Dumbbell Complex
4-5 sets, increasing load with each set:
5e Dumbbell Windmills
10 Kettlebell Double Front Squats
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
15 Push Presses 115/80
12 Burpees
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Scale to Chin-over-Bar or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update (T-6 Days!)
With less than a week to go until Fight Gone Bad, we’re currently at $10,108 raised for Brooklyn Community Foundation, which is 40% of our $25,000 goal. It’s not too late to start fundraising! Use this template we recently posted to email your friends and family. And even if you’re not taking part, you can go HERE to donate.
Did you know that we have been hosting our annual “Fight Gone Bad” charity event since 2008? Our fundraising efforts have benefitted a wide variety of charitable organizations in Brooklyn, with our total amount raised to date over $400,000. Let your friends and family know that you’ll be sweating for one of the best causes around. This year, our friends at CrossFit 718 will be running a concurrent Fight Gone Bad event and also raising money for BCF. Bonus!
Don’t forget that our top individual fundraisers will receive prizes from our generous sponsors: Brooklyn Brewery, Bareburger, Threes Brewing, Ample Hills, Shake Shack, Cafe Grumpy, ThirteenFit Apparel, Puori Supplements, Littlefield, Bear Komplex, Kick Axe, CrossFit Linchpin, Chameleon Coffee, Left Bank Restaurant, Fleishers, Abbotsford Road Coffee, Hungry Ghost, Respect Your Universe, Slant Shack Jerky, Herondale Farm, and Lululemon.
Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions:
Top 5 Teams:
- Gowanus Globetrotters: $1,840
- The Legwarmers: $1,775
- The Hollow Rocky Balboas: $1,775
- Swolier Than Thou: $620
- Richard Simmons & The Not for Times: $598
Top 5 Individuals:
- Charles S.: $2,865
- Mike I.: $1,650
- Patrick S.: $1,100
- Meredith S.: $540
- Coach David: $525
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Wall Balls, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
CrossFit’s Greg Glassman Disrupted Fitness. Next, He’s Taking on Healthcare Men’s Health
What’s the Point of Winning? NY Mag
Richard Simmons & the Not for Times might be my favorite team name of all time. I can’t wait to see those costumes!
7 AM with Ro and Lauren
Worked up to 30# with the DB and 16kg with the KBs. I probably could manage 20s but I’ll be squatting again tomorrow so I didn’t want to overdo it.
WOD in 7:30 with 35# DB push presses, burpees to DBs, and 5 strict chin-ups per round. After the first round I realized I should be doing the chin-ups as C2Bs and started doing that.
Chose this scale b/c my wrist was tingling during warmups. Grrrrrr :/
7am w/ Ro + Lauren
DB windmills: 15, 17.5, 20, 25. Think this was too light, but I’d never done these before so wasn’t sure. I like them!
KB FSQ: yellows felt sooo heavy, so dropped down to blues. I realize I need to get in the habit of referring to the KBs by weight, not color. Chances are my next gym (sad face) won’t have such excellent organization systems as SBK!
WOD: 8:35 with 73# on the bar and 5 kipping C2B pull-ups. Pull-ups actually felt good today, but I still think I scaled this right, since my split times were pretty consistent (just under 3:00). Stuck to a rep scheme of 8-7 for all 3 sets of push presses. Burpees were slow and steady. Pull-ups 3-2.
At least KB colors are kinda sorta standard? I think?
But yeah, wherever you go next is not going to be as organized as SBK. That’s pretty much a given.
4x (2-2-2, rest :20), rest 3:00 between clusters
@ 170# (75-80%)
emom x 8
a – 12 muscle cleans @ 85# (7-5) … GOT ROUGH
b – 14 box step ups, alt @ 24″
rest 5 min
emom x 8
a – 18 db push press @ 30# ea hand (unbroken for :30 in first round to find rep scheme… got super sh*tty)
b – 9 cal row (:30)
6.5 mile hike (i think?) with Penny. did not do what I thought i was doing… so that’s my estimation on distance. most of it was carriage roads, about 1.5-2 miles of it was trail and mud. all super easy.
10-15 min warm up…
cow/cat, around the worlds, lateral flexion
prone shoulder CARs, post sh capsule pails/rails, supine twist
hip CARs
90/90 hip internal rotation sequence
theraband shoulder activation circuit x 8 reps ea
jumped into Brett’s first piece. #REGRETS
3 sets
7 cal assault bike
3 ring muscle up (*2, 3, 2)
7 cal AB
5 bar muscle up
7 cal AB
10 ttb
1. 4:18
2. 3:33
*missed my grip on first jump to rings so then just settled for a double. second round was great. third round my swing got weird side to side somehow so i didn’t try for my third rep.
*was also on the super grody middle bar for my first set of BMU and had to come down and reset to a different bar. felt like 100 people’s dead skin cells mixed with rust were sliding under my hands.
clearly went way too hard in the second set to make up for all the mis-haps in the first, so I died trying to keep up with my pace on the third. finished 5 TTB in about 3:30, but just gave up on the last five and crumpled to the floor in defeat.
was holding a 60-61 rpm on the first round of bike, then started to gear up towards 63-64 in that second round. mistakes were made!
took a while to recover, then slowly made it through
single leg GHD hip ext: x10 left side only, still a bit of a mess
incline DB row: 40×8, 50×6, 40×10, 30×12 (with :03 pause at top)
contralateral carry: 80′ ea side, 16kg front rack and overhead
forgot to note there was 4-4.5 min of rest between sets in the bike/gymnastic piece