Clean and Jerk
Clean and Jerk 1RM
Warm up and build to a 1RM for the day. Press-outs are misses.
Clean Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
If you’re newer to the lift, then work up to a heavy load for the complex.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
1 Round Not for time:
135m Single-Arm Farmer Carry (each arm)
800m Run
Carry a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell to 4th avenue in your weak side then carry it back on the other side. The goal is heavy but unbroken. Head off on the run as soon as you place the weight back.
Post work to comments.
Coach David tattooed his neck—they call that a “job stopper” in the business—for this video, so now you have to watch it. Here’s a cool tip that will make your Front Rack position a little more comfortable. Use it today!
We’ve dropped a ton of great videos full of fitness knowledge over the past year or so. Afraid you missed one? Here they are:
Erg Tips & Tricks
Single-Arm High Pulls & Kettlebell Swings
Basic Ring Support
How to Use the Stall Bar
GHD How To
Sandbag How To
Kettlebell Swing Tips
TheraBand How To
Squats and Balance
How to Warm Up a Lift
The Fridge
The Perfect Push-Up
Hand Care: Tension Grip vs. Compression Grip
What else do you think we should cover? Leave a comment below and we’ll try to cover it in a future video.
News and Notes
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
- We’re just 8 followers away from 6500 on Instagram. Give us a follow to help us get there, and hey, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, too! We post tons of the exclusive content you crave on both platforms.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat / Step-Up Test | NFT Work
Move It! You’re Old, You’re Not Dead Breaking Muscle
What I Learned from Mister Rogers Pacific Standard
These videos are great; really helpful.
Posting here for accountability that today I started doing Chris Fox’s recommended work for developing pull-ups ( and that I’ll do it every other day before/after class. Would anyone going to the 7am class tomorrow (Friday) be able to demo the “B” day tempo negatives for me either a few minutes before or right after class? I want to make sure I set them up/do them right and the visual would really help me. Let me know…appreciate it!
I’d be happy to! Been starting back on the pull-up train myself 😃
Yay thanks Christine! Let me know if earlier (what time?) or after is better for you.
I’m flexible! You can email c dot aquadro dot brown @ gmail to coordinate if that’s easier 🙂
Suggestion for the video: Is there a way to equalize the sound a bit more between the opening guitar riff and David speaking? When I started playing it, the guitar was so loud that I turned the volume way down, and then had to turn it back up once David started speaking.
(the info was great!)
My travel this week screwed up my training schedule, so I made a rare PM appearance at the gym last night for strength cycle. I definitely prefer AM fitness, but it was fun to lift with some new friends!
LBBS 157.5x5x3. Getting so heavy but it’s still moving, somehow, some way.
Bench 95x5x3. Green plates, wahoo! Felt fine, maybe a little grindy on the last rep.
Deadlift 200×5. WOAH! This was intense…really proud to have pushed through it for a new 5RM 🙂 🙂 🙂
NICE on that deadlift!
I miss morning fitness. I feel like I’m going to forget how to get up in the morning by the time Strength Cycle is over.
A very sleepy 7am for me today. But fun class with Jess + Katie!
Worked up to 123# on C&J. Not a PR, but happy with this since I haven’t been consistent this cycle.
Jess gave ~the best cue ever~ and told me to slow down on my dip, and make it more controlled. This sounds silly, but I’ve thought about the “dipdrive” as one quick movement, so the thought of breaking it up into a “dip and then drive” totally helped.
My first attempt at 123# was a press out, and my second one (after her cue) was SUPER smooth and I really felt like there was room for more. Thanks so much, Jess!
7am with Jess and Katie and some extremely cute doggos
Fun lifting with Jaime and +1 to how helpful Jess’ cue was! I can get weird about putting stuff above my head and thus have a tendency to rush through the ZOMGDIPDRIVE situation – so consciously thinking about separating the two and slowing down the dip so the drive could really explode was perfect.
With that tip + encouragement from Jaime I got the C&J to 118# which I believe is a 15# PR. Really happy with getting past some mental barriers today and with the fact that I had ZERO neck/shoulder pain. Woo!
A 15# PR? That’s lots! Great job!
THIS WAS INCREDIBLE and I am proud and happy I was there to witnessed it. You pulled it off like it was nothing. You DEFINITELY have more to go!!
I miss you 7 AM!
Long warmup. Neck is recovering at a pretty good pace. Got some quality manual release yesterday and and going to be diligent about getting my neck stronger.
A) segmental neck flexion
B) shoulder/cervical CARs
C) cat/camel, thoracic flexion/rotation
D) sphynx w/ protaction/retraction + reach
D) RNT neck extension to get myself to use L side of my neck
Insane how much mobility returned after that work.
E) 3 rounds:
30 sec passive bar hang
5ea light SA KB snatches
*pain free! just stiffness in L shoulder, so cleared myself for overhead stuff and went conservative on snatches : )
A) Snatch Complex
PS + Snatch + OHS
every 4 min for 6 sets
add weight each set
Kept it crisp to work on form and to respect my neck/shoulders. Im so excited that this weight was crisp. stomp city. was working with some surprisingly good technique today. Probably because i slowed down to be aware of my neck/shoulder and and didnt treat this like a metcon like i normally would. Should probably slow my roll for future lifts. Hard not to get all jazzed with a complex.
B) Multi Grip Bench Press
@3011 6-8 reps, 3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×8 @ 95#
spicy meatball!
C) Chest to Ring Pull-Up
@2011 4-6 reps, 3 sets, rest 2 min
add weight
1×6 @ 15#
2×6 @ 17.5#
that last pullup was ME without a doubt. I can’t believe i managed to get that last pullup i just kept squeezing and eventually i got there.
D) 15 min @aer
400m run
20 L-Hang flutter kicks
10 double unders
2 hr pace here, note splits for each round
4 rounds + 365M
HR avg: 150, max avg: 174
did okay, pacing runs were the challenge. that second round i failed a double i think. Happy with the HR average though!
7 am with Jess and K HarpZ
This was a great day even though I didn’t PR. Close but I pressed out with 100.5 (yes .5) on the bar. Still, I feel like everything felt really good for longer (heavier) than usual, including 98#. Not every lift was crisp but when it wasnt’ I did the same weight an ironed out the problem. Logically, it seems better to have consistency close to my PR than a new PR. Emotionally, I would have liked to hit 103 today. Then I carried the 24kg kb to 4th ave and back. This would have been OK except that handle is so thick. No way to hook grip so despite a full pound of chalk per paw, it was slippy. I set it down twice going and once returning. Then the run! I started at a pace that seemed a bit speedier than my typical run around the block and told myself to keep it and I think I did. It’s unusual for me to feel good running but I did and pushed the last leg from 4th Ave to the gym to a sprint in the end. I wish I checked the clock.
C&J max out sesh with Jess and the 10am crew!
did waaaaay too many and too small of jumps on the way up today. was rushing in from working with a client and felt like I needed more warm up time for my shoulders… but the cost was very high on my legs! just poor planning on my part. I should’ve just trusted myself and gone for the bigger jumps early on so I’d have more time and be less fatigued for the heavier attempts.
85 (3 jerks), 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175F, 175
seriously… what was I thinking?! hahaha!
(should’ve been 85-105-125-145…etc. with maybe some extra jerks at 105 and 125. duh.)
I’ve hit 175 on each lift separately (a couple times on clean, once on the jerk like 2 years ago), but never together, so it’s a PR! Fail at 175 was b/c I just got stuck on the way up – big surprise. I think i knocked it a bit out in front so felt like i was chasing it forward as I was standing.
split jerk used to be my limiter and it is NOT anymore. yay! just gotta get my squat higher so I can stand up these stinkin’ weights! ;-P
EOMOM X 18: 2 paused clean pulls (:01 pause at knee only); straps
4 sets @ 195#, 5 sets @ 205# (last two sets NO pause)
15 bb hip thrust @ 105# @ 20×1 (extra set on these)
1:00 bb overhead hold @ 105# (wrist murder)
1:00 wtd forearm plank @ 35#
C&J: 83, 103, 113, 123, 133, 143, 148, 153, 158, 163FF
Jerk was feeling so good on the way up, but hit the “fear weight” and lost it. First I was too far forward, second was utter lack of commitment. Was hoping the small jumps at the end would help, but alas. To be continued.
Farmers carry with the 24kg KB unbroken. Run slow – legs just have not been motivated to move lately and knees just aren’t having it, but otherwise feel fine. Weird.
Also, highly recommending Next Level Weightlifting – only two classes in and the feedback has been so helpful.
Squats 165x4x4 paused. NBD.
Bench 130x5x3. I wasn’t sure I’d make every rep and I think this may be a 3×5 PR! Pretty sure I still have room to grow too. 😃💪
Deadlift 255×5. My 5 rep PR is 265 so I’m excited to see how far I can go from here.
SO GLAD I signed up for B cycle!
7:30 with Snisky and Brett.
Clean and jerk: worked up to 129 which is a 1# PR. 😉
I haven’t been to a single exposure this cycle on thursdays so it was an interesting surprise to PR.
24kg bell unbroken on both sides. Tried to do the run fairly fast to get in a sweat.
Worked up to 118. Took 2-3 min breaks in between reps since I’m easing back into things after two back to back vacations (and a week and a half off during the month of June). Looked at my BTWB and have only done 7 group classes this month- that numbers excludes AG and AGS. Crush week is going to crush me.
Cleaned 123 twice but didn’t execute the jerk. Did the dip and then didn’t drop under it. Wasn’t too bummed bc I took Oly class yesterday and did a ton of jerks there.
Farmer carry with 24kg KB. Dropped it 10ft before the end of the block with my left hand and did it unbroken on the right.
SC afterwards. Had a brilliant idea to do BJs @24″ so I could take my time and do less each round. Ended up kneeing the box and now I have a big egg on it. Took a not so elegant fall backwards afterwards. haha. Did the remaining rounds on the foam plyobox.
Ooh I feel ya. Biting it on the box SUCKS 🙁