Clean and Jerk Complex
Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Work up to a challenging load for the day.
Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk
Work up to a challenging load for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Box Step-Ups 24″/50, 20″/35
20 AbMat Sit-Ups
Use the lead leg to come to full extension on the box, not turning the movement into some version of a Dumbbell Deadlift on a box. The Sit-Ups are un-anchored.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
When the new training cycle template drops | Photo by Robert C.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Our new 8-week programming cycle kicked off this week. Two-lift Mondays! Saturday Monster Metcons! Read Monday’s post to find out what you can expect in group classes over the next couple of months.
2. Pilates has moved from Tuesday nights to Sundays at 12pm and will be coached by Karina! To learn more about this class and Pilates in general, check out this fun Q&A with the woman herself.
3. A new cycle of Active Life Strength with Coach Keith starts this Tuesday. Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! This is a predominantly strength-based class very specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs. For more info, testimonials, and the registration link, see this post!
4. Check out Coach Fox writing for our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard. “Smart Accessory Work” is the latest in Coach Fox’s “Older, Fitter” series, which draws on his work with athletes in our Fit 55+ program.
5. On Friday, August 24th, we’re hosting a ping pong night for CFSBKers at Ocean’s 8 (at Flatbush and 7th, a short walk from the gym). The fun starts at 7pm and will likely continue until everyone is pinged and/or ponged out. Ocean’s 8 has a full menu of food and drinks for purchase. Bring friends!
6. Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throw down: the 8th annual NYC Subway Series! This year the action kicks off right here at CFSBK. Go here to sign up!
7. All CrossFit Kids classes are cancelled today.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Happier People Exercise, Never to Excess Breaking Muscle
I Was Broken The Players’ Tribune (video)
5 powell raises/side
5 band pass throughs
10 step SA OH walking lunge L/R
Bar muscle up practice
C.4 RFT @ aer
500m row
10 box jumps, 24/20
1-3 bar muscle ups
2 hr pace, times per round and total time, 20 min cap
sub burpee pull ups or 5 burpee renegade rows for muscle ups
Feeling strong today! 💪💪
Squat 220×3, 210x3x2. Still moving! I now have a number in my head for a 1RM attempt at the Total. I’m afraid to say it out loud or on the blog.
Press 82.5x3x3. This was more of a struggle than squatting, ugh.
Chin-ups +10x5x2, x4. I asked to add weight, got the green light to do it for one set, then a second, and I figured since I matched my first set with my second, I could go ahead and do a third. Feels great to have joined the added-weight club!
I can’t believe the Total is only 2 weeks away. So tempted to sign up for another cycle after this since I feel like I still have room to grow!
Does anyone have a recommendation for a box near Newport Beach and for one in Hollywood?
Performance clean complex at 83#. Shoulders were tired today so kept it light and focused on form.
WOD: 6+10 with 25# DBs
Yesterday: Rx’d
1:02, 1:04, 1:04, 1:02, 1:02, :58
Didn’t think I could manage 7 thrusters at 93 each round but I did. Took them slow and paused at the top of each rep to make sure I racked it properly for the front squat portion. In later rounds, pushed the speed a little more on them which actually made them easier. Took my time on the swings and kept a light grip.
Heading upstate! See ya’ll Thursday!
Sunday 12pm
Clean complex up to 185, could have gone for 205 like I originally thought, decided to keep working on Lauren’s “fast hips down” cue.
Metcon 5+10 @ 35lb
Sunday 2pm AG
Bar MU – getting closer, got a couple with assistance.
Metcon was great as always! Sweaty but manageable, felt great afterwards.
Saturday 1pm
Rx between 58s and 60s. Super consistent on this, was happy with the results. Amazing that 4 minutes was exactly the time needed for rest, if it was 3min I wouldn’t have managed it.