Every Other Minute on the Minute x 20 (10 Sets):
Build to a heavy single for the day. Not necessarily a new 1RM. The goal is no misses.
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 20 (10 Sets):
2 Clean Deadlifts (3 seconds down) + 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat
If you’re newer to the lifts, then choose the Fitness option and work on pulling strength from the floor. Use a weight that allows you to hit perfect positions.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
Partner AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
12 Sit-Ups
Partners alternate complete rounds of the couplet.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Humans of Starting Strength: David Linetsky
The Starting Strength Program is a cornerstone of CFSBK’s culture. Over the past month or so, we’ve been bringing you some Humans of New York-style interviews with our Starting Strengthers. Who are these intrepid powerlifters? What brings them together? What is Starting Strength Program like? How is it different from other classes? What kind of funny stuff does Coach Jeremy say in class? Let’s find out! In the last installment, we talked to Anise F. This time, let’s get to know David L. a little better…
What are some differences between Starting Strength and CrossFit group class? Were any a surprise to you?
Obviously, the focus is much narrower–rather than continually learning new skills and movements, you focus on just the major barbell lifts and a few accessory exercises. Everything you do is focused on the goal of getting stronger. It’s amazing how quickly you make progress when you narrow your focus like that. The other big difference that I didn’t expect was the personalized programming and coaching. Because it’s a small class, and Jeremy watches every lift, he really gets to know you and what you’re capable of, allowing him to program specially for you. After a working with Jeremy for a while I came to really trust that he knew my abilities, which has really helped me be more confident, especially when things get really heavy.
What’s the culture like?
The culture is great. You lift with the same people every class for weeks or months a time, so you get to know each other really well. And because you spend a lot of time between sets resting and watching your classmates lift, you get a lot of time to talk to and encourage each other. It inevitably ends up being extremely entertaining. But beyond just being fun, your rackmates really help motivate you. There’s a real sense of joint progress and accountability that is incredibly motivating.
Were there any major challenges (physical or mental) that you had to overcome?
Pushing through performance plateaus has been a major challenge, both physically and mentally. Several times over the last couple of years I’ve felt like I’d reached my absolute limit on a lift, hitting a weight or number of reps I just didn’t think I could exceed. When I’m at a plateau, just walking up to the bar for a set can be a challenge. The support of your rack mates, and trust in the process and Jeremy’s programming has been incredibly valuable and helped me break through these barriers many times.
News and Notes
- Iron Maidens photos by Kate R. and your blog editor are now up on Flickr. Relive the glory!
- Missing something? Maybe a hat, a jumprope, several sweatshirts, or half a dozen water bottles? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS in a couple of weeks!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Squat / Dumbbell Row | Muscle-Up EMOM
When Salad Was Manly AF JSTOR Daily
CrossFit Just Fired Its Spokesperson Who Said LGBTQ Pride Is A “Sin” BuzzFeed
Proud to be part of the CrossFit community again today.
I literally can’t believe how FRICKIN GREAT those IM pics came out. Really caught all the drama and excitement of being there. Kate and Josh you are ridiculously talented and we are lucky to have you capturing the moment for our community.
More background on the Russell Berger story for The Morning Chalk-Up email. NOTE: ALL OF THE COACHES QUIT!!!
“After speaking with members from CrossFit Infiltrate and reviewed email exchanges, here’s a timeline of events as best we could put together.
May 21: CrossFit Infiltrate General Manager Johnnie Martin organized an Indy Pride event at CrossFit Infiltrate for June 7th (today).
Friday, June 1: all members of CF Infiltrate received an email from Johnnie saying the Pride event had been canceled.
“The PRIDE event scheduled for next Thursday has been cancelled due to the wishes of ownership of the gym. Brandon Lowe, director of CFI, asked me to relay that “the directors and owners of Infiltrate value health and wellness and they believe that this event does not.”
In an email response to a concerned member, owner Brandon Lowe wrote:
“Our underlying goal for the staff and members at CrossFit Infiltrate and our other gyms CrossFit White River, and University Ave CrossFit, is total health and well-being for the individual and the community. Total health involves the body, the emotions, relationships, and the spirit. [As] the foundational detractor from health, as we believe God sets the parameters for, is pride. We believe that true health forever can only be found within humility, not pride. Humility is seeing oneself as they truly are, and as God truly defines them to be. As a business we will choose to deploy our resources towards those efforts and causes that line up with our own values and beliefs. Of course we will continue treat anyone and everyone with the same respect and produce the same service at CrossFit Infiltrate to anyone that wishes to take part.”
Saturday, June 2: All coaches quit and an unknown but significant number of athletes began leaving the gym.
Tuesday, June 5: All members received an email stating that CF Infiltrate was closing.
Wednesday, June 6: Russell Berger sent tweets in response to this closing. He was put on administrative leave then terminated shortly thereafter. “
WOW, I had heard a little about this story, but did not know that all the coaches quit. <3 to them.
Wow. Thanks for sharing Jay!
Hoo boy, Crossfit. What I know for sure is I <3 CFSBK.
6am w/Kharpz & Brett
Cleans up to a bonus attempt of 138# which is a little 5#, long-time lingering, PR. 5# more to body weight!!!
Partner WOD w/Kayleigh: 15rnds at the buzzer @ 35#
Went into this planning to just like shut my eyes until it was over but actually wound up being pretty fun + fair work-rest ratio, even w/Kayleigh's lightening speed. DB snatches are much better paired with sit-ups than burpee box jumps…
7 AM cleaning with WHarpz
I had an epiphany this morning while Whit was asking us why we hook grip: so we can have loose arms. I suddenly realized that HOOK GRIP DOES NOT MEAN DEATH GRIP! I have a lot of issues with death gripping the bar — in fact, even catching it still in a hook grip — and Whit’s question made me realize that I can hold the bar loosely in my fingers when hook gripping.
When I did this, all of a sudden cleaning felt great!
This is not to say that the whole day went great. About 3/4 of the way in, I started getting cues from the coaches to turn my elbows around faster and to really “throw” my elbows. For some reason I just could not translate this cue into anything like the appropriate action — in fact, I think I slowed down. Gah. But I will focus on the positive and remember what I learned about hook grip today for sure.
WOD: 12 rounds + 6 snatches (I think) at 35# with my squat buddy Dan G. Fun, although I had to book it to the locker room. Fortunately the stars aligned for me today and even though class ran a few minutes over, I was able to make it to work for an earlier-than-normal start time. Thanks R train!
Same same! Whit gave me the same feedback today about my hook grip!
One more great news story that is not to be missed:
I was reading about the “Klokov connection” between sets last night on the reddits. OMGWTF. Here is the Buzzfeed link.
David was also an awesome volunteer at IM this year working spreadsheet magic and was very patient as I obsessively debated 5# differences in next attempts.
Cleans: From 133# to 173#, then some “attempts” at a PR 183. First was a real attempt, but did not get my elbows around at all and the bar did a slow roll down my chest before crashing down on my left thigh – lovely bruise to start my weekend. After that, nothing more than really glorified clean pulls because my legs felt off and just wasn’t committing.
WOD: 15 glorious rounds with Kate Tk at 35#. Lots of fun, a little dancing during rest.
To the tune of Alicia Keys, re yesterday’s rower body saws: “These abs are on fireeeeeeee.”
David! No mention of The System (TM)?? Great lifting with you and thanks for continued use of your belt 🙂
STRENGTH! I went to see some bands last night and was really feeling the lack of sleep this morning. Guess that means I’m too old to go to shows.
LBBS: 145x5x3. Felt harder than it should have!
Press: First time doing these in a while, since I’ve been benching 2x/week this cycle for IM prep. SO HARD. 45x5x2, 55x5x3. Messed with my neck a little bit. Need to go back to acupuncture.
Deadlift: 160×5 w/ deficit. Deadlifting = the only activity that makes me wish I had shorter legs.
Glad cleans are on Thursdays this cycle! Excited to do this work tomorrow.
6am with BrarpZ
Cleans from 165-225. 10# PR and felt great! Funny how working on your long standing weaknesses make you better in all facets of Crossfit..
Partnered with James for the metcon. 13 rounds + 4 situps at 55#. Fun little workout and plenty of rest to allow you to push the pace.
BrarpZ sounds like a noise you make when drinking carbonated beverages.
I like this combination this is probably my favorite one. congrats on the PR STEEEVEEE
What a world.
8 am with Brett (thanks Whit for getting us started)
I kept the cleans light and they felt really good. I felt like I got good extension every time. Brett gave me a cue to keep the bar closer but that felt more like a tweak than a correction and I was able to manage it simply by a better set up. I did 7 rounds at 83# (about 80% of 1rm) and then the last three at 88. It was hard to resist the temptation to add weight when it’s feeling good but I drew on Robert’s encouragement from last week to stay where it’s good and hopefully hammer in that muscle memory. WOD with Jen – 12 rounds plus one last snatch with 27.5. Mostly muscle snatched – 30# next time. One day between body saws and sit ups was oooph.
@Fox… agreed. Very glad to be one tiny building block in this greater community. Glad CF was quick to fire his ass!
@Stella… yay! The hook grip is essentially a locking mechanism, allowing your forearms and biceps to stay *relatively* more relaxed so that the arms/elbows can be speedy and the bar can stay close! Woot woot! Happy to hear that clicked for you.
12pm group class w/ DO
EOMOM X 20: Clean
125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170, 175F, 175 (PR match), 180F, 180 (5# PR!), 185F (bonus attempt)
okay. so I walked into today feeling like it might be a good day to test. I’ve been feeling really sharp pulling under in the hip position from the last cycle on both snatch and clean AND have been working on L leg strength, core strength, front rack endurance, and front squat at higher percentages. figured I’d feel it out through the first 5 sets.
got to 165 and knew I would go it. first rep @ 175 was a bit out front and a DROP rather than a pull under/around. started giving myself pep talks about that and then the next one felt great. 180… racked it well, but per usual lost a bit of tension and just couldn’t get past that 2/3 mark on the way up. pep talk again to only pull around and STAND UP. and it happened!!! was definitely a bit slow, but I kept the bar closer and knew I had it once I was halfway up. such a good feeling 🙂 this is the key mantra for me on heavy cleans right now: just stand the f*ck up.
wasn’t gonna go for 185, but David offered. really just dropped down, it was a bit fwd, and while I was under it, no chance at getting out of the hole. 185# has been my goal since last April, and now I know I can hit that in 2018!!
WOD: 14 rds + 14 reps w/ Kcaps (me @ 35#, she @ 25#)
**I subbed v-ups for sit-ups. got really hard after 4 rounds. may have been a terrible idea. will find out tmw!
$ out: 4 x 15 GHD hip extensions @ 30×2
hamstring murder
Worked out for like 3 hours today between KVW’s performance care segment warmups/cooldowns and the Rogramming. But i had a lot of energy today so i took advantage:
A) Snatch
2,2,2 rest 15-20 sec between each cluster
3-4 sets, rest 3-4 min between sets
105/115/125 for clusters
Was going to go for 130, but i failed my first rep and wasnt mentally committed to it. I knew it would be sloppy so i called it. 125 felt good though!
B)Back Squat
@2011 8-10 reps, 3-4 sets, rest 1-2 min
1×9 @ 150
1×9@ 160
1×9 @ 170
1×8 @ 180
that 8th rep on 180 was slow as HELL! but hey i added three reps since my last squat day so its all good (did 4×8 for all last time) I made some really cool dinosaur noises towards the end there, as someone described them.
C1) Strict Handstand Push-up
8 reps, unbroken, 3-4 sets
4×8, 8th rep on the 4th set was a grind. potentially have room for 9 but getting close to the unbroken cap
C2)Chest to Bar Pull-Up
10 reps, unbroken, 3-4 sets, do not rip
4×10 solid, plenty more room to go here.
C3) Box Jump Step Down
14 reps, unbroken, 24″, 3-4 sets, rest 4 min
was losing my jumpy legs there towards the end. triplet superset splits consisted of the following:
Happy with the consistency across splits for the most part! Very chill transitions but felt pretty fast and efficient
D) 4 sets @aer
800m run
30 alt plank toe taps
15 D-Ball cleans, 80lb
5 wall walk
rest 4 min
rd 1: 9:55
rd 2: 9:17
rd 3- 9:40
rd 4- 9:41
HR avg: 147
HR max: 174
This felt way better than the last time i did it. Much better at lapping the d-ball and figured out the hip pop. It got some serious air over my shoulder when i got it right!
Clearly figured out my pace by the second half. heart monitor overall avg says I went too hard. But the lady in my polar app was telling me i was dancing around 150-141 bpm so i didnt think i was that off!
E)10-15 min flush
Was feeling a bit stiff so I did some extended assistance work before class
10 Sets
Upper body Sled Rows 80′
FWD Sled Walk back 80′
(Worked up to the Echo Sled + 235lbs)
Then did about 20 minutes of shoulder work with therabands and Dumbbells
4:30pm Group Class
Clean EMOM
215 F
205 F
Stupid Legs
Did the Partner AMRAP with the world famous Allie B! Ive never been her partner in a workout and wanted that trademark supportive energy she always has. We got 13 Rounds + 17 reps.
I did the first 4 rounds with a 50lb DB but then decided it was too light so went up to a 65lb DB which made more sense in this WO
Lol! Thanks, DO! You pushed us to be stronger by grabbing that 65#!! So fun 😛
I haven’t been blogging too much lately— been a little sad about the negative gains I’ve been making since my shoulder ish and just decided to focus on getting better.
Since I partnered with DO during the workout, I figured I’d post today!!
Today: clean up to 108#. Great tips from Whit about getting set and putting the bar on tension before pulling helped tremendously!
Then didn 13 rounds + 17 reps with DO. Started at 25#, but when we had so much rest AND DO jumped up to 65, I went to 30#. Trying to nurse the shoulder, but this all felt fine!
Then short circuit which was great!
Iron Maiden’s was amazing as usual. Such an amazing, supportive environment. So well run— great job to all involved and special thanks to Margie.
I almost dropped out. My school production was Friday night— and the week leading up to it is a lot of physical stuff and anxiety. I’m so glad I just came and participated.
It’s evident I have lost strength in the past two months, but I did my best, which was the goal! And to see the amazing strength of all the other gals at the gym was just incredible.
Progress isn’t always linear… its kind of like tracking the climate v the weather. Remember you’re here to be healthy, be capable and enjoy and celebrate movement. Listen to your body, have fun and don’t sweat it if you can’t always hit numbers you think you should be able to. You’re already amazing for doing what you do!
The IM photos are AMAZING. So sad I was out of town and had to miss cheering folks on but ya’ll ROCK. Congrats on an incredible event <3
Been a bad blogger but have been doing some fitness! There was some benching, there were many many squats (and devil ab sliders), and today there were cleans.
Today my goal was to not fail any cleans because I bailed before at least trying to get under. Built up to 120# and a few of those actually felt snappy. No failing due to the "mental bail", hooray!
Partnered with new friend Ryan on the AMRAP with 35# dbs. Made it through 12 rounds + 3 snatches. Really tried to get into a good start position because I was wicked sore after last week's db snatch adventures.
Oh SNAP it’s David “The System” Linetsky!!! Hell yea
Cleans: 93-103-113-118-123-128-133-123-128-133
Cleans were decent today but elbows are SLOW. Whit pointed out I’m death gripping the bar and not releasing my hook grip which makes so much sense! Good cue from Andrew who was lifting behind me about pushing my knees out on the front squat.
Goal this summer is to work on my oly lifting which has suffered the most from my past injuries. I also need to work on my front squats because they are my weakest lift and will help with cleaning obv. My FSQT 1RM is 55# less than my 1RM back squat (even accounting for fluctuations and working up to a heavy, comfortable single). I’m no expert, but I think my front squat should be a bit closer to my back squat than it is! Also going to work on my core bc Whit said so and it will help with improving my FSQT and oly lifts.
WOD with Daniel: 13+2
Daniel did 40# and I did 35# on the snatches. Tried to alternate hands on the decent but not coordinated enough so just transition from the floor. Fun one!
This has been a busy week at work and I’ve literally been running out the door each day to make it to group class (been 5 minutes late daily- thanks for letting me take class, coaches and I’m sorry!) but making fitness a priority is helping me manage stress as I close out the school year:) Love this gym and everyone in it.