WOD 5.31.18
21 Minute Ascending Ladder of:
9-18-27-36-45… Sit-Ups
6-12-18-24-30… Calories Rowed
3-6-9-12-15…. Push Presses 115/65
Post work and Rx to comments.
Danae, Margie, and Francine just appeared on Mission BX with TK and Bintou from Grace Outreach to talk about Iron Maidens and the Stay Strong Scholarship. Watch it!
Iron Maidens Fundraising Update: 2 Days to Go!
The Iron Maidens Raw Open is this Saturday! 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift in this women-only powerlifting meet. We can’t wait to see you all there!
For the 3rd year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach. This year, our goal is to raise $40,000 to continue supporting these students. Right now we’re at $17,150 raised. Can you help us get there? Show some love by donating to your favorite CFSBK lifter(s) or directly to Grace Outreach through the 2018 Crowdrise campaign below.
Watch the video above to find out what Iron Maidens is all about and why the Stay Strong Scholarship is so important right now!
News and Notes
- CFSBK raised $1,785 (including $5 from every t-shirt sold) for K9s for Warriors at Murph Day. Nice work, everyone! You can still donate here.
- All classes are cancelled this Saturday for Iron Maidens! Friday and Sunday classes will run on our regular schedule.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Sled Work | DB Power Snatch, Double-Unders
Dwayne Johnson Does “Murph” with John Krasinski BarBend
Why Pilates and Lifting Weights Aren’t Mutually Exclusive Girls Gone Strong
Really belated Murph post:
Half-Murph to not break myself before Iron Maidens. Avoided looking at the clock because the goal was to take my time and focus on quality reps. Went with 5-10-15 for 10 rounds. All pull ups unbroken. Push ups 7-3 for two rounds, then 5-3-2 for the rest. Second mile was with Luna (the dog) and Katie grabbed Burrito for the last lap – puppy mile is the best kind of mile. By far the greatest second mile of Murph I have ever done. Great day at the gym. Wonderful 9am heat overall and amazing energy the rest of the day – very thankful to those who helped run the day and the community in general. Next time, I’m vesting and going Rx.
Came in Tuesday and today for some low volume prep. Worked up to singles for openers on Tuesday for all three lifts, then singles to just below openers today for squat and bench press. Looking forward to seeing lots of feats of strength on Saturday!
Nice! I can clearly recall the big smile on your face as you rounded third avenue with puppy in tow. Admire your restraint and quality prep and can’t wait to see all the lifts on Saturday! Git it!
Strong Thursday, sort of. I woke up feeling VERY sore in my low back — maybe because I didn’t set my back properly before each of the DB snatches yesterday? 🙁 In any case I really did not want to squat high effort so I went with:
Pause squats 155x3x4
Bench 105x5x3
Deadlift 235×5
Awesome to see Michelle B back from PR!
Looking forward to doing this 21-minute craziness tomorrow as my last act of fitness before I head out to Chicago for the weekend. Strong ladies, I’m SO SORRY I won’t be around for Iron Maidens! Please fill my social media feed with videos and photos so I can live vicariously while I’m tromping around the conference center.
awww you’ll be missed at IM!! I will try to channel my inner Stella on the platform 🙂
2x: 10 lateral band steps, 10 fwd/bwd monster walks, :20 ea psoas march hold
BSQ: 3-2-1@ 30×1
(45×7, 95×5, 135×4)
everything felt about 20# heavier, likely due to murph + those sled pushes last night! no problem. just tapping into a bit of weight and quality today.
occlusion training:
RFESS, L side only
band @ 7/10 tension, I think?
5 sets, :30 rest. 10# DB ea hand. band stays on the whole time.
1: 15 reps
2-4: 12 reps
5: 8 reps
there was whimpering involved. felt like i had a peg leg for about a minute after, just walked around the gym to recover. this is going to be an interesting experiment!
10am group class
339 reps, RX+ at 95#
figured I’d really rather not do more than 189 sit-ups today, so bumped the weight up on the push press to slow things down a bit. unbroken through 9, then two sets on 12 + 15 rounds. no breaks on sit-ups. rows around 950 cal/hr give or take for the 6 and 18 rounds, closer to 900 for 24, 850 for 30, and around 1100 for the last minute to get 15.
$ out: 3 sets
10 bicep curls @ 3131 tempo, alternating supinated/pronated, 10# ea hand
:20 star plank ea side
I am here for the celebrity goss, to get pumped for Iron Maidens and also to ask about that fetching CFSBK baseball tee in red. You see, I was gonna treat myself for completing a self-imposed “May Challenge” of 15 Short Circuit and/or StrongFit classes. I hit my 15th class on Tuesday and rolled by the t-shirt case and that spot was bare! Are they coming back???
I hope so because I also waited too long and want one!
The workout today was definitely about the sit-ups but for me personally it was the push press and how busted up my pecs still are from Murph.
4 full rounds plus 5th round of sit-ups row and 11 push press. I was cooked by the time I got to the bar. I did one rep and my shoulder said “Oh hell no”. 20 seconds or so later I managed 3 more reps before putting the bar down again… this was the slog until time called.
After that the cash-out with the passthroughs with PVC might as well have been putting knifes in my chest.
@Whitney this makes so much more sense – my score was suspiciously close to yours and my immediate assumption was “no no, something must be up” lol…
12nooner w/JFox!
Hungry hungry competitive hippos was a fun warm up and I was sweating like it was basically my workout for the day.
WOD/ladder: 324 reps rx – finished the round of 54 sit ups at the buzzer. Push presses were OK! I think I’ve made some strength gainz here – I usually cheat into push jerk territory at this weight, but only caught myself on one no-rep. Unbroken through round of 9, then 6-6, and 5-5-5. Somehow this all came together to be a pretty fun workout and a good sweat.
Had about 30 min to spare before flying out so did today’s 21min thingy. Trying to squeeze in 4 days before I go out of town. Shoulders feeling TRASHED. In an okay sore kind of way. But hot dayum:
430 reps. Took a little bit to shake off the soreness. Took it easy first 5 min+ on situps/row. Then tried to push it a bit around min 10 on. Held around 950 avg. oy my Poor leggies! All push presses unbroken. Felt good! Sit-ups are so slow for me.
Murph!!! 44:38 RX w/ 14# vest
I haven’t been in the competitive spirit in the beginning of my offseason. So I went into this looking to have FUN. I really really did. It was my favorite (and third) Murph. Second with a vest. I didn’t look at any scores in advance, not even my own. And I managed to PR by 17 seconds! First run felt perfect. Good breathing, solid pace for me. Executed the middle part well for where I’m at. Pretty proud my push-ups never broke down. Even went 5/5 in the last round! Huge accomplishment for me. Pull-ups felt better than ever. I used squats as recovery, and went slower than I should have, but I was a bit eh-hem dehydrated from a few Memorial Day beverages the night before.
5 push-ups (3/2 from very beginning)
5 pull-ups (unbroken)
5 push-ups (3/2)
15 air squats
The only part that was disappointing was my run at the end. I can normally push pretty hard no matter how I feel. But I haven’t been training running quite as much and I wasn’t exactly running off of the proper fuel from the previous night. Either way, all that matters was we had a solid group this year, and I’m so glad I could make it!
Other fitness this week included:
-3×10 ea @120# back reverse lunge
-overhead press 3×10 @75
-3×8 matador dips
-3×10 ea bent over rows @ 50#
-handstand walks, rope climbs, toes to bar
-carries, core and a bunch of monostructural stuff.
Off to savannah and back to being healthy next week!
7 am with K Harpz
It was hard to get up this morning but I had to get to the office at a decent hour! I had it in my head that 21 mins was gonna be a long time: more than double yesterday’s wod, which was tough on me and nearly half of Murph, which was Murph. Still, I felt good about how I moved most of the time. I had far away transitions so I took that as rest and tried to make myself get right to the next thing. The hardest was picking up the bar after rowing but once I did I never put it down. I only allowed a few planned breaks with pre-determined counts on the sit ups and tried to make them faster by going back down faster but that can cause a bumped head. I feared 30 cals on my last row but kept my pace and made it back to the bar in time for one last push press = 256 with 52# on the bar.
Did a hacked version of this between clients
GHD Sit-Ups: 9-18-21-21-21
Ski Erg: 6-12-18-24-30
Fat Bar Push Press (105): 3-6-9-12-6
That wasnt fun
This week has been busy/stressful and today’s WOD was the perfect remedy. I thought it was really fun. In some ways it was more mentally than physically challenging trying to keep track of the number of reps I was supposed to do for each movement!
WOD Rxd: 344 reps
Situps: Kept a solid, steady pace throughout and they felt easy
Row: kept it in the 800s to start (my heart rate spikes if I go higher), dropped down to 700s a couple of times when I wasn’t paying attention and turned it up in the last 90s because I ended on the erg.
Push presses: all unbroken and felt great
Think I paced this very well. Curious how it would have gone if I pushed it a bit more on the erg.
Murph: 34:11
Been super stressed and busy and didn’t want to run myself down so opted to modify to: Full runs and half volume of gymnastic stuff.
I have no push-up capacity any more! Used to be a strength! Thought I would get under 30 minutes and was sadly mistaken!