Bench Press / Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups Superset*
A1) Barbell Bench Press:
3 x 6
A2) Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups:
3 x 6
Use a controlled “faster up-slower down” tempo for both movements. Go heavier than last week. Use a box height that allows for “squat depth” on the working leg.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Dumbbell Front Rack Step-Ups. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
Every 3 Minutes x 10 Sets:
30 Second Row for Max Meters
Post meters for each set to comments.
World Cup Screenings at CFSBK
We’ll be showing a bunch of the remaining World Cup matches on our big, big screen at 597! All the dates listed below are bring-your-own beverages, food, and friends.
Quarter Finals: Friday, July 6th and Saturday, July 7th at 2pm
Semi-Finals: Wednesday, July 11th and Thursday, July 12th at 2pm
Finals: Sunday, July 15th at 11am (during group classes)
All are welcomed. Bring friends! We can’t wait to see you there.
4th of July Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Wednesday for the 4th of July. Here’s what you can expect:
11am Fit 55+
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Snatch | Run, Power Snatches, Double-Unders
5 Strength Training Tips for Surfers Breaking Muscle
LBBS 135x5x3
Bench 85x5x3
Deadlift 185×5
Everything moved well and I felt very grateful to get to start my birthday in my favorite place doing one of my favorite things 🙂
In other news, last Thursday I PR’ed my clean + jerk at 128! After PRing my squat clean the week before at 128 (which was a grind and required one failure before I could get it), I was really excited to hit this weight twice last week AND get it overhead. Woo! Thanks Fox for the A++ coaching as always.
Happy birthday Kirby!
Happy Birthday Kirby! I wish you had told me this morning that it is your birthday as I would have serenaded you with a song Regardless, I’m glad I got to spend it with you this morning in Starting Strength class. Love your enthusiasm! Congratulations on the clean and jerk PRs. Please enjoy the rest of the day! Happy Birthday!
thanks gals!! xx
Here’s a birthday Dracula:
Happy Birthday, Kirby!
pre-class move and groove:
4x: :50 ski, :50 bike, moderate warm up effort. played with L leg stance on the ski.
3 sets:
7 pike-ups with bench/slider @ 21×1
20 lateral swings on rings
8 90/90 theraband
5ea single arm waiter squat @ 3121 @ 16kg
10am group class w/ Brett
close grip bench @ 20×1
db frack step ups
3×6 L side only
20# ea hand
20″ box + 45# plate
rows (had to cut short b/c I had a client)
154, 152, 148, 146, 142, 144, 146
I think I’ve hit 154m before on a :30 piece, so I guess it’s still my max. but this has definitely improved over the last couple years. still gotta build MOAR POWER!
was pouring sweat for a full 20+ min after I finished this
HBD kirby!!
Started Er off with some good ol farmer carrys.
Performance Care:
4x60M @ 75#
I am so tired of being harassed on the street when i do these. Today I was prepared to fire back.
Construction worker: “hey! do ya need help with that?!”
me: “Does it LOOK LIKE i need help with this?!”
That felt so good.
Used that fire to fuel myself for my strict press : )
A)Strict Press
@2011 3,3,3 build to a heavy triple, rest 3-4 min between attempts
HOW BOUT DEM APPLES?!!?! my newest PR becomes a triple! ayyyyy
B)20 min @aer
40 cal AB
100ft lateral sled drag, L/R
30s ring FLR
rest 5 min
x 2 sets
set 1: 2 rounds + 35 cal
set 2: 2 rounds + 29 cal
Pretty darn close! had some ring mishap and had to switch gyms inbetween intervals so that may have sucked up a bit of time in my second set. Either way not too far off! This was an awesome grind for a hot day. Sleds had 2 blue plates on dog sled
C) 10-15 min flush
You’re my hero for that fire back to the construction worker 🤩🤩
It’s infuriating!! And it happens every time! I have been putting in headphones lately to drown them out