Hang Power Clean
Performance and Fitness
Hang Power Clean:
Warm up and work up to a challenging set of 3 Hang Power Cleans.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
Partner WOD
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
9 Dumbbell Front Rack Squats 50/35
9 Toes-to-Bars
9 Dumbbell Push Presses 50/35
Partners alternate movements (“A” does 9 Squats, then “B” does 9 Squats, etc.) until the call of time. Sub Hanging Leg or Knee Raises for Toes-to-Bars as needed.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Next Sunday: Starting Strength Program Total at CFSBK
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle on Sunday, August 26th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Tia-Clair Toomey: 2018 CrossFit Games Champ & New Face of Female Fitness Floelite
A Sharper Sword The Players’ Journal (video)
10 lateral box step overs
10 blackburns
20 quadruped shoulder taps
Pistol/Ring dip practice
FT @ aer
1200m row
20 alt pistols
15 ring dips
800m row
16 alt pistols
12 ring dips
600m row
12 alt pistols
9 ring dips
2 hr pace, 30 min cap
I am on track to have the best weekend ever.
Yesterday I won a crossword tournament.
Today in strength world, last heavy Sunday before the Total:
Squat 225×3, 215x3x2. Tough but STILL not super grindy.
Bench 142.5×3 (!!!), 130x3x2. Still I think there’s room to grow. The sets at 130 were easy peasy.
Pause deadlift 220×5. Not too hard.
Which means: so far I’ve become the first woman to win Lollapuzzoola and I’ve lifted some really heavy sh!t, and I have a ticket to Crazy Rich Asians this afternoon. Does it get much better than this? I THINK NOT.
Congratulations Stella! Way to go girl! Yes, it gets much better than this. I THINK YES!
Congrats all around, Stella!
Congrats, Stella!
You are so amazing!!
Wow, Stella- Great stuff!!
9am group class
First group class in awhile – good to be back!
Worked up to 215 on the power cleans. Felt solid.
Partner WOD with Michael – 17 rounds plus 1 T2B
As a married man! Congrats 😛
11am group class with Lauren
HPCs up to 205 – the challenge for me is really bring it down from shoulder rack to the hang position.
Metcon 8rds+13 with 40lbs. The accounting for this one was weird – were people counting only their rounds? If me and my partner did 9/9/9 (each) is that 1 or 2 rounds? Anyway, I did 8 rounds + 9 squats+ 4 T2B, my partner did 8+9, and I can’t fathom how some people could have gotten 16 rounds unless they we’re counting rounds differently O.o
Yesterday’s workout was awesome. I can barely even remember what it was, just that it was hard and great!
Gotta get vertical!
WOD with Thaisa
a) She was so fast. I definitely slowed her down!
b) 25#–Thought the push press would be the hard thing here, but it turns out Katie Harper has given me SHOULDERS OF STEEL. My poor, neglected legs were slow with the squats, on the other hand–hard! First time doing a bunch of dynamic overheads in a workout. Felt smooooth.
c) Again, thanks Coach KHarpz– Did TTB for the first time today in forever. Went with 5 strict just to see how it feels. I am scared of kipping and not 100% sure my shoulders are mobile enough for that kind of movement. Abs felt perfectly content with 5 strict reps, however–still a good workout 😛
d) 9 rounds + 31 reps. Close to hitting that 10th round… I’m mad I didn’t go a little faster and keep up with Thaisa’s pace.
I didn’t get there in time to do my shoulder stuff ahead of time. I did 3X 10 Hanging CARS, 5KB windmills 12kg, and 10 ring fallouts. Went to do the other stuff, but I felt tired and decided I would do it tomorrow.
Anyway, it’s been so awesome working with Katie. I feel so so grateful and appreciative we have a resource like her within our gym community! I feel–stronger isn’t the right word– more stable, solid, and built to last than ever before!
Also, I don’t know if dynamic overhead is the right word to describe push presses/jerks/snatches, etc. It sounds like something the coaches say. Don’t judge me if it’s the wrong word!
Thanks, bye!
PCs: 83-88-93-98-103
Decent today except for my last rep where I jumped wide with my feet instead of dropping under the bar. Still have to work on getting under the bar overall though.
WOD: 14+10 (I think) total rounds with Kate Tk
Good to partner with her esp bc she is better at keeping track of what movement we were on and our rounds 🙂
Definitely did not choose an appropriate weight!
Did the first couple of rounds with 35# but knew I couldn’t sustain that without my heart rate blowing up on the squats (and I was tipping a bit) plus I wouldn’t have been able to do that many pp at this weight. Dropped to 30# on the squats and 30# then 25# on the pp. Selected a T2B number that I could do unbroken each round. Started with 7 and dropped down to 6. Guess I could have just done them in two sets instead of one in the latter rounds.