Work up to a heavy Squat Clean Thruster, aka a “Cluster.”
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
For Time:
100 Thrusters 135/95
Every minute on the minute, both partners perform 5 synchronized Burpees. Both partners must have their chests on the floor at the same time for the Burpee to count as a rep. The Thruster weight should be medium heavy for you.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Iron Maidens 2018: Thank You!
Thanks to all who competed, donated, volunteered, and came out to cheer yesterday. This year’s Iron Maidens Raw Open was an enormous success, thanks in no small part to our wonderfully supportive community. Congrats to Margie and Danae on organizing a first-rate event, and many thanks to our volunteers, judges, and front desk staff for keeping everything running smoothly.
Iron Maidens competitors raised $26,231 to fund the Stay Strong Scholarship, which will continue to send students from Grace Outreach to college. You can still donate here!
Thank you again to our generous sponsors: IronStrong Jewelry, Kristin Cheng/Gotham Holistic, Left Bank Restaurant, Threes Brewing, Starting Strength, RYU Apparel, Olympia Wine Bar, JoMart Chocolates, Cafe Grumpy, Jolyn, Thirteen Fit Apparel, Ample Hills Creamery, Murder of Crows Barbell Club.
Check the blog this week for the full results!
What Does It Mean When Athletes Maintain Three Points of Contact in Lifting? BarBend
Why Asparagus Makes Your Pee Smell Smithsonian
This WOD sounds like Crush Week, all right. I’m not sorry to be out of town!
2-3 sets for quality
20 single unders
6 hanging knee raises
5e lateral box step ups
Double under Practice
10 min @aerobic pace/movement based
270m run
30 sit ups
25 double unders
rest 3 min
10 min @aerobic pace/movement based
270m run
10 kbs, 32/24kg
5 push ups
Mannn… I did I did short circuit and 9am this morning! I could have totally done AG today. Bummer 🙁 This looks fun!!
9am with Foxes
Cluster up to 115#
Death by thrusters at 83#, totally forgot to look at the time. Lucked out on a generous partner who def did more reps than me. Tried to at least do 3-4 reps per turn. Felt my left side weakness on these big time! So much work to do.
Loved watching Joy and Kate W crush this RX. So. Strong.
9am w/🦊 🦊
Clusters with Stephen H up to 205#. Reps all felt good.
WOD – 12:55Rx
I definitely would have quit if Steve offered. Started with 5 each through 40 then 3’s & 4’s to finish. Great workout today!!
12pm with Ro and Lauren
Cluster up to 205, had 215 but didn’t grip the bar properly after the clean.
Metcon 13:54min @ 115lbs. Partnered with Emily who thank God kept track of the reps. This was really awful for me – basically redlined early on and just tried to survive for 13min. Couldn’t breathe. Thought about stopping repeatedly. Not a fun time.
2pm AG
So… Much… Running. I was still a little off from group class, so I took it easy (ish) on the runs, then after the metcon spent a bunch of time rolling and stretching.