Saul M. and his daughter repping our CrossFit Kids program while kitesurfing in Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, Canada
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t fret! We are still open, of course, and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post).
2. Struggling with your Pull-Ups? Stuck at the bottom of your Handstand Push-Up? A new cycle Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class starts on September 8th, and there’s just one spot left. Who wants it? Go here to grab it!
3. In another super useful video, Coach David talks us through shoulder position in the Dip—what a good Dip looks like and how it’s surprisingly similar to the good old Squat. Put it into effect next time Dips are on the menu!
4. Save the date! Fight Gone Bad, our annual workout/fundraiser/costume party/all-around-fun day, goes down on Saturday, October 20th, 2018. You won’t wanna miss it! Head over to the event page for details.
5. Want to get better on the ol’ jump rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts.
6. Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the 8th annual NYC Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year. This year the action kicks off right here at CFSBK on September 9th! We’re looking for volunteers to help out with set up/break down, judging, and scorekeeping on the day of the event. Email David [at] if you’re interested!
7. We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Monday, September 3rd for Labor Day, but there will still be plenty of chances to get your fitness on! Head over to the Schedule page to find out what you can expect!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Front Squats, Handstand Push-Ups
What Is An EMOM Workout? And Why Is It Effective? BarBend
You Cannot Escape Jet Lag, Only Embrace It The Outline
Saturday’s Programming
Partner WOD
AMRAP 24 Minutes:
60 Calorie Row (or 40 Cal Bike)
60 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
60 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
60 Burpees
60 Dumbbell Power Snatches, Alternating 50/35
With one partner working at a time and sharing the reps as desired, move through the workout chipper style. Aim to keep a steady pace throughout. If/when you complete the Dumbbell Power Snatches, return to the row.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
This sounds frightening. I’m glad I’m in Seattle 😛
(ha, you know I would’ve been at Strong Fit/Short Circuit anyway)
It took me a sec to note that it’s a partner workout. Talk about frightening!
Wasn’t planning on coming to the gym today, since I had a 5pm flight to catch, bags to pack, etc. Woke up, saw the partner WOD with a bunch of stuff I like, and couldn’t resist getting a sesh in before travel.
12pm with Whitney
Metcon 1+221 Rx with Paul
Terrible but a lot of fun. We started off FAST, as Paul rowed the first 30cals in :43s. The first row immediately took me to 90%, wall balls were ok, but the HPC were much harder than I expected. The whole second round was at 95%+, just trying to keep moving. I’m guessing that some group might make it to 2 rounds on this one. We split it 30 each, 15e, 5e, 5e, 10e. Second round we did 15e, 10e, 5e, 5e.
Off for 10 days travelling – Boulder and Austin, hope to run into Noah at Lumos. Anyone has recommendations of CrossFit places in Boulder?
8am w/ Whit doing Saturday
Super fun partner workout! Teamed up with Jill and JB; we got one full round + something like 88 reps. We all kind of did our own thing scale-wise; I did the HPC at 83# and the wall balls and DB snatches RXed. This is how we split it up:
Row: 15 cals
Wall balls: sets of 10
HPC: sets of 5
Burpees: Jill and I traded singles (I recommend this! Keeps your pace steady) while JB crushed all 60 on her own like a boss
DB snatches: sets of 10