Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
We’re here for all your fitness needs this holiday season, but we will be running on a modified schedule on some upcoming dates. Head over to the Schedule page to find out what you can expect!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Sara Greenberg is our December Athlete of the Month. Congrats, Sara! Check out her interview with Coach Chris Fox!
2. Each year at CFSBK kicks off with the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, a 12 week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits. Go HERE to find out what the LFPB Challenge is all about and how you can participate!
3. Join Sasha Slocombe and Coach Chris Fox from 9am to 10:30am, Tuesday, January 1st and start off 2019 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. Check out the event page for more info and to register.
4. Next Level Weightlifting Club with Coach Frank is cancelled all of next week, but he’s offering a make-up session this Sunday from 12pm to 2pm.
5. CFSBKer Andy Lalman’s restaurant (The Islands in Crown Heights) was featured in the New York Times‘s 10 of the Best New NYC Restaurants. Congrats, Andy!
6. In the return of our Better Know a Member series, we got to know a little more about Omar F.
7. Registration for our upcoming cycles of Starting Strength Program with Coach Jeremy opened this week, and there are still some spots left! Details are in Tuesday’s post.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Double-Unders, Run, Power Snatches
I Wish I Were My Snake Plant NY Mag
Why Winning the Whiteboard Is Wrecking Your Life Athlete Daily
Saturday’s Programming
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
15 Calorie Row
10 (5e) Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
15 Calorie Row
10 (5e) DB Hang Clean and Jerks 35/20
6 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
7 am with Katie Harpz doing Satruday’s work with everyone else who made it in! I guess Thursday is so yesterday.
This was fun. I stuck to a 27s/m pace for the first 4 rounds, switched from 20# to 25# after the first round, did dips on the matador and made it to 5 rounds plus the row and the db c&js. Once I caught my breath I decided to see if I could get that last set of 6 dips in unbroken and I did. Tried a couple of dips on the rings and they happened. It might be time to transfer over. The best part for me was that I was good at picking up the pace in the last round. My last row was 33s/m and I went right to the db. That’s not my usual MO. I have a hard time pushing when gassed so trying to be more disciplined.
PSA: I figured with the holidays a lot of members might have family in town and kids home from school so I thought I’d share that if you have a Brooklyn Library Card you can reserve free passes to lots of New York City’s cultural institutions. More information here. Have fun!
10am Thursday with Brett!
17:11 with all sorts of scaling
Welp DUs were a no-go from the start. I didn’t have the stubbornness for it today, so I just went with singles and focused on the snatches. Wanted to see what 93# would feel like since that’s such a common RX in the open, went up a little each round round: 73, 83, 93. 83 was probably the magic number I should have done this work out at but 93 happened- couple sloppy ones in there but not terrible. Soaked from the rain so hands slipping was an “exciting” challenge/terror.
8 AM doing Saturday’s work with Brett. Saw Shawn before class and she recommended not pacing too much; turned out to be good advice- got into a great groove and managed 8 rounds plus 6 clean and jerks in round 9 @35#. maintained 51-53 secs each round on the erg, all c&j unbroken and the dips 3/3 after an unbroken first round.
8am with Whit
Thursday’s workout at 63 with doubles and runs on the air runner in 15:50. My doubles felt better after going to ag on tues but my wrist and thumb are still bothering me, so kept the snatches light. I still feel like I don’t have my conditioning back and the runs were a struggle. Happy to get a workout in before the holidays though!
NLWC, in which snatching from the knee proved infinitely harder than snatching from the hip, and my jerk leaves a lot to be desired.
Onward and upward. Hey, at least cleans went well!