WOD 6.9.18
In Teams of 3, with a running clock…
At 0:00
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
Bike for Calories
One partner working at a time. Score total calories.
Rest 3 Minutes
At 15:00
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
Row for Calories
One partner working at a time. Score total calories.
Rest 3 Minutes
At 30:00
800m Sandbag Carry
One partner working at a time, trade off as needed. Score load and time.
Post work and partner to comments.
The Fabulous Fox Fam stopped into Bell City CrossFit to see Coach MeLo at her new gym!
Next Saturday: Kids’ Clothing Swap at CFSBK
We are hosting a kids’ clothing swap from 2 to 6pm next Saturday, June 16th. We are encouraging parents to bring in their children’s clothing to pass on to other member’s of the CFSBK community. Any and all clothes for children as young as newborns and as old as teenagers are welcome. Feel free to bring your clothes, place them in the appropriate area designated by age range, and then do a little browsing for yourself! Any clothes that are not taken by the end of the day will be donated to Urban Strategies Maternity Shelter.
News and Notes
- Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled. Still want to try something other than CrossFit group class? Check out StrongFit at 8am or Yoga for Athletes at 10am!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Playground Workouts Can Be a Parent’s Best Fitness Friend Girls Gone Strong
Weight Training May Help Ease or Prevent Depression NY Time
Shoutout to Greg for saving us with his singing skills when the music went out at 9 AM SS!