Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Check out this video about Dmitry D.’s life and work. CFSBK appears around 2:50. Learn more about Dmitry at and about his startup at!
Book a Massage with Leah D. Today!
Are your legs and shoulders sore after yesterday’s dumbbell complex? Or do you just want to take better care of your bod? We have some good news for you! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we recently began offering massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT!
Leah is a licensed massage therapist in the state of New York, where she was born and raised. A graduate of the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in 2009, she brings a decade of professional experience to her table. Shortly after obtaining her license, she earned additional certifications in sports and medical massage. She has worked in personal training studios, chiropractic offices, private studios, various gyms, community health centers, and at a variety of races and athletic events.
Leah maintains that truly skilled massage therapy has been the most effective modality for any physical ailments she’s personally dealt with, and has made it her mission to frame it in the larger discussion of physical rehabilitation. Her sessions are resolution-oriented, incorporating myofascial release, deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, ART, and rhythmic proprioception rebalancing.
In tandem with her massage therapy study, Leah is informed by her own experiences as a competitive powerlifter since 2012. She competes within USA Powerlifting and is a former New York state record holder in her weight class’s Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, and overall total in the raw open division. She has worked extensively with strength athletes since making lifting such an integral part of her life, so she understands common myoskeletal issues they often develop. While strength sport is her forte, Leah has a storied athletic background in dance and martial arts and is a former self-defense instructor. When not healing or training, she rides her Harley in an all-women motorcycle club and plays guitar in rock bands.
Monday: 9am to 2:30pm
Tuesday: 3pm to 8pm
Wednesday: 9am to 2:30pm
Friday: 9am to 2:30pm
Saturday: 4:30pm to 8:30pm
This weekend and next week Leah is extended hours on Saturday (12:3opm to 8:30pm), Monday (9am to 5pm), and Wednesday (9am to 8pm).
E-mail Leah at leah.decesare [at] to set up an appointment.
30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150
Cancellation Policy
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours are subjected to the full cost of the session.
News and Notes
- T-minus 5 days until Fight Gone Bad 2018! We’re currently at $11,629 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 47% of our $25,000 goal. Let’s crack 50% by the end of the day! Go HERE to donate to the team with the best name.
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a couple of weeks!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Dumbbell Complex | Push Presses, Burpess, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Grip Tips BarBend
3 Reasons You Might Need Fish Oil Athlete Daily
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat / Front Squat
2 x 5/1 x 5 LP
Heavier than last week.
2 x 5 /1 x 5
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
4 Rounds
AMRAP 2 Minutes:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Aim for consistent scores within a rep or two on each round.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx for each round to comments.
8 SA ring rows
20 sec hanging L-sit
8 burpees
2 min row/bike/ski/run – increasing pace
x 2 rounds
Bar muscle up practice
Sustained pace – 80-85% Aer:
5 bar muscle ups
rest 15 sec
20 BJO – 24/20
rest 15 sec
60 DU
rest 2 min
x 3 rounds
-SAME times per round
Haven’t blogged in a while! Making the most of BTWB.
6am w/Lauren doing Wednesday
Fitness HBBS: 150x5x2
FSQ: 120×5
Fine. Have lots to work on with ankle mobility and right hip rehab. After an assessment with Kharpz (10/10 would recommend), we found big ol’ flexibility imbalance between left & right ankles, most likely due to breaking that ankle & getting a messy re-set way back when. Excited to keep working on it & hopefully straighten myself out a bit.
WOD: 2+9, 2, 2+2, 2+2
Got over-excited about box jumps in the first round bc they are FUN so I don’t think I took a breath barely the whole 2 min. Paid for it in the second round, but was able to keep consistent after that. So many KB swings…
FGB is upon us. Gonna try to do the math to see how I can get to 300 reps w/my weaksauce row & wallballs. Either way it will be a fun day as always. After that it’s training for the Crow Hill weightlifting meet in December! Yikes!
i always copy and paste my BTWB into blog! protip
I can attest to Leah being able to fix you UP.
7 AM squatting w/Jess. 200 on the back squat, 165 on the front. I was a little nervous because I forgot my lifters and I didn’t have my belt either, but this was totally fine. Ahhhhhh I won’t be here next week for heavy triples! *cries*
I didn’t think the WOD was going to be terrible — I figured I’d act like it was just a particularly hard Short Circuit. It still smoked me pretty good. 50, 50, 51, 51 reps.
I was planning to do AG tonight but I think I might be too pooped to party…
made a last minute decision on Sunday to redo WOD 4, and i am SO GLAD i did. The improvement in my score ended up being a matter of 9 placements on the leaderboard! I knew WOD4 wouldnt trash me as much as WOD5 redo so it was a really really good choice. Feeling great today!
16 minute AMRAP:
Devil Press (20LBS)
Alt. DB Step-ups (20in)
2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, etc
spent about 45 min coming up with a proper pacing plan, which may not work for some but it works for me and ive found a lot of success from it!
average sec per reps (4.94 previous), parenthesis are what a 4.5 sec/rep split would look like. After video review this seemed quite unrealistic so I added in some time based off of average between those splits and when i actually finished them. Think its way more doable farthest on the right after the arrows is my gameplan for when i should be done with my sets:
2s, 0:18 (0:18) –>0:20
4s, 0:36 (0:54) –>1:00
6s, 0:54 (1:48) –> 2:00
8s, 1:12 (3:00) –> 3:15
10s, 1:30 (4:30) –>4:50
12s, 1:48 (6:18) –> 6:45
14s, 2:06 (8:24)–> 8:55
16s, 2:24 (10:48)–> 11:20
18s, 2:42 (13:30) –>14:05
I knew that if i changed the transition from the burpee to overhead i could save time by not doing a full kettlebell swing, turned it more into a snatch from the hang instead of like an american swing. It definitely helped! I rewatched video and i actually ended up starting the 20s at EXACTLY 14:05, crazy right? i nailed it 206 reps for a 12 rep PR!!!
i leapfrogged the leaderboard 12 slots this week, jumped from 33rd last week and am now tied for 20th!! i am SO HAPPY and excited. Motivated to keep the steam rolling and try my very hardest to seal the deal this week. This year is so much tougher, so many amazing athletes in my division, wow. Feeling some really GOOD VIBES and cant wait for the announcement for final WODs tomorrow night!
Go girl!!
Windmills up to 40# – Very much feeling these today in my sides.
Double KB Squats to 20kg x 2
WOD: 8:00 Rx.
Today (doing Wednesday):
LBBS: 215 x 5 x 2
FSQ: 175 x 5
WOD: 2 rounds + 11, then 2 rounds + 10 x 3
Happy to keep the consistency here. Not happy about the 201 KB swings all together.
Made up Sunday’s WOD afterwards (stared with the high pulls instead of the wallballs). Finished 3:07. That hurt more than I thought it would.
Monday 6:30pm w/ DO
Windmills are awesome, up to 35lbs on left arm, 45lbs on right arm. The imbalance is real. Squats with the yellow bells.
Metcon 8:40min Rx – happy that I can do C2Bs in a metcon! If that push press was 135lbs, this workout would have been better for me 🙂
Tuesday 10am w/ JFox
Back Squats 275×3 255×5 (realized it was too heavy for week 2, backed off)
Front Squats 215×5 (no problem)
Metcon Rx between 1+16 and 1+26 each round – no idea how people can go beyond two rounds on this. I’ll take my usual excuse and blame my height.
“no idea how people can go beyond two rounds on this.”
First AMRAP, feeling good, 20 KBS unbroken, 10 fast box jumps with quick turn-arounds, look at the clock… 1:10min! I’m like “oh WTF”.
Short people have such an advantage on CrossFit amirite :-p
that’s OK, Fight Gone Bad is for us talls
Mondays 430 class
Did all the kbs at 20lg bells after a warm up set. Did I think 4 sets total
8:something as Rxd
Then gymnastics at Chelsea piers today!
Hello from Buenos Aires, where the beef is good and the Malbec is even better. Managed to haul myself up the stairs to the hotel gym after quite the tango with some empanadas last night. Did 3 sets of 20 hollow rocks, 15 dips, and 10 pushups followed by 15 min on a bike and some stretching and lifting of dumbbells in directions that I *think* are good for me. Figure some movement is better than nada
63×4, 68
73×5, 78 (did an extra rep by accident because I didn’t wait 2 min between rounds)
83-88F (slow and lazy and didn’t punch up)-88×3
WOD: 5:31 Rx
Wall balls were wayyy off. No repped myself at least 5x. Hope they are ok on Saturday because they are my weakness. SDHL lit up my lower back- think I should be ok for FGB since weight is 10# lighter and I’ll take my time on them since I’ve done minimal deadlift type movements for volume.
Did my 5th Bulletproof workout for my back and I’m impressed with the immediate improvement. I can get out of bed and bend over to tie my shoe without any pain! Sunday’s BP workout was intense. The “15-20 minute” workout required three barbells of different weights, two different KBs and it took me 45 minutes to complete! Had to take an unplanned rest day on Monday because it was so hard and I didn’t even go that heavy. Last time I did BP was two years ago (for my shoulders) which was just as intense and it is also when I was over-training (also working on ring muscle up progressions at the time) and I injured my shoulder so need to remember to take extra rest days or pull back in group class occasionally.
Monday’s workout today:
Windmills: 15-20-25-30
FSQTs: 12kg-16kgx3
WOD: 10:01 Rx’d
PP: went 8-7 on the first set and knew immediately afterwards it was a mistake0 shoulders were dead. Did 3×5 on the last two sets.
C2B were in 3s except my last set where I no repped myself 5x. I think the first round of PP caught up to me.
Long, rambling post over.