Bench Press
Use a controlled “faster up-slower down” tempo and find a max-effort set of 4 reps.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
8-10 Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extensions
1-3 Rope Climbs
20 Hand-to-Hand Kettlebell Swings (10e)
Build to a challenging set on the Lying Triceps Extensions. If you’re a rope climbin’ ninja, go legless. If not, use today to work your way up a few feet or do sets of 3-5 strict Chin-Ups instead.
Post work to comments.
Callie coaches Karl and Jeremy through an arm bar escape in our Level 2 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class. Check out more photos from yesterday’s class on our Flickr account!
Weekend Schedule Changes
This Saturday, July 28th and Sunday, July 29th, we are hosting a sold out Barbell Medicine Seminar at 597 Degraw. We’re mostly running on our normal schedule, with the exception of the following classes:
- On Saturday, the 28th, the following classes are cancelled: 8am Strong Fit, 9am CrossFit group class, and 10am Short Circuit.
- On Sunday, the 29th, 11am CrossFit Kids is cancelled.
- We will not be able to offer Open Gym hours outside the usual 2 to 4pm on Saturday and 6 to 8pm on Sunday.
All classes will run out of 608 Degraw (except for those that usually meet in the Annex).
News and Notes
- From July 17th through August 28th, we’ll be offering an additional CrossFit Preteens (ages 8-12) class at 11am on Tuesdays to help keep your kiddos active over the summer. Go here to read more about our youth programs!
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Tabata Double-Unders, Tabata Pistols
Zercher Squat Basics Breaking Muscle
Why Men and Women Are Always Equal in CrossFit CrossFit Journal
I am so sore.
:60 supinated grip dead hang
12 Cuban press 22#
:20 handstand hold, :04 eccentric descent— handstand descent felt great!
4×16 right, 3×16 left DB high pulls 12.5#
2×16 each arm DB strict press 22.5#
1×13– maybe it was me trying to rush through this before 10am class, the poor sleep this weekend, the day drinking in Wisconsin, or the stress from flying the *worst* turbulence in my life yesterday, but I just didn’t have it today!
This weak streak continued in Monday’s workout.
Bench was really bad today. 95x4x3
— by the end, my bar path and technique got better.
Glad it was a chill workout today.
5 rounds: 1 rope climb, 8 tricep things 12.5#, 20 single hand KB swings 12kg/16kg
It’s amazing to feel the effects of a vacation. Feels pretty bad. :*(
Monday 6am with Ro and Lauren
Bench: 135×4,145×4,155×4,160×4, 165×3 (Failed on the last rep)
Made it to 4 rounds on the WOD.
8 DB Lying Triceps Extensions – 15, 20, 20, 1
20 H2H KB Swings – 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 32kg
Practiced rope climbing each round, but never really made it fully up.
7am Open Gym
Power Snatch and Snatch Practice
1 P Snatch EMOM 10 Mins – 95 across
1 Snatch EMOM for 10 Mins – 105 for 6, 110 for 4
Today was a little tough, but overall a good day. I’ve been trying to get back into a good morning routine moving forward while keeping up with my Oly movements.
yesterday, 9am group class:
power snatch EMOM bonanza:
5’s @ 85, 85, 95
3’s @ 105, 105, 110
singles @ 115, 120, 125 (PR match for power snatch)
3’s @ 115, 110, 105
5’s @ 100, 100, 95
this was really fun! focused on leg drive and snappy finish. did my 3’s as bailed singles on the way down the ladder so I could push the weight.
tabata DU’s: 246
tabata pistols: 72
…started on L side no matter what so I could get some extra weak-side work in. these are feeling so much better! training is working.
my quads and butt are QUITE sore today!
solo session with some help from Harpz and Young James on spot patrol:
close grip bench press:
3x: 2-2-2, rest :20
rest 3min between clusters
@ 120# = 89%
did 2-2-1 on my first set b/c i wasn’t confident i’d get the last rep. after that, kept more tension, used a touch more bounce, and things were pretty groovy! happy with that.
4 sets:
15 lying tricep extensions @20×1 @ 12.5# (15-13-12-10) oh well!
15 btn PVC presses (immediately after LTE)
:05 ea side, single arm handstand hold at wall
20 alt heel drops on bench
5 rounds (20 min)
:50 assault bike @ 52-53RPM
:50 row @ 2:06-2:08
:25 gymnastic bear crawl fwd
:25 gymnastic bear crawl bwd
:50 farmer carry, 24kg ea hand
nice lil sweat
For all you fans of the burpee a brief history of our favorite exercise
7:30 with DO and Katie
Bench: 97×4, 100×4, 102×3. Failed the fourth rep. Happy with that!
NFT was fun. Got in a handful of rope climbs.