Power Clean
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 12 (6 sets):
2 Power Cleans
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Sarah C. and her brother competed at Barbells and Beer at CrossFit 908 in Berkeley Heights, NJ yesterday. Katie E. and Phil were also there to represent CFSBK!
Register for Active Life Strength!
Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, and improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! This is a predominantly strength-based class very specifically programmed to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs.
The Active Life methods help athletes of all levels identify the root causes of their pain, injuries, and plateaus, and provide solutions for alleviating and eliminating those limitations through strength training, hands on treatment, corrective movements, and program modification. As the Head Coach at Active Life Athletics, Coach Keith worked closely with the Active Life doctors as they developed the system and led the charge to incorporate it into a gym model. Using those principles, this program will help you identify your individual weaknesses and limitations, guide you through the necessary strength and mobility exercises, and get you moving and lifting more efficiently, with less pain. A pain-free athlete is a confident athlete, and a confident athlete is a dangerous athlete. If your goal is to look better, feel better, and go hard into your 80s, this program will help you set and maintain the foundation.
For more information on The Active Life, check out:
- @activeliferx on Instagram
- www.performancecarerx.com
- The Active Life on YouTube
May 14th, 2018 – July 5th, 2018
Tuesdays from 10:00am to 11:00am
Thursdays from 9:00am to 10:00am
2x per week for 8 weeks
Register Here!
PM Cycle
May 14th, 2018 – July 5th, 2018
Mondays from 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Thursdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
2x per week for 8 weeks
Register Here!
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY state sales tax). The first charge will occur at the time of registration and the second payment of $160 will occur automatically 1 month later. This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
(Please note that you are committing to specific days and times and there be no refunds for any missed classes or late cancellations.)
What happens in class?
We will start with testing your single leg strength relative to your Back Squat, your Deadlift stamina relative to your absolute strength, your 1-arm carry ability, and your upper body pressing and pulling. You will then receive progressive strength work during each class to address your weaknesses based off of your test results.
In addition, we will identify your general movement limitations through mobility and flexibility assessments. Each athlete will receive an individualized “Not for Time” piece to complete as a warm up/cool down for CrossFit group class or during standardized warm-ups to address these limitations through corrective movements, stretches, and holds.
News and Notes
- We’ve delayed the start of the upcoming Active Life Strength PM Cycle (but not AM) to Monday, so you know what that means: There’s still time to register! See yesterday’s blog post for details, and go HERE to register.
- Interested in volunteering to help out at Iron Maidens? Fill out this form!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Team Metcon
Three Major Muscles to Always Keep Loose Breaking Muscle
Creating the Time to Do What You Love Every Day zen habits
Good job guys!
Also, you mean Katie Egan? Lol
Katie Harper, though i saw you at the gym on Saturday 😉
A. 2x
5 low ring transitions
15-20 sec ring support
5 kip swings
10/7 cal row
B. Kipping Ring Muscle up practice
C. 15 min w/partner @aerobic pace
5 muscle ups
10 wall ball, something heavier than usual
15/12 cal row
Back Squat
5 clusters at 205lb of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set)
rest 3-5 min
Chin up
@10×0 6,4,2,6,4,2 rest 3-4 min
6@ +10
4@ +22.5
2@ +30
6@ +12.5
4@ +25
2@ +35
20 min row @2:10-2:15 split
e5 min
15 WB, 14/9
12 ghd sit ups
8 ring push ups
10-15 min EZ flush
11am with Snickers & Ro
Power clean doubles: 93, 103, 113, 123, 133, 133 (failed 2nd rep)
Pretty OK, just lost tension & dumped over on the very last one. This was my previous 1RM so feel good about it overall!
WOD: 4:50 @ 24kg
Knocked out my hangover.
Saturday make up –
AGS: all the pump! Didn’t go too crazy on anything, just feeling things out. Will definitely have to take extra careful notes to make the most of this, I think.
Group class after, partnered with Toni and Klove. We were just shy of 6 rounds – I modified to 20dus, plus a couple rounds of both du and singles, kipping knee raises getting as close to my triceps as possible, and 83# on OHS. Sweatyyy.
Dang! Way to crush those numbers on the cleans AND nice time on that
Killing it!
11am Lauren & Ro
Power clean doubles 83, 93, 98, 103, 108, 113, lazy arms at the end, need to turn over faster. got soft here
WOD with 16kg bell, swear I wanted to go heavier but by the time I grabbed my bell all were gone. 5:17 felt good
Happy Mother’s Day to all baby mamas, puppy mamas, cat mamas, etc! It’s a hard a$$ job
Lol no doubt— seems like the hardest job in the world! Go KCaps!
Power Clean Doubles, 123×2, 133×3, 143
Last set at 133 felt the best of the three; 143 was far from graceful, but happened.
WOD: 4:37 with the 24kg KB.
135×5, 225×3, 275×3, 305×2, 325×1, 345F
Got the bar off the ground, but decided to drop instead of grinding it out. Wanted to save my energy for the next part.
Linda – ish
10-9-8-…-1 Deadlifts (225), Squat Cleans (105), Bench Press (95)
I add the “ish” because I scaled the weight on the bench press (from 135) and I screwed up the order – should be bench then cleans. Took it at a steady pace, not too focused on the clock, taking plenty of time to set up before each. Lots of breaking it up. 23:15. Would definitely be interested in doing this in the future for time (perhaps – just so many barbells to set up). Many thanks to Pierre for the inspiration here to try this one out.
1pm with Ro and Lauren
Clean up to 235. Interesting to see how much harder the 2nd clean was, and how my form would break down. Didn’t even try to touch and go this, went with bailed singles.
Metcon 5:57 @ 24kg – fine, these are movements that I’m slow at.
2pm AG
Kipping MU work was super interesting, I had never done as many progression steps. I get stuck at the transition, not enough hip pop + arm pull.
Metcon with Jamal, who was rowing 1800 Cal/hr and taking it easy. Burpee + pull-up was fun, 30lb WB was super hard and hit me in the face at least once, row was a recovery.