WOD 8.4.18
4 Rounds
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
30 Double-Unders
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
5 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
Rest 5 minutes between rounds.
Scale Dubs to 60 Singles or 10 attempts as needed to keep moving. The Kettlebell should be be light enough for you to swing all rounds unbroken, and the box height should be totally approachable. Go for it on each round today.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
New tie-dyed tank tops are now available at the front desk or in our online store. These groovy, unisex tanks are a limited run item, so get one while they’re still in stock!
Zen and the Art of Crush Week
By David Osorio
Editor’s Note: Have you heard the news? This is our last Crush Week for a while. So today we’re posting this blog classic (originally posted in 2011 and reposted may times since) on the mental aspect of Crush Week. Use it this weekend, and try to put it into effect whenever you’re up against a tough workout!
In traditional meditative disciplines, you aim to cultivate mindfulness in a physically neutral setting. Often the practitioner sits in a comfortable position and tries to bring attention toward their breathing. In yoga, we see a more dynamic approach where rhythmic breathing becomes interwoven with a controlled flow through a series of postures. In both of these instances, the intention is for the pilot to become more tuned in to the “now.”
In CrossFit, we achieve something very similar through a very different approach. During an intimidating lift or difficult conditioning piece, you’re forced to deal with the moment at hand. The high discomfort level of what we do takes that moment and amplifies the physical inputs to the point where you can’t help but focus on what’s happening. You know this intuitively and it’s why you get nervous before a 500m erg test or 3 rep max back squat attempt. You know that once you start, you’ll be forced to deal with the “now” until it’s all over. Every second gets dragged out and every moment to rest or doubt yourself becomes amplified against what needs to get done.
Take this opportunity to set your intention for the approaching workouts. Whenever you find yourself deep in the agonizing “now,” embrace it and stay on task. Don’t look around the room to see where everyone else is, don’t check the clock to see how much time has gone by, and don’t make excuses to try and avoid what you’re feeling. Just keep fighting the barbell up or chipping away at reps until you’ve completed the task. If you lose focus and get derailed, don’t let it mess with your head, just come back pushing harder. Remember, you’re here to get stronger, both physically AND mentally.
News and Notes
- We’ll be showing the final events of the CrossFit Games on our big screen at 597 during Open Gym hours (6 to 8pm) tomorrow night. Bring food, drinks, and friends!
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
2018 Individual Athlete Guide: Men CrossFit Games
2018 Individual Athlete Guide: Women CrossFit Games
As a long-standing, non-fan of crush week, I wasn’t convinced of David’s argument in the piece above when it was first published. I’ve since come around and am trying to really focus during difficult wods. Luckily, it’s as true for a single workout as it is for an entire crush week!
Bonus: For some supporting evidence behind the blog post, read “Endure” by Alex Hutchinson. Great book.
StrongFit and 9am. Paired up with Roose for both, which was great because we both had the same “we’re beaten up, but here we go” crush week mindset.
WOD: 4 + 10, 4 even, 4 even, 3 + 45
Extra shout out to Jenny’s DUs. Whoa- so fast!
Thanks girl! You were incredibly consistent on this workout. So impressive!
You were killing it! Fun teaming up with you. One day I’ll get doubles.
Wow Kayleigh— and Jenny! Also Kate Welk! So amazed by folks who got 4 rounds.
Also, thanks to Kate Tk for offering up her shoes and socks after I walked out of my house wearing my all birds. They were a little big and I couldn’t jump well, so I ended up using my Reebok lifters.
5 hanging shoulder CARs
10 ring fall throughs
5 walkouts
3x 8 hanging hip touches
3x :45 oh barbell hold at 50#
I tripped more than I have recently— maybe the shoes, maybe I’m just beat from crush week.
3+46, 3+42, 3+11, 3+47
Wish I would have read this article before working out. I took a nosedive in round 3. It was all mental.
Lastly, I will miss crush week. However, I am grateful to have some more challenging workouts throughout the cycle to really strengthen my mind.
Thanks for everything CFSBK!
I took a week off to visit some friends in FL and my first real workout was coming back and doing Thursday’s workout. It was my first time actually finishing DT (Close enough) as I’ve always failed in the past because my grip. Progress!!
Fun day today. Teamed up with Kayleigh for both Strongfit and 9am group class.
8am Strongfit
Arrived a little late and just jumped into the workout (Warmed up already because of the sprint from the station). Everything moved well, but the workout after was a little more intense than I expected.
10 Cal AB
5 Fast Burpees
16 Walking Lunges total
I realized over the past few months I’ve neglected single leg work (I wasn’t consistent this Cycle) and it’s starting to show horribly. I’m starting to compensate on my right side which is showing some discomfort around the hips.
3 +20, 3+15, 3+30, 3+2
Did singles with a weighted rope (Punishment for still not having doubles) and scaled the box height to 20. Stuck with the 24KG kb.
This was challenging especially after Strong-fit as my quads were pretty much on fire.
11am Active Recovery
Always a good idea after a long day.
Side Note:
I do apologize for being over-dramatic with my rests today during 9am group class. I was more comfortable just sprawling out on the floor after each round. I was OK and was not thinking about everything going on around me. I’ll keep that in mind for next time.
Also, I just realized today was my first day of ever attending Crossfit at CFSBK. I did the teaser class on 8/4/13. Pretty sure Jess Fox was my coach for both the Teaser and the Foundations classes that month!
How happy is Pierre right now… Willy George and a QOD that he got to answer with “crepes”… pretty good day.
i love really thin pancakes