Hari getting his Squat on at last Wednesday’s class. Check out more photos from last week on our Flickr account!
We are organizing teams for Flex on the Beach, which goes down Saturday, September 15th in Long Beach. Early Bird pricing ends August 26th, so now is the time to sign up. This is a co-ed competition for teams of 4 (2M/2F) with Rx, Scaled and Masters divisions. Just add your details here and we’ll try to get you on a team for this fun event!
News and Notes
- On Friday, August 24th, we’re hosting a ping pong night for CFSBKers at Ocean’s 8 (at Flatbush and 7th, a short walk from the gym). The fun starts at 7pm and will likely continue until everyone is pinged and/or ponged out. Ocean’s 8 has a full menu of food and drinks for purchase. Bring friends!
- Want to get better on the ol’ jump rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Deadlift | Power Snatches, Burpees
Small Dogs Aim High When They Pee Scientific American
Virtuosity and the Two-Inch Squat Drill CrossFit Journal (video)
Wednesday’s Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5 LP
Start your linear progression light enough to add weight through 7 weeks.
80% x 5, 80% x Max Reps
Warm up, then perform one set of 5 at 80% (of 1RM), followed by a max-rep set at the same load. Use a spotters, but aim to end the set 1-2 reps shy of failure.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
4 Rounds Not for Time:
65m Single Arm Farmer Carry
3 Wall Walks (with a 10 second hold)
Post work to comments.
A. 2x
5 powell raises/side
10 band pass throughs
10 alt kossacks
B. Kipping ring muscle up practice
C. 4 RFT @ AER
25 cal row, bike or ski
2-5 ring muscle ups
10 burpees
14 alt jumping lunges
2 hr pace, total time and time per round, 20 min cap
12pm Group with KVW
Snatch/Burpee Metcon
11:08 as Rx’d
This was slow, awkward and took too long.
Couldnt get comfortable overhead or at the hang, counldnt get into a flow cycling, just felt inefficient and choppy.
7 am with Jess doing Wednesday
I came in mentally prepared for 75% x 5 and it took me a minute to mentally prepare for 80%. In order to not let it get in my head, I went for exactly 80%, which is 128 rather than rounding up to 130#. I dunno – it just helped manage fears. The set of 3 felt good and low. I repped out at 8. The last one was grindy! That’s a PR for 8 reps – previous was 115. Then the carries and the wall walks happened. I began with a 24kg kb. It was heavy and I hate the way the KB knocks against my leg. I moved to a 40lb dumbell and that worked better. The cash out was tough. The curlz were fine but the laying down tricep work is just a trip! My arms don’t really work like that….yet.
10 bar hanging cars
10!ring fall throughs
5 kB windmills each arm
12×3 hanging hip touches
:75 x3 overhead barbell hold :50
Inspired by all the SC gains, I decided to do Wednesday’s workout today with Jeremy at 5:30.
127.5×3, 127.5×10
Had Jeremy watch to tell me when I should stop. Felt appropriate! I also took more breath than I would have without his guidance. Hmmm… slowly but surely I might make my way over there sometime.
Farmers Carry: green KB x3
Wall walks: fun! Love how good my shoulder feels
Bis/tris: man my forearm pain (tennis elbow) is really bothering me when I bend at the elbow with weight in hand, so I only did 10#. Jeremy said bicep curls are helpful for tennis elbow and he gave me an alternate way to do the tricep thing which was great.
Rest day tomorrow— which will be needed after the first day of school with kids! In my 10th year of teaching at my school! Wow!!
STRENGTH! I’ve been waiting for heavy* deadlift day with bated breath and it did not disappoint!
Squat 195x5x3. Hard, but still not a grind.
Bench 140x3x3. Rawr! I had to work pretty hard for the final rep. Curious to see what I get assigned on Sunday.
Deadlift 275×5!!!! 5 rep PR! I’ve done this weight for 3 before but failed 5, back in 2016. Since I pulled 300 at Iron Maidens after that and then 305 later that year, this makes me feel like my goal of three plates is WELL within reach.
*although I did accidentally type “beach” instead of “heavy” at first. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?
AM sesh:
A)FT @aer
10k AB
2 hour pace, 30 min cap
19:52, a little faster felt good. was very big stickler on HR this time around too. 145 almost straight through
B)FT @aer
5k row
2 hour pace, 30 min cap
23:51, pretty similar, felt good
C) SA farmer carry: 3x40M @ 95#, tough
PM Sesh:
A)Back Squat
@3012 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2-3 min
ease back in today
1×6 @ 185
1×6 @ 190
1×6 @195
third set felt the best. Mental push in second set.
B1)Handstand Hold Against Wall
@20-30s, 3 sets, rest 30s
3×30, easy! Think im good to go for handstand walks no problem
B2)Ring Row
3011 8-10 reps, 3 sets, rest 30s
3×10, easy! Think im good to go for muscle ups no problem
B3)Dual KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
16-18 alt reps, 3 sets unbroken, rest 3 min
add weight each set
3×18 @ 44# across, sorry didnt build, i was kind of rushing a bit with clients and coaching more than im used to and didn’t really have it mentally to do that 53 again today.
C)4 sets @ very hard effort
11 cal AB
rest walk 2:20
should be done at about 95%. still looking for repeatability here. if you fall off by more than 2 sec stop workout give me time taken for the 11 cal
rest 7 min after the 4 sets and then D
started to get a little pukey, was hoping id bounce back by 7 min didnt quite work. really tried to tone it back a notch too. its hard
D)4 sets, @ very hard effort
11 cal AB
rest walk 2:20
should be done at about 95%. still looking for repeatability here. if you fall off by more than 2 sec stop workout give me time taken for the 11 cal
:24/:24/:34 LOL. talk about a drastic dropoff. called it there so only 7 sets complete
unsure if i have a new standard in second set or if i just call it since i was 3 sec longer. Was glad i did some of this regardless but ya….was totally flat out smoked by set 7. Maybe less intensity next time? I hate not being able to do all the sets and missing out on fitness.