Back Squat
3 x 5 LP
Heavier than last week.
75% x 5, 75% x Max Reps (more than week 1)
Warm up, then perform one set of 5 at 75% (of 1RM), followed by a max-rep set at the same load. Use a spotters, but aim to end the set 1-2 rep shy of failure. The goal is no failing.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
2008 CrossFit Games Deadlift/Burpee Event
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees
10 minute cap
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here’s Janet U. representing CFSBK while shooting on location for Vice. Going somewhere fun as this hot, hot summer winds down? Be sure to send photos of yourself repping CFSBK at said somewhere to Josh [at]!
Register Now for the 2018 Subway Series
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the 8th annual NYC Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year. This year the action kicks off right here at CFSBK! Here’s the whole schedule:
Sunday, September 9th: CFSBK
Sunday, September 23rd: CrossFit Virtuosity
Sunday, October 7th: CrossFit Queens
Sunday, October 21st: CrossFit Gantry
This year’s Subway Series is using a team format (M/M and F/F), and there are both Scaled and Rx’d divisions, so we hope as many CFSBKers as possible will sign up. As you can tell from last year’s photos, it’s a really fun series.
What are you waiting for? Sign up!
News and Notes
- We’re looking for volunteers to help out with set up/break down, judging, and scorekeeping on September 9th. Email David [at] if you’re interested!
- Are your back and shoulders sore after Monday’s Press/Deadlifting combo? We have some good news for you! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we’re very happy that we’re now offering massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT! Book an appointment today!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Tao of Eating Breaking Muscle
Can CrossFit Make You a Faster Runner? Runner’s World
7am sweat w/RoHarpz
HBBS: 150x5x3
Knees out.
WOD: 4:37 scaled to 135#
Thought I might do 155 but scaled bc sore low back. This might have been the right weight either way, was able to keep moving start to finish.
I see you ladies posting incredible scores on this one!
7am w/ Katie + Ro. So fun to be back in class with all my 7am buddies!
Performance squats: 142.5×5, 142.5×10. Not sure if that’s 1–2 reps shy of failure or not…how do you know, really? Might have had a few more in me, but I’m fine with this. Come to think of it, that’s probably a 10RM (is that a thing?).
WOD: 6:11, 165#. Warmed up to 185…it felt HEAVY and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to maintain touch-and-go. Think this was the right scaling choice for today. It’s been a deadlift-y few days and I’m really feeling it. Also, this heat is kinda killing me!
Kirby! Get yourself on Beyond the White Board. It’s a thing! It’s been keeping me honest lately in a way that flipping through my journal cannot.
I second what everyone else said. I also want to add, even though it’s hot as shit, epsom salt bath.
This was for Jaimie lol. This is what I get for doing blog posts on the subway.
HBBS: Performance, maxed out at 150×12
Metcon: 6:20 first round Rx, then dropped down to 165# for the rest. Reps unbroken.
I am really mad at myself – my lower back is in so much pain right now from the deadlifts. I can hardly bend over or crouch down, and putting my pants on this morning was a real struggle! I asked Ro about my form and he said my back stayed flat, though on the last set I believe my knees caved in a bit.
So I’m not totally sure what happened or how I can avoid this next time, except that I definitely will err on the side of caution/lighter weight when doing DL’s for time in a metcon.
I am really really hoping this goes away on it’s own! If anyone has advice or suggestions for relieving the pain, please let me know 🙂 Thank you!
I have no advice or suggestions (other than to listen to your body and do what’s best for you?), but hope you feel better soon!!
Hi Jaime. So sorry that you are in pain but a similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago after lifting heavy on the deadlifts. I couldn’t bend over and putting on my pants was a struggle. I felt a lot of soreness in my lower back but my glutes tightened up. This is what I did:
I applied an ice pack on my butt and back area to reduce the inflammation. Put a towel on the ice pack so it doesn’t irritate your skin. You may also massage the area with any cream that has menthol in it so you will feel a cool, minty sensation in that area.
I rolled around on a tennis ball to release the knots in my glute muscles (Do a google search on myofascial release). The pressure points hurt like hell but afterwards, I was looser and could bend over. A massage therapist taught me how to do it so it may be easier for you to go for a massage. I have a foam roller at home so I rolled out on that also. Afterwards, I spent some time stretching by bending over at the waist a few inches at a time. I also laid on my back with my legs stretched out in all kinds of directions.
It may be helpful to take some pain killers like ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation. It may take a couple of days for you to feel relief but keep moving. Do some light exercises if you can to keep the blood flowing to your back and butt muscles.
This was my experience and I hope it helps you. Feel better!
I feel like DO had some magic exercise for back spasms that involves lying down with raised bent legs and squeezing a med ball between your knees.
But I can’t remember exactly how it works 🙁 DO, halp?
Oh, one more thing: how can you avoid this next time? Well, it could be that your form was off while doing the deadlifts or the weight was too much. Maybe you didn’t suck the stomach in or rounded your back too much or as you said, your knees caved in. I experienced this while doing strength cycle and Jeremy corrected my deadlift form and I was fine afterwards. This may or may not have been the case for you. Feel better!
Hey Jaime! Wish I had known this happened. Shoot me an email we’ll try and get to the bottom of it
It sounds like a basic back spasm. They FEEL like your world is ending, but its just that the muscles in your back have contracted in order to minimize spinal movement which makes moving around very difficult. My recommendations as a first approach to this are Heat, Friction and gentle movement coupled with deep breathing to try and release the muscle contraction.
I like laying on your back with your heels on a chair or any elevated surface and using one of the alpha balls (blue, soft softball sized balls we have) and rolling out the affected areas. Also getting on your hands and knees and rocking back and forth, gentle rotation and stretching while you breath, finally some supported hinging. put your hands on a table and bend over like you’re doing a deadlift and move in and out of that range slightly unloaded to begin to move through that position again.
Even if your back was flat, you may have overextended at the top causing a spasm. These take 1-2 weeks to feel normal again on average
Best of luck, reach out to Katie!
WOW thank you to everyone who responded here and via email. You guys are the best! Really great tips. I’m going apply heat and go through some of the movements you guys recommended. And email Katie, of course!
DO – I didn’t know overextending at the top could cause a spasm, I probably do that every single time! I always lean back a little at the top to make sure that I’ve locked it out to count as a full rep.
I’m actually going on vacation this weekend, so I’ll use this as an excuse to keep it easy breezy. Thanks again, everybody! I really appreciate it. Couldn’t love this community more if I tried.
“My recommendations as a first approach to this are Heat…”
The only time DO will ever recommend a hot shower 😉
HA! True Facts
Jaime. I had that earlier this week after the DLs on Monday followed by GHD sit ups. It started hurting about an hour later. Was terrible on Monday night. I rolled out and took motrin. I skipped the gym on Tuesday out of a sense of caution and it’s all the way better today. Hope you can report the same! Careful about sitting lots today.
This message is for Lizzie:
Lizzie, if you are reading this, I hope that you are able to snag at least one of the Justin’s cashew butter samples that are currently on the table at the front of the gym. After last Saturday’s Short Circuit QOD, you are the first person I thought of when I saw those.
P.S. Ladies be rockin’!!
LBBS: 200 x 5, 200 x 10
Same as last time, but felt appropriate with heat and fatigue.
WOD: 3:23 Rx. This workout is my jam. Let me get in a time machine, go back 10 years, and head to the ranch.
Cash Out got rough real fast using the 20# DBs, fun with Kate and Morgan.
Some Flight Simulator afterwards to get a boost of cardio (was going to bench, but arms were dead after a StrongFit/AG combo platter last night). 14:20. Tripped on the 30s on the way up and down, but that’s it. Took my time between each set.
HOLY WOW Kayleigh that’s $#*@!!!! FAST!
(not that anyone is surprised)
I just googled “Flight Simulator workout” and now I wanna try this! Also, you’re amazing.
My goodness. Not that I’m surprised *at all* but you continue to impress me every time! Keep up the great work, Kayleigh! Loved having you at 7am today!
Just a quick comment to encourage folks to schedule a massage session with Leah!
I did the 90 minute a couple weeks ago… went in with a nagging angry shoulder. I felt that Leah really listened during our initial conversation. My shoulder so much better the next day, it may sound hyperbolic but it was almost magical.
Before my session I had been nervous about strict pressing overhead and I’ve been back on it since and feeling g-o-o-d.
This morning was pure swamp in the Box…
Hit 225X5 and then for 12.
The heat left me really fighting for air on Round 4 and I just tried to push through everything to get to the finish.
3:41 @185
The hammers and pulls left me with T-Rex arms. 6rds plus my 1/2 of the round.
I totally need to set up something with Leah, but it might not happen for another week.
Started off my week still feeling majorly bummed about fake regionals news. Feeling more positive that rumors are dumb and maybe it will all work out the way its supposed to in the end. Had a good training session yesterday despite the heat:
AM sesh:
A)2 Rounds @aer
10 min ski
10 min AB
10 min row
2hr pace
Ski: 88/89
AB: 75/66
Row: 103/99
Sliced 1 min off of ski and row (total 56 min) because i had to run a group class and started 5 min later than i wanted to. Legs were feeling lazy today. Couldn’t get em to move! Yesterday was so hotttttt
PM sesh:
A)Back Squat
@2012 1,1,1 build to a tough single, no misses, rest 2-3 min
@2011 75% 3 sets, 7 reps, rest 1-2 min
215/235/245 (F)– i really thought i had 245 i wasn’t trying to be a bone head. 235 felt so fast. after checking video footage i now see i should have only gone up 5 lbs and that would have been perfect. I honestly think some of this is mental. I was initially pretty angry at myself for missing it and then remembered it was 95 degrees, it was my second session of the day and i had been coaching for 4 hours straight. So that might slightly affect my numbers : )
3×7 @ 175#, solid
B1)Muscle Up
@2-5 unbroken reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
3×5, these are feeling good, no shoulder pain
B2)Handstand Walk
@20-25ft unbroken, 3 sets, rest 30s
3×25! feeling controlled and BREATHING! cant wait to apply this to workouts and see if that holds true
B3)Wall Ball
16-18 unbroken reps, 3 sets unbroken, rest 3 min
20lb ball
3×18, playing around with a faster turnaround. Im a slow wallballer. getting the hang of it yet it spikes HR
1 mile jog
5k AB
2k row
indoors because it was too damn hot!!!
1 mi jog on air runner (BRUTAL) i used to be way better on this thing i forgot how hard it is. I can’t believe i ran a 5k on it last winter before WZA!
Jog- 10:14
AB- 9:31
row- 9:00
I had to go in a very strange tunnel of my brain to get this done in the heat. Had the portable BAF pointing directly at me and i just stared straight ahead and said over and over in my head “im an exercise robot” lol!! for whatever reason it actually worked and i managed to keep a really solid pace without getting my HR up. limbs were moving slow. EASILY drank 90 oz of water yday so thats good
cant wait to go to ireland tomorrow!!!!
Repeating my question from yesterday, since this morning I woke up to an inch of water in my bathroom (eeeeeeeuuuuuuwwwwwww!!!!) and could not come in to test my bench 1 RM. (Christine, I’m really sorry if you were looking for me!)
Is there anyone who’ll be doing Open Gym tomorrow morning any time between 7 and 8:30 AM who would be willing to spot me for 3-4 attempts at 1RM bench? If yes, email me (stellavision, gmail). You will have my undying gratitude and I’ll buy you the drink of your choice from the gym fridge.
Ugh so sorry about the flood! I did see your post earlier, OG was lonely and sad this morning 😉
I’ll likely be there tomorrow morning in OG. Holler when you’re ready.
10am group class sweat fest
high bar bsq
(45×8, 95×5, 135×4, 155×3)
-felt a little wobbly today; def had 1-3 more reps in there but no need to push it
3:25 RX’d
I am so stoked on that time! Been working on improving my hinging strength, battery, and tolerance at heavier weights… and the result on this one shows me that it’s working!
Didn’t look at the clock. Just stuck to the plan. Very quick transitions, smooth through the burpees in rounds 1-3, then get into the pain of round 4, all out on round 5. Considering how fast it went, I think if I were to repeat I’d come out hotter on the burpees and just try not to die 😉
5 min assault bike cool down
various neck/t-spine re-hab exercises
RFESS: 20-15-12-12-12, :30 rest. L side only, voodoo band wrap.
@ 20#
did it! band was maybe a tad less tight today.
finished with a set of 10 squats before taking it off.
then 3×8 on R side no band.
7 am with Katie and Ro
120 x 5 then 120 x 10. I planned to do more but it was so hot and gravitational this morning. I missed the first exposure so no comparison.
The WOD in 5:38.
I thought I had 125 on the bar and it felt pretty light for that weight because it wasn’t. I actually had 115 on. All touch and go, accordingly.
The cash out was harder on my left side than my right but got through 5 roundz.
8am with Ro
255 x 5 then 255 x 10. Could have squeezed out 2 or 3 more, but honestly this was already a cardio piece and it was HOT in there.
Metcon 7:26 Rx. I was super slow with the burpees, and had to easily take 20-30s after the burpees before DLs every round. Took the DLs carefully, unbroken every time and tried to stay with good form.
Starting to enjoy the 8am class, the rest of the day feels so much longer.
I second the notion that everyone should go see Leah. Had a session with her the other night and it was amazing. It’s very intelligent, thoughtful, and grounding massage definitely a fantastic compliment for everything we do here. If you’re newer to massage the tip I hear from my former massage therapist bf is if you can swing the 90 minutes do it, or as it’s called in our home “feature film or two episodes of The Wire”. I recommend you use my plan (which I botched), which is: take class, cold shower, have a snack, get a massage, profit. You don’t have to roll out your muscles if someone massages them for you *forehead tapping meme*
Wednesday group class
3×5 low bar back squats at 155#. Easy but just ramping up from that bursitis I had in my knee. Excited to continue to linearly progress.
Metcon in 5:27 Rx
So the clock started as I was exiting the bathroom. So I had that going for me, which was nice. Took more time setting up for the deadlifts than was maybe strictly necessary but I haven’t been deadlifting regularly so that ate up some time. All touch and go. Got easier as the rounds progressed. Love me some deadlifts.
Also thank you to Lynsey for putting clips on my bar for me!
Plus one (two, three?) for Leah! I went to her last night and it was wonderful. She found a real ‘interesting’ spot in my neck. Still a little sore today but shoulders are feeling a bazillion times less tight.
So great to have her right here on site.
4:30pm Group Class with Snickerz
Been trying a High Bar BSQ LP after many, many moons of Low Bar Squatting. Just to mix things up a little. So far… it feels heavier. Fun to barshare with the esteemed Samir C.
09 Games DL/BRPE Metcon
5:28 as Rx’d
Deadlifts unbroken, Burpees smooth and steady
Messed around with some L-Sit Pressing, Some Skull Crushers, Reverse Tabata L-Sit on 15lb DBs and some peg board ascents.