A1) Back Squat + Front Squat:
3 x 8
A2) 3-Point Dumbbell Row:
3 x 8
*Perform 2 work sets of Back Squats followed by 1 work set of Front Squats. Each Squat set is supersetted with Dumbbell Rows. Use a “slower down, faster up” tempo for both lifts. Rest 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…
Power Snatch 155/105
Ring Muscle-Up
The barbell should be on the heavy side of medium for you. All singles are okay.
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
5 Power Snatches 115/80
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The barbell should be medium-heavy for you. Scale to regular Pull-Ups or Jumping Chest-to-Bar as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Humans of Starting Strength: Julie Barnard
Registration for our upcoming Starting Strength Program cycles opened yesterday, and there are still spots left in some of the classes! Over the past few weeks, we’ve been bringing you some Humans of New York-style interviews with our Starting Strengthers. Who are these intrepid powerlifters? What brings them together? What is Starting Strength Program like? How is it different from other classes? What kind of funny stuff does Coach Jeremy say in class? Let’s find out!
In our previous Humans of Starting Strength post, we heard from Anise. In our final installment (for now!), we talked to longtime CFSBKer and Starting Strengther Julie B. (aka OGJB), who is sadly leaving us soon. We”ll miss you, Julie!
What are some differences between Starting Strength and group class?
I think having the time to breathe, rest, and concentrate on my lifts between each set and not being worried about missing a set due to time constraints. I was lucky to have had Margie for some private sessions and she elevated my lifts and SS took that and escalated them. The coaches in group class really did an amazing job at keeping so many group class attendees in order but ultimately having the time to think about what I’m doing with Jeremy guiding individually, and the gains I’ve had, will keep me in SS.
What are a few of the biggest things you took from or accomplished in SS?
I can do chins! I PR’d and made it to blue bumpers on my Deadlifts’s! I get to see pictures of little Clio weekly!
What’s the culture like?
CFSBK is so welcoming that to find an even deeper level of community was amazing. SS is nerdy and dad-joke-loving and such a smart, weird, and fun supportive group. You learn the quirks and ways of everyone and support all in their achievements. I’ve been struggling and working so hard to get my Chin-Ups and a string of health issues kept setting me back. A few months ago a certain SS mate, you know who you are (Wendy), just stared at me one night and said, “You don’t need that orange band,” pretty much right after Jeremy said ,”You don’t need the orange band. Give it to me,” which I did because well… I don’t know. And I got my first one. Then my second. There’s video, so it legit happened. Wendy is way scarier than Jeremy, that plus FINALLY my blue bumpers on Deadlifts (until I smashed my finger) are two of my favorite CFSBK achievements. Jeremy and other SSers having such confidence in you and what you will achieve is just wonderful. Its like family. A very weird little muscle-y family.
Were there any major challenges (physical or mental) that you had to overcome?
Oh yes. I can never thank David, Fox, Margie, and Jeremy enough for working with me and keeping me moving. I’ve been in and out of surgery for several years with an on-going health condition that constantly set me back. David was actually the one to catch it. He took me aside several years ago after a WOD and asked me if I was ok, that my lips were very blueish. I think any other training facility would have cut their losses and said you’re done but he sat with me and we talked and worked out a plan so I could remain mobile. Fox had a plan when he had me in class. Margie got me strong again. Jeremy increased and is still increasing my strength. I’m tenacious as hell so to find a team that was on-board with my physical messiness was amazing.
I’m in the process of moving out of state. Oh hey, guys, surprise I’m leaving! And it breaks my heart to not be part of this community on an almost daily basis.
News and Notes
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in a few weeks.
- Join us this Saturday for “Stonewall,” a Pride weekend workout to celebrate and support the LGBTQ members of our gym and the broader community. See the event page for more details!
How Much Should/Can You Compete in Weightlifting? Catalyst Athletics
The Clean Eating Myth Athlete Daily
Note to the “editor”:
Julie is a Super-Human of Strength Cycle. Please make this change and republish the article.
OG JB-I can’t believe you are moving away (but I am excited for you at the same time!)
JB, we will miss you like hell. <3 <3 <3 Also I love that story about "you don't need the orange band, give it to me." Classic Jeremy.
Super-giant 7 AM with RoHarpz. Srsly, I don't know how you guys do it (manage a class of this size, that is).
Squats 145/125, rows 40. Not too bad. I guess this is my last exposure to this style of squatting for a while! Going on vacay next week and when I come back, I'll dive into Strength Cycle.
Fitness WOD: 7 rounds + 6 reps with 73# and burpees instead of pull-ups. Came to AG last night and did PLENTY of kipping pull-ups so I asked Ro for a sub. At first I was like, "Burpees?!" but as I got into it I became very grateful to Ro for telling me to do them. Snatching was more than enough pulling for me today 😛
Hiiii Julie! This was a great read. I was lucky enough to do SC with Julie last time and she has such a great energy! Lots of fun to both lift and chat with. I’ll miss her!
7AM w/ Ro + Katie. First time doing Wed programming this cycle.
BSQ: 125x8x2. Tough, but good.
FSQ: 115×6. This, on the other hand, was terrible. Stopped with 2 to go because my upper back felt pinchy. I realized I haven’t front squatted in probably like…3 months?! Should have stuck with 95# like I’d initially planned but I got greedy.
DB Row: 25x8eax2, 27.5x8eax1. Fine!
WOD: 4 rounds + 4 pull ups (dang it!!) with 73# on the bar and regular chin-over-bar kipping pull ups. Tried chest-to-bar but it just wasn’t happening today and I wanted to keep things moving…especially because my power snatches were all bailed singles with a fair amount of contemplating my life choices in between. Felt a little off this morning and the gym was REALLY crowded which was kind of stressing me out; not my best day.
7am gang was all there!
HBBS: 135x8x2
FSQ: 115×8
3PT DB Row: 35x8e x3 + many grunts
WOD: either 4 or 5 rounds + 4 @ 78# w/chin over bar pull-ups. Confused on my rounds, but I was a couple reps behind Jaime, I think. Snatches went something 3 fine + 2 really really terrible in each round. Pull-ups were OK, but must tighten up the kip. Tore both palms. Sigh.
AGS gainz update: managed two strict pull-ups in a row, twice!
That pic of JB when I was luck enough to be on her FGB team – Menace to Swolebriety. Good times and great person who will be missed!
Make-up from yesterday afternoon/evening (I had multiple people point out that it was 6 PM, not AM) …
LBBS: 175 x 8 x 2
FSQ: 140 x 8
Thoughtful feedback from Whit, especially about staying tight before descending.
Row: 35 x 8, 40 x 8 x 2
Fitness WOD: 7 rounds at 83# (Rx+ only cause I didn’t want to deal with shifting plates). All power snatches as 3-2. C2B (with a chin up grip) started unbroken, then a few 4-1, then a mix of 3-2 or 3-1-1. Super hand conscious the whole time and happy to not rip.
STRONGFIT! 10 American Swings at 32kg, TGUs with Press at 16kg, and bent over barbell rows working to a top set of 8 at 85#
JB is really cool— you should follow her Instagram!! We will all miss you!!!
:30 sup grip dead hang
10 Cuban press 15#
:30 handstand hold
High pulls 8×3 12.5# (1 extra set on right)
Db press 8×3 22.5#
HBBS: 113 8×2
Fsq: 103 x8
Short circuit : )
Julie! So lucky to have been there for your last round of Strength Cycle. You are an amazing human and I’m excited for your move. You will be missed!
Massive 7am today. Glad to be back with all my pals!
BSQ: 125x8x2. Originally planned on 135 but these felt so heavy today!
FSQ: 115×8, super smooth.
3pt Row: 30x8x3
WOD: 5 rounds + 5 snatches. Probably about 30s of this workout was me adjusting and eventually taking off the DIY goat tape grips I made last night for this workout. They kept bunching up and had me re-adjusting constantly. I double-layered the tape (as per instruction!) and used my wrist wraps instead of tape to secure them. Then I just took them off and ripped my hands anyway in the second to last round. Sigh.
Question: Do you have to be a Crossfitter to participate in Stonewall this Saturday? The event says to invite friends and loved ones, but what if your friend doesn’t know how to squat clean?? Thanks in advance!
JB… OG! sorry to hear you’re leaving, but I imagine it’s in pursuit of sweet stuff. go get it!
I am super super bummed that I won’t be here this weekend for Stonewall. Not only do I want to show support and participate in such a great event, but it looks like a really fun workout to boot!
10am group class w/ Brett
HBBS 145×8, 155×8
FSQ 135×8
i realized that I think I did 4×8 @ 135 fsq at the end of lsat cycle so i should at least be there for one set today. the bsq should’ve probably both been at 155 to be honest, but taking into account the week I had off being sick. everything moved well.
DB BOR: 40×8, 45x8x2. solid.
WOD: performance rx’d
made it through the round of 5 + did the 6 snatches in the next round. finished my last one at 8:54 so no real time to hop up for a muscle up.
snatches: all singles, relatively quick reset though took longer through the 5’s. I was careful to be patient early on but not breathing at 100% capacity just yet obviously made a difference.
RMU: 1, 2, 3 unbroken, 2-2, 2-1-1-1
again… could’ve should’ve maybe pushed in the 5’s, but preferred not to fail any reps today and played safe with singles there.
had a RMU epiphany after watching some videos last wk… realized I’ve been too focused on getting hips to rings, which gives me a bit of lag in my turnover and I end up catching super low most of the time. today, tried to think more about pulling the rings BACK to my ribs/shoulders through hollow to the transition. felt WAYYYYY better! when I was fresh (1,2,3 rounds), this meant my dip out and rhythm was super efficient/fast. yay!
cool down: assault bike 1:00 @ 48rpm, 1:00 just legs (around 43-45) x 3
OGJB is moving?!! End of a CFSBK Era!! Can’t wait for the going away party!!!
Love these write-ups!
JB! You’ll be missed! Great write-up.
A)Clean @2,2,2
rest 15 sec between each 2
3-4 sets,
rest 2-3 min between sets add weight each set
108, 118, 133 (misloaded only did 3 reps missed the 4th) 123 x 2
B) Front Squat @2010 4,4,4
rest 20 sec between each 4
3-4 sets, rest 2-3 min between sets add weight each set
135, 145, 150, 155
Breathing was hard.
C1)Barbell Good Morning @4010
6-8 reps, 2-3 sets
110 x 8, 120 x 8, 125 x 8
C2) KB Cross Body Split Squat @4010 6-8 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 2 min
12kg x 8 x 3
Still feeling this more in my back leg.
I’d add more weight except i’m not sure I can get it overhead!!
D) 15 min @aer
20 cal AB
15 dual KB swings
10 squats
5 push ups
3 rounds 17 cal with 12kg KBs.
730 group with mr WEDNESDAY night KVW
Back Squats
235×5 OOF was slow. Felt like I was losing position so I racked it #notworthit
Front Squats
Performance metcon
4 rounds + 4 snatches as rxd
That’s a heavy barbell!
Did my rows after class 😛
Coupled with hollow rocks
Cant believe youre moving OGJB!!! Youll be missed.
Been busy, no time for posting yday! Finally feeling energetic and well recovered after 5 sessions a week of training. Which means I’ve earned the right for two a days twice a week! Building volume low and steady.
AM sesh:
A) SA Farmer Carry: 4x50M @ 75#
Not bad at all. last week’s 3x60M killed me for some reason.
B) Assault Bike: 8 min @45-50 rpms
rest 2 min
2 sets
PM sesh:
A1)Back Rack Reverse Lunge
@6-8 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
1x8ea @ 130
1x8ea @ 135
1x8ea @ 140
Fak ya!
A2) Dumbbell Tate Press
@2010 6-8 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
2×8 @ 25#
1×8 @ 27.5#
up we goooo
A3)Ab Roll Out
@14-16 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
B) 10-15 min flush
C)15 min @aer
1 rope climb
10 wall ball, 14/9
25 cal AB
3 rounds + 1 RC + 10 WB + 7 cal
Forgot to wear my monitor. Rope climbs felt great knowing i only had one to worry about
4:10/4:20/4:17, not bad!
Guysssss! There is no place quite like SBK and I miss my strength and short circuit homies super fierce – as well as NY. Who knew?!?!? Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder. So basically I’ll more than likely be back sooner than later – get ready to party DO! Thanks for having me up on the blog, too. It was a pleasure to tout the amazingness of Degraw. Miss all of your faces and big hugs!!! xoxo
Allie – I adore how much you love my IG, so it put the link to it :))