WOD 12.8.18
For Time:
2 Rounds
400m Run
9 Squat Cleans 135/95/45
2 Rounds
400m Run
6 Squat Cleans 185/125/75
2 Rounds
400m Run
3 Squat Cleans 225/155/95
30 minute cap
If the runs take you longer than 2:30 on average scale to 270m to keep intensity up. The barbell load should begin light-medium, move to medium-heavy, and finish on the heavy side for you. The reps can be cycled in the fast and proficient end, but bailed singles are certainly okay.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Next Sunday: Starting Strength Program Total
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle next Sunday, December 16th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Analyzing the Squat Starting Strength
Mark Your Calendars: 2019 CrossFit Open Dates Announced Morning Chalk Up
3 rounds – NFT
20 band resisted supine leg raises
5 high box jumps
row 250m or .5 mile bike – EASY warm up pace
Kipping toes to bar Practice
@sustained pace:
cal bike or row
B/T each round complete:
15 TTB
20 DB snatch – 50/35#
35 DU
5-10 min cool down
8am with Lady Fox
WOD in 24:20 rx’d. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do 153 in the workout since I haven’t cleaned that weight in a while plus my wrist is still wonky (but working on it thanks to Stella!). I warmed up to 123 and decided to go for it. Cleans felt really good today 🙂 Runs felt slow and cold
Today: 18:57 Rx
Sharing a bar with Morgan, I knew I could have to keep up the pace. Happy with how the cleans went (4-3-2 for first two sets, then singles after) – felt heavy but kept steady.
Saturday: StrongFit and group class. Partnered with Allie B and had a blast. With small enough sets and the 1:1 rest, definitely could keep up the pace. Even practiced bounding the box jumps, which I usually avoid.
1pm with Ro and Lauren
Metcon 28:31min Rx. So much running in the cold air. 135 was done roughly in sets of 3, 185 was done in sets of 2, and 225 in singles. Got some good tips from Ro around positioning – I think I have a deadlift-like position for cycling, but need to have a higher chest position for heavy singles. My legs are gonna be pretty sore tomorrow. I’m in awe of Kayleigh finishing this in 18min – seriously, it would take me about 14min just to do the runs…
2pm AG
Metcon in roughly 18min, but who’s keeping time. My T2B continue to go to hell around 40 reps (total), I think I lose lat engagement, my swing gets worse, etc. DB snatches @ 50lbs were surprisingly hard today.
Today’s WOD modified in 26:00
The first round at 83, second at 103, first three reps of the third round at 113, then 123. Running was slow per usual and I learned I prefer doing it in the cold than the summer heat!
Did my Bulletproof workout then jumped in on the AG WOD. I honestly had no energy left and just wanted to move a bit more. I can’t hang anymore and do two classes successfully like I used to!
Super late AG post:
17:0something with HLR and single unders. I just didn’t want to tire myself out with doubles when the focus was kipping rhythm.
I think maybe I should have gone to plan B (V-ups) after 2 rounds instead of sticking it out for the third. Wrist was a little tingly at the end, although nothing as bad as it used to be.
Cashed out with wrist flexion/extension exercises and then pub quiz at Charlie’s bar. You should all come one of these days! Unfortunately I won’t be hosting again until the new year, but come by on January 13th so somebody besides my husband can win some drinks. (I swear I don’t give him any of the answers ahead of time!)
If I can only do 2x a week this cycle, what days should I do?