Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, alternating movements…
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
270m Run
21 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
15 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Toes-to-Bars
Scale load and/or movements to be able to move pretty consistently through each round. Shorten the run if needed, use a lighter ball to a lower target and a lower box as needed, and scale range of motion on the Toes-to-Bars as needed.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
CrossFit Strongman Specialty Course: Register Now!
On Sunday, August 26th, CFSBK will host a CrossFit Strongman Specialty Course seminar.
This one-day course is for athletes and coaches who want become more proficient with strongman movements. The typical strongman competition consists of five events in one day, and each event is less than 60 seconds. This is a perfect – and fun – way for CrossFitters to increase strength without using a barbell. Because of the often-awkward size, shape and consistency of the objects in strongman, the lifts tend to have less efficiency than those done with a barbell. These loads challenges the neuromuscular system in a way a barbell cannot and better mimic challenges found outside the gym. Participants learn to lift Atlas stones, carry a yoke and farmers handles, flip tires, and clean and press odd objects such as a log, keg, anvil or stone at their relative level of strength. Additional topics discussed include how to incorporate these movements into CrossFit workouts.
The Strongman Course teaches participants:
- Safe, proper and efficient movement using strongman objects
- How to coach strongman movements
- How to incorporate Strongman training methodology and programming
News and Notes
- We’ll be showing the World Cup final between Croatia and France this Sunday at 11am on our big screen at 597. Bring food, beverages, and friends!
- Need some weekend reading? Check out our Articles & Media section, which features years of fitness knowledge, healthy recipes, and community content!
- Tomorrow’s 11am CrossFit Kids class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Developing Your Pull-Up CFSBK
Focus on the Process CFSBK
Decided group class didn’t sound too bad, and also that I should practice my kip, so I did that instead of Short Circuit. Whoof. It was pretty tough.
8 rounds flat at 29:20 with Kate, doing kipping HLR. (I was like “no, we are not running again, F that.”) Everything unbroken.
I’m hoping those 84 wall balls don’t come back to haunt me when I’m squatting heavy tomorrow.
I wish we could bring back travel gym recs!
Dropped in at The Strip CrossFit in Vegas.
Warmup: 400m run & line drills
Barbell drills, heavy power clean and jerk— worked up to 113, failed 123 (no jerk)
— pretty good instruction, but they had us “find people lifting similar to you” Hate this!! Please pair people up based on weight— an obvious thing, especially with a gym that consisted of mostly drop ins.
Wod was a beast and super fun:
Team of 3, rotating through
7 cal row, then set of clean and jerks (basically 2:1 work:rest):
15 rounds of 10 power clean and jerks 65#
12 rounds of 8 power clean jerks 75#
9 rounds of 6 power clean and jerks 95#
6 rounds of 4 pc&j 105
3 rounds of 2 pc&j 125
I only power cleaned— would have been way harder with the overhead movement! 30:00 time cap, we finished the round of 6. HARD! Rows felt strong— I think I am finally improving on the erg!
Btw, Vegas is a terrible place-lol! Doing CrossFit is honestly the best thing I’ve done so far!!
YES PLEASE to bringing back travel gym recos!
Allie, the partnering based on bar weight is the thing I miss most when I travel. (Even more so than I miss Question of the Day.) I have been to 20+ other gyms over the years and I don’t remember ONCE being asked how much I was going to lift before being told to pair off. At most gyms people know each other already, so they all pair off and I have often been matched with people who aren’t anywhere near the same ballpark as me.
The worst was a gym in St. Louis where I was told to bench press with two other women, just because we were women. No instruction was provided on how to spot, and the other two ladies in my group clearly didn’t know how (not to mention they were trying to bench about 75, and I wanted to do more like 125). a) if we were going based on bar weight, I should have been matched with one of the men; and b) because no one had been taught to spot, I didn’t feel safe going heavy.
So, throwing out some DO appreciation! More people need to read Inside the Affiliate.