Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
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Toni with a new 1RM Lynsey Press. Keep an eye out for her inevitable Keith Press!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. On Monday, we told you about CFSBKer Saul Melman’s interview with the writer A.M. Homes in Bomb magazine, which focuses on the relationship between his two professions (doctor and artist). It’s a terrific read!
2. Got something of note going on in your life? Let us know! We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états, or you can just share interesting links. We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments. Send awesomeness to Josh [at]
3. Happy 80th birthday to the matriarch of CFSBK, the one and only Constance! “CT” is an inspiration and role model for us all.
4. Do you subscribe to our newsletter? Please do to get monthly updates on general gym happenings, blog highlights, and programming info! Our winter edition, which will feature a message from Captain Osorio himself, will be out next week. Sign up HERE or via the link on the sidebar to the right.
5. On Wednesday, we got to know sometimes Wicked Witch and sometimes front desker Carla S. (aka “Sticks”) in a new installment of our Behind the Desk series.
6. Join Stacey C. for a women’s yoga retreat in the Catskills from February 1st to February 3rd! For more details and teacher bios click this link, check out the evite, or contact Stacey at staceylcerv [at]
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Clean and Push Jerk | Tabata Burpees and Box Jumps
Using Your Words As a CrossFit Coach Beyond the Whiteboard
Why You Have “Tight” Hips and What to Do About Them Girls Gone Strong
Team Metcon
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time, complete the following…
For time:
2100m Row
180 Double-Unders
150 Dumbbell Thrusters
120 Pull-Ups
90 Burpees
45 minute cap
The work does not have to be split evenly. Scaling for Double-Unders is 2 x Singles. Choose a dumbbell load that will allow you to perform sets of 5-10 reps or more throughout. Scaling for Pull-Ups is Jumping Pull-Ups.
Post time, Rx, and partners to comments.
Friday’s work, done with Sarah and an “invisible partner”! They were both amazing teammates. Instead of resting when our “invisible partner” was supposed to go, we just went at a slow, consistent pace the whole time (and sped up on burpees at the end).
Here’s how we split it up:
350m row, twice each
30 DU’s (or 30 SU’s), twice each
25 thrusters w/ 17.5# DB’s for the first round, then one set of 13 and then 12, alternating. 25 in a row is a lot!!
10 pull ups, four times each
10 burpees, three times each
I really loved this one!
25 thrusters unbroken!? Wow that’s intense.
8am with Whit doing Saturday
29:18min with Sara and Henry. Divided things roughly even, rows in 700m, DUs in 30s, thrusters between 5 and 8 each, pull-ups in 5-7 each, then burpees in 10s. Super fun workout, I love the 2:1 rest:work, makes me feel like pushing hard every round. Used the 50lbs DBs so this felt very much like a thruster workout, with a row/DU warm-up and a pull-up/burpee “recovery”.
Then went across the street to make up the Thursday work…
PC+PJ 135 (triples) 165 (doubles) 185×2 195×2 205 215×3 (singles)
Triples and doubles were all about catching the clean straight into a sharp jerk. Singles slowed down, and stopped at 215 since that’s where technique wasn’t great, and that was my focus today.
Didn’t have the time nor the desire to make up the Tabata work. Fun long morning at the gym. When showering after all of that, realized that I opened my hand during the pull-ups. Sigh.
Short Circuit was so fun today! Everything’s better in Lynsey’s accent.
Took my time with some KHarpz homework and AR afterward. I feel like a new person 😀
Fun times with James and Steve partnering up this morning. Rows in 700s, DUs in 60s, thrusters in 10s (50# for the gentlemen and 35# for me), pull ups just counted up (James took the majority, I definitely took on the least here), and burpees in 10s. Finished 26:17.
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