Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). We recently explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
Next Friday: Stronger Than Addiction Workout at CFSK
In our effort to create a community of support for people from all walks of life, we are hosting a FREE workout on Friday, September 21 at 7:00pm for anyone struggling with addiction, in recovery from addiction, or whose lives have been affected by addiction. Being around others who have been through the same experience will show you are not alone. Come connect with others in the community and get a great workout!
News and Notes
- 8 days left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018, a day full of fun costumes, badass athletic feats, and fundraising for a great cause! Go HERE to get in on the fun!
- Tonight’s 6pm Next Level Weightlifting Club class is cancelled, but 12pm class is still on. Coach Frank is headed to the American Open in Las Vegas. Good luck, Frank!
- Sunday’s 12pm Pilates class with Karina is cancelled.
- From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Kettlebell Swings, Burpees, Pull-Ups
5 Things I Learned From 8 Weeks of Ditching the Barbell BarBend
So I Broke My F*cking Nose The Players’ Journal
Saturday’s Programming
Team Sprint/Bench Metcon
In teams of 3:
4 Rounds:
In 5 Minutes…
400m Sprint
AMRAP Bench Press
Rest 5 minutes between rounds.
Partners run 400m together. Once all partners have returned from the run the bench pressing may begin. Every lift MUST have a spotter, with one partner bench pressing at a time while one partner spots. Rotating through in this fashion allows for the person who just finished to have a bit of a break before spotting. The 400s should be sprints. If your 400m time is over 2 minutes, scale the distance to 270m. For the Bench you should be able to complete a set of at least 10 reps when fresh, choose an appropriate scaling option accordingly. The goal is max reps overall so finish each set a few reps short of failure. Score load and reps.
Post load and total reps to comments.
Bench Press Load Options:
A) 135
B) 115
C) 95
D) 75
E) 55
F) 35
Oooh. Do I hate running even more than I love bench press? And do I love bench press even more than I love Strong Fit?
These are all questions that will be answered tomorrow morning.
10am snatchies w/Brett
Hang snatch complex: up to 83# with one missed low hang rep on the 9th set. Was most challenged to NOT short change the pull/full-extension in an effort to get down fast. Tough stuff – like it!
WOD: 6:34 scaled pull-ups to 15-9-6
Pretty stoked about how pull-ups went today!! Definitely the right scale to be able to keep moving – RX would’ve pushed me to failure and added 3+min. 1-2 reps might’ve been close to no-rep, but wanted to keep the pace. Doing Fran RX is a goal for this year, so I feel like I’m getting closer! KBS & burpees were fast & fine.