Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t fret! We are still open, of course, and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). We recently explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
Coach Brett and Phil S. throwing down at last year’s Subway Series event at CFSBK
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The 2018 Subway Series starts right here at CFSBK this Sunday, September 9th at 12pm. Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf!
2. We’re running on a modified schedule that day. You can find that schedule right here.
3. We’re still on the hunt for volunteers to help out with set up/break down, judging, and scorekeeping. It’s a great way to get involved and make some new gym buds, even if you don’t want to compete. Email David [at] Email David [at] if you’re interested. We really need your help!
4. Want to get better at Olympic lifting? We recently added 2 additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes from 12 to 1:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, and today’s class is free. There’s no need to register beforehand. Just show up and get your Oly on!
5. A new cycle Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class starts tomorrow, and there’s just one spot left. Better grab it!
6. Want to explore the world of rings? No, not the hobbit thing. Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken Haller as he takes you through 5 weeks of gymnastics strength training starting Thursday, September 9th. This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Check out Wednesday’s post for more info!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Toes-to-Bars, Burpee Box Jumps
Split Jerk, Power Jerk & Squat Jerk: Why & Who? Catalyst Athletics
Whale-Watching in New York City The Outline
Saturday’s Programming
Ring Muscle-Ups
Spend 12-15 minutes doing 5-6 sets of one (or more) of the following options. Choose the one that best suits your area for improvement.
A) Transition Strength: 2-3 Leg/Band Assisted Low Ring Transitions with a 3 second pause in a deep dip at the finish of the transition
B) Stability: 5-10 Second Top and Bottom Ring Supports. Be sure to squeeze the rings in close to the body and use toes on floor as needed.
C) Pulling/False Grip Strength: 2-3 False Grip Ring Pull Ups + 10 Second False Grip Hang
D) Transition Skill/Stability: Jumping Muscle-Ups with a 3 second pause in a deep dip in the finish of the transition before pressing out the dip.
Post work to comments.
15 Rounds for Time:
4 Handstand Push-Ups
2 Muscle-Ups
1 Deadlift 315/225
Scale HSPUs to 1 AbMat, 1xWall Walks, or 1 x Dumbbell Push Presses as needed. If you have a few Dips and Ring Pull-Ups but don’t quite have Ring Muscle-Ups yet, sub Jumping Muscle-Ups. Otherwise scale to 1 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or Jumping CTB Pull Ups. They are a sub for Ring Muscle-Ups and are only 2 at a time, so choose a challenging scaling option. The Deadlift should be on the heavy side for you.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Dropped into Crossfit Lumos @ Austin, TX yesterday, and took class with the one and only Noah! Lumos is awesome, y’all should come to Texas to check it out.
Skill: Hang Snatch (3-3-3-3)
95, 115, 125, 135 – no problem, happy with these, could have gone higher.
– Hang Power Snatch @ 75lbs
– OHS @ 75lbs
– DUs (x2 reps)
18:10min Rx’ed. That round of 21 in the middle was *awful*. I was on pace to finish around 15min, but this workout really hit midway through and it was very hard to breathe (it wasn’t even that hot by Austin standards).
7am doing Thursday with Brett
Snatch complex: up to 93, fail at 98
Might’ve been a little greedy but the pull felt SO solid, just didn’t punch enough in the catch. Really happy to get 93 (90%) w/some ease this week.
WOD: 6rnds + 1 ttb, scaled to 6 ttb/super close hanging leg raise
Many TTB were still like 2-3in from the bar – ugh. Also scaling this meant hella burpee box jumps.
Yesterday 8:30pm Group Class
Snatch Complex
Worked up to 155lbs, was hoping to get 170 but this complex felt a lot tougher than last week’s
5 Rounds + 5 T2B
Did all 5 sets of 12 toes to bars unbroken. 🙂