Hand Balancing
A) Handstand Walking/Partner Spotted
B) Wall Walks/Shoulder Taps
C) Around-the-Worlds
Post work to comments.
Partner AMRAP 20 Minutes:
30 Power Cleans 135/95
30 Lateral Bar Burpees
30 Toes-to-Bars
Partners break up the reps however desired. The barbell weight should be medium-heavy, something you can move through sets of 5-10 reps. The Rx for the Burpee is a two-foot hop over the bar and a two-foot landing. Scaling for the Toes-to-Bars is Hanging Leg or Knee Raises. Choose an option that allows you to perform sets of 5-15 when fresh.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Our new CrossFit Kids rules board by Tina Fino and 364 Rebel Signs. You can see more of their work at CFSBK on our Instagram account!
Thanksgiving Schedule
Happy Thanksgiving from your buds at CrossFit South Brooklyn! We’ll be running on a modified schedule over the next couple of days. Here’s what you can expect:
Thursday, November 22nd (Thanksgiving)
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
8am – 11am Open Gym-only membership
Cancelled: Everything else!
Friday, November 23rd
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm Crossfit
9am – 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
6pm to 8pm Open Gym
Cancelled: Diapers & Dumbbells, Fit 55+, Starting Strength, Next Level Weightlifting Club
See Sabrina Perform Tomorrow Night!
A note from Sabrina S.: “As some folks know, I have done a few gigs as a jazz singer but rarely have a chance to with my other professional obligations. However, I do have one coming up and I’d love to see you there!”
Sabrina Silver Trio at The Cupping Room
Cupping Room Cafe, 359 W. Broadway
Friday, November 23rd, 8-11pm
No cover, No minimum
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / Front Squat | Row, Hollow Hold, Overhead Hold
Regular Exercise May Keep You 30 Years “Younger” NY Times
How to Digest a Gigantic Meal NY Mag
I for one am thankful that cf adults doesn’t have the same set of rules as cf kids. Particularly #4.
Happy thanksgiving!
Got some thanskgiving exercise in early this AM! So glad I did that.
A) Strict Press + push press + push jerk
3.2.1 x 5; rest as needed
I perceived this complex as: 3 strict press + 2 push press + 1 push jerk for 5 sets. Hope that was right
Stoked about that 3×95# strict, felt good! Had more there. Glad strict strength is sustaining itself
I WOKE UP AT 6 CAME IN THIS AM before group! Proud of myself for that one. Passed out early and got a solid 8 hours so I was awake by the time I got in. This is technically still “sleeping in” for me on a Thursday!
B) Sustained pace – 80-85% Aer
5 PS – 100#
12 C2B
15 burpee
1.5k bike @ 55rpm
X 4 rounds
Somewhere around 16ish before I had to hit the showers. 8 strict chest to bar instead. Kip was trash and didn’t want to force it today.
Almost finished this. 15 burpees and one bike shy of 4 rounds. I really had to get out of there to shower and get to the train station and I didn’t want to risk it. Just happy I was able to come in and do some snatching! It feels so hard. Most Likely because I’m lacking rest days but i feel super out of tune with this lift. Partially because I have to do release my hookgrip at the top now to avoid putting pressure in the sensitive spot of my thumb. Will definitely need to practice this strategy so I can eventually get a new strategy for cycling hookgrip. Used to just hold onto the hook the whole time. Anyway, snatch is pain free as long as I change hand position at top. Sucks I still have to deal with this. The reason for original injury is so ridiculous.
A) 5 rounds – strength work:
65ft sled push – HEAVY – build from 300# rest 30 sec 25-30 ft HS walk rest walk 3 min
330 across! Hot damn!
HS walks were ranging 25-30, fell on last one. I was sort out of it tho because of the news about my family dog 🙁
B) Every 8 min complete:
10 dual KB cleans – 20kg/hand
60 double unders
Row for remaining time @1:58-2:05 split
x 4 rounds
Energy zapped not very consistent. But I did it! Started to get better at cleans as I went along.
Row info: was ranging 1100-1200 with each round, somewhere around 4600M total
1:56 is my best 2k pace. So my guess is that anything totaling 1000-1500 I could comfortably hold 2:00-2:05 in a crossfit WOD respectively for total rowing volume. If it’s 1000M and under in a workout I can for sure hold a race pace of
1:55. Definitely something to
Work on! Since I was going over 4000M my body and soul could only handle 2:10-2:15 today. I actually may be capable of more than this based off of how my morning was going I wasn’t feeling physically great, so who knows
With more engine work I may surprise myself!
C) Sustained pace:
2k ski – @2:40 or better split rest walk 5 min x 2 rounds
Done! Under the pace too! Playing around with a different pulling strategy, it was strong but idk if I’ll stick to it
Happy Thanksgiving! Such a fun class 8am class this AM. And then CRASH-Bs rowing! 16 strokes at minute, driving me nuts!
Also, total side note, I found I genuinely quite like burpees over the bar. Its the whole standing up straight part I don’t like. Its the same with box jumps, you know what I mean? I enjoy box jump overs, you just keep going.
Total side note 🙂