WOD 11.25.18
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
50 Double-Unders
10 Power Snatches 155/105
Scale the Dubs to 100 Single-Unders or about 20 attempts as needed. This should take on average between 60 and 120 seconds. The barbell is meant to be on the heavy side of medium. Though you may choose to do the Snatches as all singles, use a load that you could cycle for 3-5 reps if desired.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Book a Massage with Leah D. Today!
Are your legs and shoulders sore after yesterday’s monster metcon? We have some good news for you! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we’re very happy to be offering massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT!
Leah is a licensed massage therapist in the state of New York, where she was born and raised. A graduate of the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in 2009, she brings a decade of professional experience to her table. Shortly after obtaining her license, she earned additional certifications in sports and medical massage. She has worked in personal training studios, chiropractic offices, private studios, various gyms, community health centers, and at a variety of races and athletic events.
Leah maintains that truly skilled massage therapy has been the most effective modality for any physical ailments she’s personally dealt with, and has made it her mission to frame it in the larger discussion of physical rehabilitation. Her sessions are resolution-oriented, incorporating myofascial release, deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, ART, and rhythmic proprioception rebalancing.
In tandem with her massage therapy study, Leah is informed by her own experiences as a competitive powerlifter since 2012. She competes within USA Powerlifting and is a former New York state record holder in her weight class’s Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, and overall total in the raw open division. She has worked extensively with strength athletes since making lifting such an integral part of her life, so she understands common myoskeletal issues they often develop. While strength sport is her forte, Leah has a storied athletic background in dance and martial arts and is a former self-defense instructor. When not healing or training, she rides her Harley in an all-women motorcycle club and plays guitar in rock bands.
Monday: 9am to 2:30pm
Tuesday: 3pm to 8pm
Wednesday: 9am to 2:30pm
Friday: 9am to 2:30pm
Saturday: 4:30pm to 8:30pm
E-mail Leah at leah.decesare [at] gmail.com to set up an appointment.
30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150
Cancellation Policy
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours are subjected to the full cost of the session.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner Workout
Watch Strongman Brian Shaw Bend Frying Pans BarBend
To Cope with Digital Distraction, Embrace Digital Neurodiversity JSTOR Daily
Arturo Ruiz says
A. 3 rounds – NFT:
5 leg assisted MU transitions
20 sec ring support
2-5 strict chin ups
2-5 strict dips
2 min row/bike/ski/run – increasing pace
B. Kipping ring muscle up practice
C. @sustained pace:
2-5 muscle ups
rest 15 sec
20 burpee
rest 15 sec
55 DU
rest 15 sec
row 350m
rest walk 3 min
x 3 rounds
Kayleigh says
WOD: 4 rounds + 30 DUs Rx
Heavy barbell made this a very different workout than versions from the past. All singles.
Did the Saturday partner workout in South Carolina by my lonesome. Found a rower and a 70# fixed barbell (which definitely forced the unbroken aspect). Just moved slowly in my transitions between the two movements and didn’t push the row as hard as if I had a partner. No idea of the time.
Stella says
10 AM with Fox. Did the workout with 83# on the bar and got 4+51. Snatches were…not amazing. I’m better at fixing my slop in the more controlled environment of the EMOMs we’ve been doing, for sure.
Cash out push away pull-ups were HARD. I did sets of 2 and I still was falling apart by set 5!
Felt great to do AR after, given how much of the last 3 days I’ve spent sitting on my butt.
Thomas Shpetner says
MGMT – do we still have a classified section? Can’t find it…
Everyone – 2006 Chevy Colorado, 5 cylinder 4WD, runs well, peeling cfsbk sticker on the rear window, 175K miles. $5500 – six four six two eight five four zero five six.
KLove says
Thanksgiving Day:
Thank you to David for being open and to the Foxes for coaching all morning! 40 ppl in 10am class!
Partner WOD with Elly: 6+46 Rx’d
I broke up many sets of the PCs into singles because I felt my form was getting sloppy and wanted to save my grip for T2B. Think my form got sloppy on rep 4-5 either way. Oh well. All T2B unbroken except for one set where I lost my kip and got off the bar.
Saturday’s workout on Friday
Partnered with Sofia and Mike. Mike went at the same time as Sofia then had a ghost partner.
22:00 Rx’d (Sofia did it at 35#)
All thrusters unbroken
5 rounds @63#
Double unders were terrible in the first round. They usually are when the class starts at the same time. Pulled it together in the other rounds. Most snatches were 4-3-3. Considered going heavier and doing singles but wanted to maintain good form. I tend to jump out wide when I do them at 73# and above.