Monster Team Metcon
Team Workout 1
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
7 Burpees
7/5 Calories Bike
Rest 5 minutes, then…
Team Workout 2
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time:
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
14 Air Squats
7 Toes-to-Bar
Sub Hanging Leg or Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bars as needed. The goal is to keep moving.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partners to comments.
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Today: Look, Feel, Perform Better Info Session!
It’s that time of year again: New Year’s resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kickstart positive changes. That’s why each year at CFSBK kicks off with the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge.
Want to learn more? Join us for an Info Session and Q&A today at 9am in the Annex.
(Can’t make it? Don’t worry! You can find tons of info HERE.)
How To Participate
Complete the following steps by Sunday, January 6th in order to participate and be eligible for prizes:
- Sign your name on the big list in the community area of the gym.
- Sign up at front desk or the CFSBK Online Store. This is a 3-month program, paid in 3 installments of $30. The first payment will be charged at registration, with the following 2 payments automatically charged each month thereafter. ($90 total plus NY sales tax)
- Answer a few brief questions and submit your “before” photos according to the guidelines on the Look, Feel, Perform Better website. These entries are private will not be published or seen by anyone other than us without your consent. You can access the 2019 LFPB Challenge Entry Form HERE.
- Perform the Capacity Test WOD and record your results.
- Track points earned daily on the spreadsheet based on how well you’re complying with the guidelines.
- Complete your Post-Challenge submission by March 29th, at the end of the Challenge
- Participate in bi-monthly Virtual Classroom Sessions on Facebook Live. Each session will include a brief topical lecture followed by Q&A. They’ll be Mondays from 1:10pm until about 1:40pm on the following dates (subject to change): 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18.
Tomorrow: Starting Strength Program Total
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle tomorrow starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Is Lifting Safe for Children? Girls Gone Strong
Is Aerobic Exercise the Key to Successful Aging? NY Times
Daniel R says
Dropped into CrossFit Aju and immediately was reminded of how crazy programming is in your average Brazilian gym…
2h “powerlifting” session
30min various warm-ups – and oh boy it’s 90F+ here so you get really warm really fast
30min to find a bench press 1RM – got to 215, got reeeeally close to 225 but not today
30min to find a clean 1RM – got to 235, 245 I caught beautifully but my legs weren’t up for it.
30min to find a deadlift 1RM – got to 405, tried 425 but didn’t even get it off the floor.
Then, for time…
Clean @ 155
Deadlift @ 225
Bench @ 135
So basically we spent 2h maxing out a bunch of really heavy lifts, then we cut that weight to 60% and do 55 reps for time. Crazy. I knew Linda was coming so I didn’t really want to push any of the 1RMs. Linda was brutal – not any of the lifts, but just the oppressive heat, combined with the general exhaustion after all the 1RM attempts, I was just gassed at the end.
David Osorio says
That’s like, way too much of the same shit hahah
Hope you guys survive the rest of your trip!
Daniel R says
I looked at the programming and I was like “huh? it’s the same 3 movements for 3 hours”. We’ll see what tomorrow holds for us. Thaisa pulled her back a bit during the deadlifts 😔
K HarpZ says
Omg! What the heck! Lol that’s horrendous
Fox says
Haha, keep these great ideas coming!!!
Great info session this morning. Really looking forward to the LFPBC again this year. 12pm CRASH-B 20 minute erg test. I didn’t die.