Back Squat
3 x 5 LP
Heavier than last week.
85% x 1, 85% x Max Reps (more than Week 3)
Warm up, then perform one single at 85% (of 1RM), followed by a max rep set at the same load. Use spotters, but aim to end the set 1 rep shy of failure. The goal is no failing.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
Power Cleans 135/95
Push Jerks 135/95
The loading is “Grace” weight, which is intended to be on the light side of medium. Use a weight you can throw around a bit, cycling in sets of at least 6 reps when fresh.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Introducing Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness at CFSBK
When we say, “We have it all,” we really mean it! Today we’re proud introduce Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, which is helmed by Coaches Jess and Chris Fox!
Know a lot (or a little) about nutrition but can’t seem to make it work for you consistently? Have you tried diets like Paleo, vegan, Zone, counting macros, counting calories, intermittent fasting, you name it… to no avail? Did it work while you were “good,” but was eventually too hard to maintain and you “got off track”? Programs that ask for quick, wholesale changes often end up this way. If you’re tired of starting over every few months to get “back on track” and are ready to commit to yourself for the long haul, there’s a different approach.
What we offer
Many people know what they should be eating but lack the structure necessary to do so consistently. At Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, we use a client centered coaching program to provide the structure and accountability you need to finally make nutrition work for you. It’s not a quick-fix, short-term diet. There’s no counting, complicated meal plans, or elimination of any particular food group. Working side by side with your coach over the course of a full year, you’ll develop the habits necessary to eat better today, tomorrow, and next week, and develop skills to be healthy for life.
Results you can expect
- A healthy relationship with food and the ability to enjoy it
- A deeper understanding of what foods to eat regularly and what serving sizes are appropriate, without the need to weigh and measure
- Independence from “dieting”
- Improved body composition and overall health
- Improved self esteem and confidence in other areas of your life
Skills and habits that you’ll work on
Goal setting and learning the difference between “what” to do and “how” to do it
- Eating mindfully and slowly, consistently
- Developing awareness of hunger cues
- Creating an energy deficit consistently (if trying to lose weight or body fat) or creating an energy surplus consistently (if trying to gain lean body mass)
- Eating high-quality, nutrient-rich foods consistently
- Getting enough protein, fat, “smart carbs,” vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
- Training consistently, frequently, and with appropriate intensity
- Improving sleep and recovery habits
Benefits of Alchemy Nutrition and Wellness Coaching
Regular communication with your coach to keep you motivated and progressing towards your goals
- Subscription to our online software system that serves as your hub for all aspects of the program, easily accessible from a computer, tablet, or smartphone
- An easy to navigate home page that charts and tracks consistency with daily habits
- Regular objective assessments (measurements and optional photos) to track progress
- Daily lessons on a variety of topics including: cooking, nutrition, mindfulness, prioritizing your own health, and the “why” of what you’re working on to help you develop the skills and behavior patterns necessary to achieve your goals
Head over to the Alchemy program page to learn more about how habit-based coaching works and how you’ll acquire the skills necessary to achieve your nutrition goals.
Nutrition Coaching Only
$150 billed monthly with a 12-month commitment
$125 prepaid with a 12-month commitment ($1500, a savings of over 15%)
Exercise Programming Add-On
Include exercise programming for an additional $50 per month! Exercise is the best accessory to nutrition for your body composition goals. Our exercise programming is individualized to your experience, goals, and level of ability. Similar to the nutrition program, you’ll learn through daily practice to build healthy exercise habits while developing a stronger body. Whether you’re a seasoned gym rat or have never exercised a day in your life, we can provide a program that meets you where you’re at and challenges you appropriately.
Questions? Contact Chris and Jess!
News and Notes
- From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
- Just 10 days left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018! Check out these fun action shots from last year, and go HERE to get in on the fun!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Martin Tye Deadlifts 500kg to Win World’s Strongest Disabled Man BarBend
Are Digital Devices Altering Our Brains? Scientific American
7am w/RoHarpz
HBBS: 160x5x3
Belted. Heavy.
WOD: 5:36 @ 83#
The bar was way too much in charge. Still quite fatigued from subway series, I think.
7 am with Ro and Katie
LBBS – 85% = 136# repped out at 8 – one more than last week. What was amazing is that Ro was spotting and cued, “knees out, bury it” and this made me think about knees out ON THE WAY DOWN which helped with depth. I don’t get the knees out cue very often but I think about it and tend to see it in others as a fight to stay out on the way up. Maybe this has always been obvious to everyone else but for me it was a game changer! (Thanks Ro!)
WOD – I was all goofed up…the bar felt slippy and my form was off and I stopped at 9 to get chalk at the front of the gym (I was at the back) and then I lost focus and went to the jerks after 12 reps. So I did an extra scale:
12-9-6 with 62# in 5:41.
In other news – I started AG Strength on Saturday. It’s hard and I’m still trying to settle in to where I’m at. (Stella, help that sentence!) That said, I’m pretty sure I’ll be cutting off any sleeves I have left on my garments. Great group – really fun!
My schedule is off this week. I did Sunday’s work before the amazing and great experience judging the Subway Series! Excellent work on that everyone!! Then I slept through Monday (rarely happens) and I had to attend a 9 11 memorial Tuesday morning so I did Monday’s work on Tuesday at 4:30 (starting to fail the 4th lift at 65# on the Press; glad to have the hook grip back on the DL but spoiled myself with the yellow bar, back to blue 145# and 2 at 175# – grrrr). Then on to AG Strength at 6pm then back today at 7am.
I’m off to Portland with Joy to visit Pigeon and see Alex and Matt! Will report on any drop ins and will see you all next week!
AM sesh:
A)2 Rounds @aer
10 min ski
10 min AB
10 min row
2hr pace
Rd 1: 97/81/117
Rd 2: 97/74/116
PM sesh:
A)Barbell Bench Press
@2011 6,4,2 reps, rest as needed
Whew!! Tough but hella ya. Shoulders feel good today
B1)Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
@3011 4-6 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×6 @ 45#
Gonna stick with this for now
B2)Chest Supported Incline DB Row
@3011 4-6 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×6 @45#
Tough but doable!
A)Back Squat
@2012 1,1,1 build to a tough single, no misses, rest 2-3 min
@2011 85% 3 sets, 4 reps, rest 1-2 min
195 3×4
not bad given how my legs felt yesterday! was smart today for weight choice
B1)Muscle Up
@6 unbroken reps, 4 sets, rest 30s
1×5, 1×5, 1×6!, 1×5
I busted one of my thumb muscles throwing something earlier so the catch position didnt t feel awesome in the fatty pad of my hand. i know its not a big deal so i did it anyway. figured out something new in the backswing of my kip to get that extra. a little elbow flex in extension gets a really legit whip to the catch. If i do this next time i should be able to get all 6 when im not babying the catch in my hand.
B2)Handstand Walk
@25ft unbroken, 4 sets, rest 30s
3×25, last set i sort of flopped. hand got annoying
B3)Wall Ball
18 unbroken reps, 4 sets unbroken, rest 3 as needed.
20lb ball
4×18, good!
C)2-4 sets @ 85% effort
12 cal AB
15 burpees
15 kbs, 24kg
solid, recovered way before 10:00
Out of the posting habit! geez!
First: congrats to the Foxes for launching their nutrition coaching business, officially! It’s clear that you are already making a great impact in people’s lives through this aspect of your work. Awesome!
Currently working my way through the Precision Nutrition coaching program as well, and aim to be finished within the next few months — I’m learning so much through the process and it’s already changed the way I work with clients/athletes. Three cheers for a growth mindset and lifelong learning!
Subway Series results/recap:
A. Partner Chipper, For Time:
50 DU / 25 Thrusters @ 65#
50 / 20
50 / 15
50 / 10
Alternate A & B partners until each person has done all the work.
Time = 10:11
Jess started and did the whole f*cking thing unbroken. I stuck with my plan and tried not to die. A lot of staring at the floor during my rest periods; focused on slowing down my breathing.
Thrusters: 15-10, 11-9, 9-6, 10
DU’s unbroken except for one trip I think?
Recovery: immediately went across the street and sat on the assault bike at a very low pace for 18 minutes. my legs began to feel like legs again.
B. 10 min to each hit a max weight on the complex:
5 DL + 1 hang clean + 3 FSQ + 1 shoulder to overhead
no re-grip of bar on floor, must be touch and go.
we debated a bit about where to start on this one, but I think we did it right!
145# , 155# (press out jerk, but… crossfit!), 160# – Failed the jerk.
was so stoked to hit a really snappy hang clean on 160 and make it through the squats. was just so fatigued by the time I got to the jerk that I didn’t organize/commit very well. video review shows i was low enough, but didn’t push my head/chest through at all, so had to chase it forward. good to know! I need to shut off the part of my brain that says I can’t get under it and just commit 100%.
C. 15 min synchro amrap of death:
30 cal row
25 burpee box jumps
20 alt DB power snatches @ 35#
2 rounds + 46 reps
BBBJ rhythm was smooth! held on through the rows. so much suffering.
seated db press 3×8 @ 20×1 @ 25#, 30#, 30#
heavy 5 deadlift @ 205#, for quality, not looking to push the weight here today
NFT work with bike, rope climb, and push ups was fun!
BSQ: moderate 3 @ 30×1, just get the legs moving
135, 155, 165
CGBP @ 30×1
75×5, 95×5, 105×3, 115×3, 125×2 // drop: 95×8
single leg RDL @ 20×1 (double KB)
3x10L/8R @12kg each hand , 2x10L/8R @ 16kg ea hand
bicep blast: L side only w/ voodoo band @ 7.5#
20-15-12-10-10, rest :30 between
oh baby, that pump!
cooldown stretch 🙂
Congrats on the Subway Series!
I’ve officially hit a new milestone: I closelined myself with my own bar. Why press a bar over your head, when you can press it directly into your chin?
Luckily I wasn’t putting much effort behind it—it was a 7 AM warmup afterall.
Hip is still feeling weird, so I did 2 sets of 5 squats at 63 and 1×5 at 83.
Started the wod at 73 then quickly scaled to 63—damn did that bar feel heavy. 6:17, which I’m happy with, seeing as I love sprinting as much as I love licking doorknobs.
(clocking myself on the chin with a barbell, that is)
HBBS: 145x5x3
Can’t hide crappy form as easily with high bar as I can with low bar. Engaging more muscles overall to maintain form which makes these HARD despite this being light weight. Overall, form is improving because I got compliments from Lauren and she is ON me about my squat form.
WOD Rx’d in 7:38!!
Thought I could do this in just under 6 minutes. Definitely was humbled today. I usually do singles for Grace to avoid jacking my heart rate up and still have a decent time. Cycling cleans changed everything. Heart rate jacked up so took lonnggg breaks which included getting chalk in between each small set. Probably chalked up about 6+ times in this short workout! Today would have been an excellent day to wear my douchey “Chalk the f*ck up” tank. Jerks were easiest park but also needed to take a few seconds before starting to make sure I could stay braced for longer sets. Last rep was not so pretty though.
Cleans: 4-4-4-2-1, 3-3-2-1, 3-2-1
Jerks: 5-5-5, 5-4, 6
6:30pm with Keith and David
Back Squat 295×1, 295×7 (2 more than previous week)
Metcon 4:20 Rx – this hurt a lot. I wish I had had the mental fortitude to not put the bar down in the set of 9. Broke into 8-6-1/8-7, 4-4-1/5-4, 5-1/6. My type of workout, just wish they were hang power cleans.