Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 10:
Hang (Knee) Snatch Pull + Low (1″) Hang Snatch Pull + Low Hang Snatch
Pause for a 2 count 1 inch from the floor at the Low Hang position before the Snatch. Focus on staying balanced and finishing your pulls vertically by extending the knees and shrugging the shoulders. The time that you’ll be hanging on to the bar and maintaining tension for this complex will limit the load. Build only to a point that feels heavy but allows for perfect execution.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
7 Front Squats 135/95
7 Handstand Push-Ups
The barbell comes from the floor and should be light enough to perform the reps unbroken. The first rep of each set can be a Squat Clean. Kipping is allowed on the HSPUs. Scale them to 1-2 AbMats, Box Piked, or regular Push-Ups as needed. When scaling, choose an option that allows you to score 5+ rounds.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
We can’t guarantee that the CrossFit Jump Rope Workshop we’re hosting in November will get you jumping rope like Buddy Lee, but it’ll definitely make you better! (Seriously, watch this video.)
November 3rd: CrossFit Jump Rope Workshop at CFSBK
Want to get better on the rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts. The workshop features longtime CrossFit proponent and 1992 U.S. Olympian Buddy Lee, who is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost jump-rope authorities. Participants will leave the workshop with clear paths to elusive jump-rope skills such as double-unders, triple-unders and more.
The CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope teaches participants how to:
- Use optimal biomechanics for jump-rope mastery.
- Properly set up jump-rope equipment.
- Correctly adjust the jump rope for optimal results.
- Use progressions that form the base of jump-rope techniques: basic jumping, speed jumping, power jumping (double-/triple-unders).
- Use visualization, imagery, breathing and relaxation techniques in combination with dynamic jump-rope path patterns (forward, backward, sideways, crossover, infinity).
- Program various jump-rope techniques into CrossFit workouts—beyond single-/double-/triple-unders.
What are you waiting for?
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Deadlifts, Burpees
Mastering the Bar Muscle-Up CrossFit (video)
Good Riddance to the Red Delicious, an Apple That Sucks Slate
Tested my bench 1RM in OG. Thanks Sacha for spotting (and Jared for offering)! Hit 150 easily. 160 was a struggle. I strained my low back a bit trying to keep my butt planted on the bench, so I called it there. I was hoping for 165, but 160 is still a 5# PR so I can’t complain.
I mean, I did say my goal this cycle was to bench “burrito weight” (i.e., my bodyweight after I have housed a burrito and possibly a couple of margaritas). Pre-strength cycle, my PR was my bodyweight, but it was my 6 AM dehydrated bodyweight. So now my PR is at burrito weight, yay!
Lololol I love this logic, Stella.
This speaks to me.
I always used to think of my weight as “on a good day” vs “on a bad day.” It always felt wrong to have positive/negative associations. I love these labels so much more.
And way to crush everything, Stella!
I never even thought about how nonjudgmental I was being of myself in coining the term “burrito weight.” 😃
I thought you meant bodyweight plus Dan L’s doggie.
That’s so mean! I would never eat Dan’s dog! 😛
Yea! You crushed that 160# bench press. Way to go Stella!
Woohoo! Congrats Stella! 💪💪💪
7 am with Katie
Snatches: “Keep that bar a little closer.” Stayed at 53# to work on that. I also concentrated on loose arms. lats back, and pushing my feet down into the floor.
WOD: That did not go as planned at all! I thought this was going to be fun. I had a note in my journal from the recent front squat/burpees over the bar/TTB WOD we did not long ago, that 73# was too light. I had it in my head to go up 10 lbs but with the heat n all today I kept it at a 5# increase = 78#. That ended up being a grind! So slow! So much “talk” in my head! Got to the HSPUs. Game time decision to scale to 5. In the 2nd round I almost added a 2nd mat and then decided that since I scaled to 5 I had to tough it out (this was another long debate in my head). At the end of 7 mins I still had 4 HSPUs to go to complete 4 rounds so I did them. So, 4 rounds but I was closer to 8 mins. Gahhh. 2 sets of 3 and 1 set of 2 pulls ups to cash out.
“I thought this was going to be fun.” <– cracking me up
goooo Stella!
7am with Jess + Katie
Snatch complex: worked up to a conservative 68#. I’m sooo out of practice with snatching. Just trying to remember how to do it!
WOD: 3 rounds + 5 FSQ and all the scaling. Squats at 73# which was pretty easy, probably should have gone heavier, but at least it kept me moving. 7 HSPU the first 2 rounds; they disappeared on me after 5 in the 3rd round. Used one abmat.
Love it, Stella.
10 AM with Jess and the hordes.
Snatch work 63/73/83/93/3×103/3×113 (all fails on the snatch).
Trying to get faster! each rep at 113 was better, finally committed to getting under on the last one and then wasn’t strong in the catch.
WOD- 6 rounds +4 reps at 93# with singled legged piked box HSPU (it’s all the rage).
(huge) 10am class
Snatch Complex
95 up to 140 for a few before back down to 125
6 + 13 (really, Chris?) as Rx’d
Shoulders were smoked.