TONIGHT: We’re hosting a ping pong night for CFSBKers at Ocean’s 8 (at Flatbush and 7th, a short walk from the gym). The fun starts at 7pm and will likely continue until everyone is pinged and/or ponged out. Ocean’s 8 has a full menu of food and drinks for purchase. Bring friends!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t fret! We are still open, of course, and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). On Tuesday, we explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
2. Save the date! Fight Gone Bad, our annual workout/fundraiser/costume party/all-around-fun day, goes down on Saturday, October 20th, 2018. You won’t wanna miss it! Head over to the event page for details.
3. Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the 8th annual NYC Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year. This year the action kicks off right here at CFSBK on September 9th!
4. Want to get better on the ol’ jump rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts.
5. A new cycle of our Level 2 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class with Callie Brennan starts this Sunday, and there are still some spots left. Go to Wednesday’s post for more info!
6. Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle this Sunday, August 26th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Run, Bear Crawls
The Race to Build a Better Bee JSTOR Daily
4 Cues to Lose Athlete Daily
Saturday’s Programming
Freestanding Hand Balancing Practice
Work against a wall or with a spotter on one or a few of the below options.
A) Handstand Hold from a Wall Walk
B) Handstand Hold from a Kick Up
C) Second Handstand Hold to a Spotter
D) Freestanding Handstand Hold
Choose a level that allows you to hold a good position for 10-40 seconds, working back and forth with a partner or two to allow for rest between sets.
Post work to comments.
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
30 Box Jumps 24/20″
20 Push Presses 115/80
30 Pull-Ups
Long one with large sets today, average scores will be 2-4 rounds on this Hero WOD. The intention is not to do any particular movement unbroken so consider this when scaling. Keep the reps high enough and the degree of difficulty challenging enough to not blast through any of it. Scaling for pull ups is either volume or ring rows.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Makeup post from last night: Last pre-Total strength session! (do I get a gold star for perfect attendance?)
Squat 230×3, 205×3. I thought we were going to do rack walks, so I was pleasantly surprised to see one heavy triple on the menu. The set at 230 was tough, but Jeremy called it smooth! I plan to open at 240, which if I’m being real with myself is my old 1RM (I hit 250 once, but I still question my depth a little on that one).
Bench: 145×3, 135×3. I had to work to plant my butt (no, autocorrect, not my butter) on the bench on the third rep at 145, but the bar moved!
Chins +10# x5, 5, 4. It’s rather silly of me to remove my lifters thinking that’ll get me another rep, only to hang a 10# plate on my back. 😛
I’m thrilled with the gainz I’ve made this cycle, and this is like my seventh one? I think? Echoing Kirby’s sentiment of yesterday: if you’re thinking about a strength cycle, DO IT!
Awesome Stella and perfect attendance too? You da woman! Although it’s hard to wake up for the morning sessions, I plan to do another strength cycle. Will miss Kirby though!
ahhhhh I’m so torn between doing morning cycle (I can do evening cycles only in the summer) and going back into group class! Knowing you will be there is another point in favor of signing back up!
When is the next Starting Strength cycle?
Starts the day after Labor Day
Ah thank you! I wonder if there are any spots left…
Registration info will be on the blog Tuesday! 🙂
Saturday’s work – I surprised myself with the handstands! I was somehow actually BETTER without a spotter (thanks Kharpz!) due to a less aggressive kickup. There were a couple times were I was up for a full 2-3 seconds! Prouda this 🙂 And I’m going to start practicing this wherever I go!
Danny: 2 rounds + 30 box jumps + 1 pull up.
Push Presses with 73# (PLENTY heavy. I rarely say this, but I’m glad I didn’t go full Rx at 80#) in rounds of 5 each time.
First round of pull-ups I did full volume, second round I realized I was WAY behind everyone else and for the sake of my newly-blistered hands, scaled to 20.
This was a fun one! I really paced myself and probably could have been more aggressive, especially towards the end, but still happy with all my pull-ups 😀
Good job Jaime! You are definitely getting better and stronger. You go girl!
Jaime: 6 a.m. was watching you and those handstands and were commenting on how good they were looking!
“6 a.m. was watching you”… karrrreeepeee 🙂
hahaha that was my exact reaction
8 am with Brett doing Saturday’s work
I need to just do the kick up every day and let my heels fall back. There’s no reason to remain so tepid. Every time I fall out it’s a cartwheel. I’ve never crashed so whyyyyyyyyyy my fear of the gym floor? (I do better at home on my living room rug and at the soft, sandy beach.)
The WOD looked intimidating but after my first 15 box jumps I thought – wow! halfway through these and I feel good! I was on the 18″ pylo (wish there was such thing as a 20) and had 52# for the push presses. Not quite heavy enough till the third round – unbroken in the first. (Oops but that’s what btwb said I did most recently in a WOD). I did ring rows because I would have scaled so so much volume, plus my hands are shredded. I put my feet pretty far in on them to make them challenging though. 3 rounds plus 15 reps and way more fun than I anticipated. “Danny”