Back Squat / Front Squat
Back Squat: 2 x 5
Front Squat: 1 x 5
Heavier than Week 2.
Back Squat: 2 x 5 LP
Front Squat: 1 x 5 LP
Heavier than Week 2.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
2 Deadlifts 315/225
2 Box Jumps 30/24
4 Deadlifts 315/225
4 Box Jumps 30/24
6 Deadlifts 315/225
6 Box Jumps 30/24
8 Deadlifts 315/225
8 Box Jumps 30/24
Add 2 reps per round until time is called.
The Deadlifts should be on the heavy side for you and the box height should be challenging.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Anise and the Sacred Circle Theatre Company will perform again at this year’s CFSBK Art Show. Come through from 7 to 10pm on Saturday! The evening will also feature performances from CFSBKers Emily Asher and Paul Bennett and live tattooing by Jim Gentry. Go HERE to get on Jim’s waitlist
Anise on Women’s Strength Coalition
Hey, speaking of Anise F., she has an article up on Women’s Strength Coalition entitled “Residence in the Body: Physical Strength in Pursuit of Artistry,” and it’s about the relationship between her strength training at CFSBK and her artistic practice. Here’s a snippet: “‘Physical artist'” seems a simple way to place all of that under the umbrella of a performance-based art form that begins and ends with the most elementary plane of existence-the body itself. Lifting began as a way to get stronger and find a fitness groove that worked for me, and in doing both of those things, it also completely changed the way I approach my work.” It’s a great and important read!
Join Stacey C. for a Women’s Yoga Retreat in the Catskills!
A winter women’s yoga retreat in the Catskills with CFSBK member Stacey Cervellino (a certified mindfulness and breath work teacher) and Sharyn Hahn (a certified yoga and Ayurveda teacher).
Friday, February 1st to Sunday, February 3rd at Floating Farmhouse in Eldred, NY.
Nestled in the Catskills featured in Dwell and Architectural Digest, Floating Farmhouse is a mix of modern architecture and old-world charm.
More Info
The workshop includes: yoga, meditation, breath work, visualization/journaling, chakra balancing, Ayurveda, hikes, group meals, pizza made in the pizza oven, and a roaring fire in the evenings.
Cost: $375 for single or double accommodation, workshop, organic beauty samples, meals, wine, snacks, tea, and coffee. A $200 deposit is due December 1st.
For more details and teacher bios click this link, check out the evite, or contact Stacey at staceylcerv [at]
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Rest Between Sets Starting Strength
How One Community Built Their Box from the Ground Up Morning Chalk Up
LBBS: 220 x 5 x 2
FSQ: 180 x 5 (definitely a 5RM)
WOD: Finished the 14s + 6 deadlifts Rx.
This workout is my jam. After the 6s went to sets of 4/3 on the deadlifts.
Double KB Complex: 16kg, 16kg, 12kg
Started heavy and decided to go down from the third old – push press just crushed me.
WOD: 6:48 Rx. Tripped all over the place during this one. Thoughts I might go unbroken on wallballs – but definitely did not happen – and instead did 3 sets.
“This workout is my jam.”
No kidding. I was dying to know what you were going to get on this!
Kayleigh you are so f@$:)@/$: amazing! So strong!!! Insane!!!!!
AM SESH: starting to turn up the heat!! tough training day.
A)3 rounds – NFT:
12 alt cossacks
12 GHD hip extensions
30 sec SA plank/side
2 min row – increasing pace every minute
B)Back Squat
@20X2 3,2,1; rest as needed – not a max!
215×3, 225×2, 230×1 (fail)
Ughhhh. I tried to be conservative too on that last attempt. I don’t know I’m just stuck here. It’s really messing with my head game because I fail this number so many times I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I think I need to ditch backsquatting for awhile and try something novel to see if i can bust through this plateau. It’s getting ridiculous. Didn’t have a bad attitude today which is good, just super frustrating.
C)sustained pace – 80-85% Aer:
40 BJSD – 20″
25 TTB
50 burpees
25 TTB
40 BJSD – 20″
Good. All abdominal fatigue here!
Toes to bar weren’t the best because of it. But my kip wasn’t as organized today for some
15/10 1st set
7/5/4/3/3/3 2nd set
Everything else was good
sustained pace:
10 dual KB snatch – 16KG
50ft hand over hand sled pull – TOUGH
15 DB PP – 35#/hand
1k row
rest walk 3 min
x 3 rounds
OK this was so hard, i think i may have just been tired. but hot damn those DB PP! Still getting over my fear of DUal KB snatches.
rd 1: 7:47
rd 2: 7:20
rd 3: 7:14
total time to complete with rest 28:21
I was being a big baby at first. It was just an uncomfortable workout. 7/3 on first snatches and then 9/6 on PP..then i forced it unbroken and it was much better. Sled was 180 across. I am so bad at pulling the sled. Which means i should keep doing it lol. Row somewhere around 2:10 moving to avg 2:07
B)Weighted Dip
20X2 5,5,5,5; rest as needed
4 @ 20# (smoked), 3×5 @ 15# (better as i went along)
C)Assault bike
10k @56-58 rpm
17:18, proud that i was able to held on! good cardio pump. Put tape over my monitor so it didnt go by slowly. it worked.
10K on the bike after an AM and a PM sesh! You’re awesome!
ha!!! thank you! Geez so many compliments today you all makin me blush 🙂
7 AM with K Harpz and Ro. It is brick out that early, y’all.
Increased back squat to 285# x 5. Ro recommended paying more attention to my bracing, so I’ll be working on that. Held steady at 215# for front squat– my front rack is disgraceful, so balancing the bar is my biggest limit and frustration. My wrists have all the flexible grace of cinder blocks, so I have to keep pushing there.
Made it up to 10 reps with a 225# deadlift and 24″ box. Deadlifts were fine, but the box was intimidating! Definitely had some wobbly landings before I figured out how to land with support. It wasn’t until the last couple of sets that I realized I was effectively landing below squat depth– it felt secure, but I’m feeling every step of the stairs today. Still, have to earn those beers somehow.
I am starting to feel the losses by not doing accessory work.
AG strength, accessory work from KHarpz… that stuff works. I have been doing 6am and going straight to work… I feel so weak. Just doing group class isn’t enough to keep the gainz rolling…
HBBS 145 5×2. Same as week 2, but depth was better, so I’ll take it.
FSQ: 120 x5 *just* at depth. 2.5# more than week 2.
Wod: 135# Finished round of 12, then did 11 reps.
Could I have gone faster? How is Kayleigh so insane? How can I get stronger? Faster? Sigh… today I felt good about my workout… but my “numbers” are so stagnant and I just don’t have the time to have a life and do what it takes to get better.
I need help? Or time? 🙁
Just to throw it out there, after my kipping TTB workout, I feel officially cured by KHarpz. I don’t think I gave her an official shout out? Can’t remember!
I had done CrossFit for 3.5 years without injury. Generally very cautious about increasing weight, prioritizing form, etc… I didn’t think it would really happen with me. After several AGStrength cycles, the open, and huge gainz… I finally injured myself. Probably not eating enough, probably overtraining *without dealoading*… I got tendonitis/tendonosis. It wasn’t any one particular thing… but my shoulder completely lost mobility!
Working with KHarpz was the best possible experience one could have with an injury. I never felt hopeless or discouraged— she was super positive. She listened to anything that caused me the slightest bit of pain and would immediately change the exercise.
It was hard work…I put in a lot of time. But it worked. I don’t know how it worked, but it did! Katie is a genius. I have full range of motion and can do every exercise I couldn’t do before… better.
I want to continue incorporating this stuff, because it’s so important.
I also have a better understanding of exercise health in general. She also let me keep doing CrossFit and always have me good accommodations— I didn’t lose any capacity! I’m glad I had this experience… I learned a ton. And Katie made me realize that there is nothing we can’t overcome— it just takes “smart movement”. Her confident, cool attitude and my consistent improvement helped me realize I was in the best possible hands.
If you ever need to, see her immediately!!! You don’t have to stop exercising if you get an injury! There are millions of ways to accomodate. And retraining/building on and improving weaknesses will only make you stronger!!!
Thank you so much, Katie! You taught me so much. I truly appreciate your dedication!!!
AWWW ALLIEEEE THANK YOU!!!! This makes me so happy. So glad we were able to get you pain free and even better than before! This is such a wonderful message! <333
Gurl. I’ve been doing CF for almost 8 years and more than my fair share of Strength Cycles and I got through only the round of 10 and change.
Kayleigh is an amazing freak of nature. AS ARE YOU, with bodyweight movements! I’d kill for your strict muscle-up!
HBBS: 150x5x2
FSQT: 125x5x1
Knees caved in a bit last week on HBBS so planned to wear a belt today only to find out we are only in week 5 so opted not to use it. Keith gave a great cue that helped greatly. Instead of telling me to push my knees out, he told me to think of pushing into the outside of my feet or something like that. It worked. Hopefully I remember that next week! FSQTs felt surprisingly good and not nearly as tippy as usual! So glad I finally made the switch back to high bar even though I’m nowhere near my low bar numbers.
WOD: 14+1 @135# and a 24″ box
Back felt decent after the deadlift WOD last week so added 10# this week. Took my time on them to make sure I maintained good form. Thought I would be able to do them unbroken because 135 is light for me but they added up quickly. Started breaking them up in the set of 10.
Today’s swim:
5x200M, rested 2-3 min between splits
Forgot first time, 2:40/2:47/2:43/2:42
I have no idea what this honestly means since I have no concept of a good time. But I’m happy that I was pretty consistent. Swimming did not feel easy today. Was tired and sort of dead weight. But actually my last leg was the best because I remembered to keep a tight strong kick. I wish I could force that every time. It’s exhausting!