscle-Ups or 4-8 Strict Dips or 8-12 Push-Ups
2) 8-12 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows
3) 16 Alternating Reverse Goblet Lunges
4) Rest
Post work to comments.
Week 5 0f 8
For Time:
20 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Calorie Row (10 Bike)
10 Burpees
Go time! No pacing. Hold nothing back.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Is getting Pull-Ups, Handstands, or Muscle-Ups on your list of New Year’s resolutions? A new cycle of Coach Ro’s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class kicks off this Saturday, and there are still a few spots left. Go HERE for more info and to sign up!
New Year’s Schedule
Happy New Year! We’re here to help you end and/or start the year right. Here’s what’s happening over the next couple of days:
Today, 12/31
Class Schedule:
6am CrossFit
7am CrossFit
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
11am Fit 55+
12pm CrossFit
9am – 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
4:30pm CrossFit
5:30pm CrossFit
6:30pm CrossFit
7:30pm and 8:30pm CrossFit
4:3opm CrossFit Preteens
7pm Next Level Weightlifting Club
Starting Strength
Tomorrow, 1/1
Class Schedule:
9am – 10:30am Yoga, Mindfulness, and Intention Setting Workshop
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2pm CrossFit
10am – 3pm Open Gym-only Membership
Everything else!
New Year’s Happenings
- Each year at CFSBK kicks off with the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, a 12 week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits. Go HERE to find out what it’s is all about and how you can participate. The Challenge officially starts tomorrow, but you have until January 6th to sign up!
- Join Sasha Slocombe and Coach Chris Fox from 9am to 10:30am tomorrow morning and start off 2019 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. Check out the event page for more info and to register.
- On Saturday, January 5th, CFSBK will host a winter canned food and coat drive. Bring a winter coat or 5 cans of food to the gym and get one free class on us!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Clean | Double-Unders, Power Cleans, Handstand Push-Ups
A Blood Test for the Body’s Clock Scientific American
As a Swole Woman: What Are the Best Pants for Lifting Weights Self
9am Short Circuit, then…
10am group class with Brett and Jess
3-4 strict ring dips, rows with 50lbs, lunges with 16kg bell. Metcon Rx in 2:14, slowed down by the box jumps – Thaisa made a video of them and boy do I need to work on my technique.
Yesterday 1pm with Lauren and Ro
Power Clean up to 235lbs, hard but not maximal.
Metcon in 16:28min – perf Rx* (2abmat HSPU). The double unders reeeeeally slowed me down. PCs in 5/3/2 (x4) then 5/5 last round. HSPU all unbroken.
Yesterday 2pm AG, working on BMU kip, then a fun workout with KB snatches (first time, I think, or at least it felt like it).
Happy New Year CFSBK fam!
9AM class at Crossfit Gulch in Nashville. I’ve dropped in here before: good coaching, not a great space. Today was Fran!
The coach strongly encouraged doing whatever weight with which we could complete the thrusters unbroken: Completed in 4:51 @63 with all thrusters unbroken. pull-ups in 7/7/7, 6/5/4 and 5/3/1 (sad last pull-up). First time completing with all 45 pull-ups.
Happy New Year!
First of all, sign up for AGS if you want pull ups and hand stand push ups and strong people stuff like that! I went from 4 max to 8 max body weight pull ups; and can do a single RM with 27.5 lbs added to my body weight; 35 lbs chin ups and a 41.5 lb weighted matador dip. HSPUs went from a 2 mat strict to a one mat strict.
Because of AGS, I did Jackie with pull ups instead of ring rows for the first time on Friday! I did only 15 pull ups – strict because I can’t kip due to a cranky shoulder. 13:06, which was just 13 seconds slower than when I did ring rows and a new and better benchmark. It will be fun to test this again in 12ish weeks. (To be clear – it will be fun to see what the results are, the act of Jackie, maybe not so much.)
Today 7 am with Ro and Lauren
Did a mish mosh of dips – some rings, some matador, some facing out matador (try these! I really like how they position lats and help to stay hallow.) DB rows with 25 then 30. Lunged with 25. Sooo many rounds. Decided to do the WOD with 16″ to see if I could really make myself go non-stop. I was still slow as molasses on these – last to the rower, but did well on the row and blasted my burpees. 3:06.
Congrats on all of those amazing accomplishments, Shawn! AGS is incredible!
WOW, Shawn! So awesome!