Hang Power Clean
Warm up and work up to a heavy triple Hang Power Clean. Focus on keeping loose arms through the pull, and even though these are Power Cleans today, still focus on dropping under the bar with good footwork, especially as it gets heavy.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
25 Thrusters 75/55
The barbell should be on the light side for you, unbroken on the top end. No where to hide today unless you dip into Brooklyn Boulders on the runs.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Can you do this? If yes, nicely done! If no, sign up for our upcoming workshop with the one and only Buddy Lee
CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope at CFSBK
Want to get better on the rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts. The workshop features longtime CrossFit proponent and 1992 U.S. Olympian Buddy Lee, who is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost jump-rope authorities. Participants will leave the workshop with clear paths to elusive jump-rope skills such as double-unders, triple-unders and more.
The CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope teaches participants how to:
- Use optimal biomechanics for jump-rope mastery.
- Properly set up jump-rope equipment.
- Correctly adjust the jump rope for optimal results.
- Use progressions that form the base of jump-rope techniques: basic jumping, speed jumping, power jumping (double-/triple-unders).
- Use visualization, imagery, breathing and relaxation techniques in combination with dynamic jump-rope path patterns (forward, backward, sideways, crossover, infinity).
- Program various jump-rope techniques into CrossFit workouts—beyond single-/double-/triple-unders.
What are you waiting for?
News and Notes
- Sick of medical bills, co-pays, deductibles, and rising health insurance premiums? This Saturday, October 27th from 7 to 9pm, CFSBK will screen Fix It: Healthcare at the Tipping Point. This 22-minute documentary takes an in-depth look at our dysfunctional for-profit healthcare system and shows how moving to a universal, single-payer system might impact you as a patient, a provider, or a business. Check out the event page for more details!
- Afternoon sessions of our Next Level Weightlifting Class with Coach Frank (Wednesdays and Fridays at noon) are cancelled until December. You can still get your Oly on on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights! Head over to the NLWC program page to learn more about this awesome class offering.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / Front Squat | Burpee Box Jump Overs, Deadlifts, Bar Muscle-Ups
You Don’t Have to Be Old and Broken CrossFit Journal
Don’t Think of It as a Diet Breaking Muscle
if i learn how to do triple unders in ripped jeans by the end of the seminar you can COUNT ME IN!
7am w/ Katie and Brett. Second-to-last class at SBK
Hang power cleans: 73×3, 83×3, 93×3, 103×3, 113×3. Felt pretty good today! Getting my hook grip back in is still one of the hardest parts of this for me. And making sure I stand all the way up in between each rep.
WOD: 14:12 (…or was it 14:21? my brain is playing tricks on me. whatever I wrote on the board.) RX. OH BOY. I sort of lost my nerve on the last set of thrusters and broke them up into sets of 5, dropping the bar in between. Not the smartest move…should have powered through. Did the first set as 12-13. I guess I blacked out during the second.
Noooo! When will your last class be???
I know! I wanna make sure I’m there!
tomorrow 7am!!
Cleans: 82-92-102-107-112
Wod: 12:00 RX
Made a plan not to have to sprint the runs if I went unbroken.
Did all three sets unbroken! But, I def paused at the top or rested on my shoulders in the final round.
Glad I did this. I feel proud! Got very nauseous at the end of the workout— probably the early morning, out late last night, only coffee in my belly thing? Skipped my accessory work AGAIN and laid on the mat, trying not to puke.
FSQ @ 32×1
3×3 @ 125 (EOMOM)
FSQ @ 20X1
5×5 @ 145 (E3MOM)
half kneeling arnold press
30×8 ea
35×6 ea x 2
EOMOM X 10 (5 sets)
push jerk + split jerk @ 121# (69%)
EOMOM X 10 (5 sets)
2 split jerks @ 141# (80%)
E3MOM x 9 (3 sets)
2 split jerks @ 147#, 152#, 152# (86%)
then wednesday’s group class WOD b/c it looked so fun! AND IT WAS!
7 rft
7 bbjo @ 20″
5 dl @ 185#
3 bar muscle up
time = 12:18
splits, give or take: 1:30, 1:45, 1:55, 1:50, 2:00, 1:50, 1:28
BMU felt f*cking great today
DL were heavier than I wanted them to feel, but oh well
A)3 rounds – NFT:
50ft crossbody carry – HEAVY
20 plyo lunges – 20″
30 sec SA plank/side
2 min bike – increasing pace every 30 sec
40/45/50# ea hand for crossover carry! 50 wasn’t terrible just hard to get overhead with my right thumb being a jerk. Pretty stoked I can manage that weight with a crossover carry couldn’t do that earlier this summer
B)5 rounds – strength work:
100ft sled push – HEAVY
rest 30 sec
20ft HS walk – unbroken
rest 2 min
5×100′ sled @ 300#
All 20ft walks unbroken!
This was making me a bit nauseous by round 4/5. Sled was moving well but those metcons kept slipping off! This was a badass superset I will definitely be good to go with hanstand walks after this
C)Sustained pace – 80-85% Aer
5 strict HSPU
10 push ups
15 BJO – 20″
20 cal row
rest 2 min x3 rounds
2:39/2:25/2:24- 11:27 total time with rest
Strict HSPU/push-ups unbroken. Finally figured out that jump and turn it took me a few tries. Wow this is a game changers by the end I found a really good rhythm. Rows kept to 950-1000 by rd 2/3 once I felt out the first round
D)Sustained pace – @56-58 rpm
5k bike, completed in 8:32
57 RPM was the sweet spot, that was sustainable for this distance but a legit grind after all of the leggie work. This is the kind of crap I need.
So stoked about starting this cycle to gear me up for WZA!!! Going in with a way better game plan this year has me very excited to compete. I start swimming next week!
HPCs: 83-88-93-98-103
Everything felt heavy today. Did two singles at108 and failed second rep both times. First time I wasn’t tight enough or committed and on the second one my right elbow didn’t get around as fast as my left and the bar fell out of my right hand and did something wonky.
WOD: 12:47 Rx’d
Runs: slow
Thrusters: 16-9, 16-9, 25