Athlete of the Month: Charles Smith
By Chris Fox
Charles has so many of the qualities that we coaches think make for a “super member”: someone who does that extra little bit to get the most out of their time spent at CFSBK, while enriching the experience of others as well. Showing up early to work on weaknesses, mindfully listening to and processing coaching, and being an all around positive classmate are just a few of those little things he does that get recognized. While you’ll find him to be generous with support and friendly banter, you don’t want to get caught in a rundown in midtown with him… or a fried chicken cook-off.
Fox: Congrats, Charles! I’m happy to say that you’re our May Athlete Of The Month. Thanks for taking the time to sit down with me.
Charles: Stop it… thank you. It’s really an honor, and I’m stunned.
Fox: When and how did you first wind up at CFSBK?
Charles: I remember exactly, because it was the Sunday of Super Bowl 50, in 2016. Oddly enough, I honestly couldn’t tell you how I found the gym.
Fox: What were you doing training-wise prior to CrossFit?
Charles: I was playing a lot of basketball at the time and going to the gym to support that. I’d go to the Y and do these “10 Exercises to Blahblahblah…” sort of programs straight from magazines, lots of dumbbells combined with the elliptical machine for cardio. I wasn’t making what I would consider progress and somehow ended up taking the Free Intro Class with David that Sunday. Right away I knew that not only could I get better training here, but that I would KNOW how to measure that progress.
Fox: Do you still play ball?
Charles: Not really. I still shoot around but my playing days are mostly behind me. I tore my MCL 2 months after starting CrossFit (an injury not related to the gym) and took it as a warning that I had played enough minutes in my lifetime. Honestly the injury ended up being a good thing for me. It removed some of my initial stubbornness about movements like Squatting, and gave me a fresh start to improve from.
Fox: What were your first impressions of the gym, how it operates compared to something like a YMCA? What made you join and stay?
Charles: I LOVED the systems and the overall process. I liked that right away there was an emphasis on becoming fitter, not just thinner. I work out not to lose weight or necessarily for vain reasons, but to DO STUFF. The emphasis on the doing of stuff here was refreshing. Other than that I thought it was clean and well organized. It just felt different than other gyms. The cycles, the way classes are run, and the variety of class options allows for one to truly receive individualized programming in a group setting. We’re all working together, but you can still choose your own path. I really nerd out when the programming cycles are released and set some individual goals to aim for during them. Plus, being someone who works primarily from home, I enjoy the social aspect of coming to this gym. It’s like the folks in 10am class are my office mates. Also, the coaches actually “coach” here. I’ve not been to many other CrossFit gyms but the coaches at some are definitely not as engaged as is the norm at CFSBK.
Fox: Where are you from originally?
Charles: I’m from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philly. I had a great childhood, and reaped all the benefits of growing up close to both the beach and mountains, and playing in a neighborhood filled with backyards. That being said, looking back it was a pretty insular experience of the world, being in a pretty homogeneous environment. I’ve always been a sports fan and was quickly drawn in to the intense sports culture that Philadelphia has, and I enjoy connecting with a wide variety of people through that. It may sound silly or clichéd, but sports can really connect people in meaningful way.
Fox: Were you an athletic kid?
Charles: I was always playing something. From organized team sports like basketball, track (long jump and triple jump), swim, and tennis. I did it all. If I wasn’t playing in a league I was playing in backyards.
Fox: I’ve seen you over at the Brooklyn Bridge fields with your own kids. Have you passed on the athlete gene?
Charles: I did, and I wasn’t the only one in my family to get it. My brother, who’s 11 months younger, is one of the best athletes I’ve even seen. He and I were pretty competitive with each other for a while but then gravitated to different sports. My daughter, Josie, is a fantastic track athlete and runs the 200 and 400. My son, Owen, is quite a basketball player. His high school team just wrapped up an undefeated season.
Fox: What do you do for work?
Charles: I’m a part of my family’s business, which is mostly real estate development now. I mostly spend my days now working with the venture capitalist firm, Social Starts. It’s really exciting work, and I’ve been part of some exciting companies over the years, like Etsy, for example. When I began with them we were a team of 6, and that number grew to over 75 in my time with them. I really enjoy the conversations I get to have with people who are so passionate about their ideas, and are willing to give all of themselves to make them work.
Fox: What do you do for fun when you’re not at the gym or trying to find the next big thing in tech?
Charles: I enjoy cooking a wide range of foods, and like taking on the challenge of “hacking” famous recipes. I’m pretty good at a Smashburger, can make a mean Shake Shack burger, but my biggest success has been Popeye’s chicken fingers. As I mentioned earlier, I’m a big sports fan and aside from rooting for my teams, I love the analytical side of sports. Data and how it affects team make-up, how GMs build successful teams. That sort of thing really interests me.
Fox: What’s something people might not know about you?
Charles: Hmmm… I’ve got a few things, I think. It’s pretty visible, but the Eagles tattoo on my right arm that I got this year is my first and only one. I ended up getting it through a bet of sorts with a cousin. I once chased a laptop thief through the Madison Square Park area, and caught him. I got the laptop back. I was also a large baby. 11 pounds, 8 ounces.
Fox: I love your tattoo story. First of more maybe? Back to some fitness stuff…what are your current gym goals?
Charles: I’ve had the same goal since day one, to be as prepared as possible when class begins. Currently that means working on hip and hamstring flexibility as well as in my ankles. I try to focus on a few weaknesses and address them automatically when I get to the gym. Movement-wise I’m trying to improve on the Snatch, like almost everybody. I look for drills and exercises that address my particular issues and incorporate them regularly. I’ve also finally begun to run again after a long time away from it, so I’m building up my distance there as well. I try to keep my gym goals action based, and let those actions lead to outcomes. Like, “what can I do” to achieve what I want, instead of focusing on the “want” part of it.
Fox: I like your thought process, Charles. That’s really great advice. Last question: What should we look for in an Athlete Of The Month?
Charles: Someone who is building their own fitness path but still part of the collective experience of CFSBK. Whether that means doing Starting Strength, Next Level Weightlifting, Short Circuit, or whatever. This place allows so many entry points to, and ways to express, functional fitness, so there are so many places to look. I also think the right attitude includes a willingness to fail. Friday Night Lights really showed this in spades. It wasn’t about winning, per se, in that it wasn’t about doing better than anyone else. Just showing up and doing your best was celebrated, and being willing to show up, do your best, and still fail can actually be a win in the larger sense.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press / Lateral Lunge | Wall Balls, KB Swings, Burpees, Pull-Ups
Push Through the Pull Under Catalyst Athletics
How Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Evolved Smithsonian
Wednesday’s Programming
A1) Front Squat:
4 x 10-12
A2) Single-Arm Ring Row:
4 x 10-12
Use a heavy load (or degree of difficulty for the Ring Row) for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Front Squats, followed by a set of Ring Rows, heavier than last week. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
15 Deadlifts 185/125
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
The barbell should be on the heavy side for you. Baller status for going unbroken, but definitely okay to break it up a bit, especially on the Hang Power Cleans.
Post time and Rx to comments.
130m jog
10 band pull aparts
15 V-tucks
Bar muscle up practice
3 sets @aer pace
45 DU
550m run
rest 3 min
Yeah congrats Charles!!!
Congrats Charles!
Bucks County forever! Congrats Charles!
What an awesome AOM pick! Go Charles!
8am doing monday’s work…and it’s the first time I’ve been able to do monday’s Work this cycle. Ooof. SA Bench: 2×10 @20#, 2×10 @22.5. Lateral lunge: 4×10 w/out dumbbell—held on to pole to stablize and get into good, low form. WOD in 9:50 with 12# to 8’, 20kg kettlebell, and ring rows. Followed plan for breaking things up (WB 15/15/10/10; KBS 25/15; Burpees 8/7/6/5/4; RR 10/10) but as always took a long time to catch breath between things. Still, I liked my pacing plan. Cash out with 12.5# dumbbells.
Also played my first softball game of the season last night (work team) and my right shoulder is angry today. Womp womp.
What a great pick for AOM – congrats Charles! I <3 the 10am crew, wish I could join them more often.
AGS assessment day @ NC Fit, California (where they have Rogue-branded PVCs, but no matador for dips)
Max push-ups: 18 (stamina killed me, midline was mostly there still)
Strict Dips @ 3010 tempo: 3 dips (on the rings, not matador, tried for 4 and failed)
— Didn’t even attempt a weighted tempo ring dip, I knew I wasn’t going to get much.
Close Grip Bench Press @ 3010 tempo 1RM: 205lbs – didn’t push this since had no spotters, maybe had 215 in there.
DB External Rotation @ 3010 tempo, 20lbs: 10 reps on the right side, 6 reps on left (asymmetry is real)
Side-Laying Powell Raises @ 3010 tempo, 20lbs: 10 reps on both sides, but was swinging a bit on the last few reps
Strict Pull-up @ 3010 tempo: 3 unweighted, no problem, then… +25 for 1, +50 for 1 and +75 for FAIL
Side Bridges: 65s on each side (FAIL – goal was 90s)
Tabata Sit-ups: 9.8avg rounds (12 12 11 10 9 9 8 8)
Congrats, Charles! Great AOM pick!!
Trying to get into some kind of workout schedule groove for these next 6 weeks of Strength Cycle (planning to come on Saturdays for metcon fun-day and AR). Today I DIY’d some accessory work, focusing on core and glutes:
3 rounds:
log roll to v-up x7
banded side-steps x12ea
3 rounds:
rear foot elevated split squat (31×1 tempo) x8ea w/ 20# DB
dragon flags x7
3 rounds:
banded air squats x10
banded glute bridges x10
banded clam shells x10
3 rounds:
1:00 plank
I’ve gotten really spoiled by our amazing programming and coaching, and I’m super self-conscious about working out by myself! But I was able to cobble this together based on stuff I’ve learned in group class and my one-on-one sessions with Whit last summer, and I feel like it was better than nothing 🙂
A very deserving AOM pick! Loved reading more about you Charles, but was really itching for more details on the laptop thief story…
Group class this morning doing Monday’s work with Lauren:
SA Bench: 30# x 10 x 4
SL Lateral Lunge: 20# x 10 x 4
7:36, Rx’d.
Should have pushed myself to do the WB’s unbroken, but wasn’t feeling particularly motivated or well rested this morning. Did 30-10-10. KB Swings unbroken, burpees slow and steady, kipping pull-ups in rounds of 5.
Perfect choice! Congrats, Charles!
Great AOM pic, and a fun interview. Charles has been a great addition to the CFSBK community.
@Jamie – Ask Charles for the full story…it’s pretty outrageous.
Congrats, Charles!!!!
Charles! An excellent choice for AOM – so friendly, very thoughtful about feedback and reflecting on his lifts, and always putting in a little extra work.
Wednesday’s work – was going to LBBS at OG, but figured I could use a deload/mix-it-up day. Also, wanted to see what this single-arm ring rows are all about and could not resist a DT-style WOD
FSQ: 103×10, 113×10, 123×10, 133×10
WOD: 8:29 Rx.
Deadlifts: 14-1 across
Hang power cleans: 6-2-1, 4-2-2-1 x 2
Push jerks: 6, 4-2 x 2 Decided the extra clean per round outweighed failing.
Stayed steady, probably could have pushed the pace a bit more, but happy with the results.
Deadlift after: 185×5, 235×3, 275×3, 305×2, 325×2
Monday OG: Did some testing to check in on training so far
LBBS: 185×3, 215×1, 235×1, 250×1 (felt sooooo quick and easy), 265F
Got overconfident after 250 and shouldn’t have gone for such a big jump. Focus from here on out is on maintaining my back and not leading with my hips – was far to bent over. Next time.
Bench: 95×3, 115×1, 125×1, 132.5×1(PR)
A memorable PR thanks to Steve’s amazing spotting.
I did give you fair warning that I would likely sweat on you!!
(congrats on the PR!)
Congrats Charles! And 11 pounds and 8 ounces? My sympathies to your mother!!
GREAT AOM pick & really excellent write-up. Congrats, Charles!
So awesome to see Charles as AOM! My favorite part of the interview is about how goal-oriented he is. Nerding out over programming cycles– I love it and am inspired by it! 🙂 His goals and desire for growth is always evident in his blog posts…always fun to read about the growth.
Congrats, Charles!!
Congrats Charles!!!
Today’s Rogramming. Got a 10am morning session in, this feels like the first time in two years that I’ve trained without feeling like i’m going to fall asleep. Working out at this time as opposed to evening is a gamechanger!
A)Back Rack Reverse Lunge
@8-10 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×10 ea @ 105#
Weight was as challenging as it could be while moving well. Noticeable difficulty using ass to stand up on right side compared to left, which is interesting because this is my stronger leg with box step ups. Hips have been feeling shitty since losing routine in the open and this made them feel SO GOOD. love these
B1)Dumbbell Tate Press
@2010 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
3×10 @ 20# ea hand. Working on coordinating this. Left shoulder was cracking a lot and hurt at first but actually felt much more normal than it ever has by the end.
B2) Ab Roll Out
@12-15 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
3×12, can’t get all the way down just yet without breaking in low back. Started partial range and tried to lower a little each time, would back it up when my core couldnt hang. I avoid these like the plague so I’m glad these are being forced upon me.
C)30 min AB @aer
30 DU
10 WB, 20lb
1 RC, 15ft
started with the bike this time cause I realized I’d get a little more bike work in that way! worked around 53-56 RPM at first until Nick came over and called me out for not being aerobic enough. I felt so good it was hard to tell! Could hold a conversation but I suppose it was slightly straining to do so. Dropped to 50-52 after that and it felt way more chill.
DU: should’ve been unbroken, couple trips here and there. Rope cable is starting to go it feels loose and has a few kinks in it. No excuses though.
WB: heavy! oof. Could afford to get used to these
RC: felt harder than they should be since I’m not used to em! Glad these were tossed in here
Congrats Charles! Great stories too.
Charles is an awesome person with an awesome family. I can vouch for Josie getting those athletic genes as witnessed in our CrossFit Kids classes!
Love learning a little more about charles.. I went to school not far from where he grew up and I’ll think twice the next time I try to rob him!
CHARLES – congrats – I too took David’s Sunday introductory class on a Super Bowl Sunday:)
Congrats, Charles. Well deserved! When I was new to CFSBK (and even still), Charles made me feel so welcome. I look forward to seeing him for 10AM group class.
Yay Charles! Well deserved! It’s been awhile but it’s great to be in class with you. You have a quiet but influential leadership quality and are a super nice guy! Keep up the good work. Masters represent!
Congrats Charles! Very well deserved.
SA Bench: 22.5# x 12 x 4
SL Lateral Lunge: 12kg bell# x 12 x 4 (last set felt the best, L hip finally cooperating)
WOD Rx in 7:55, I really want to do this when I am completely fresh. I feel I can shave some time on the burpees, prob the slowest part for me. PU is 5/5/5/3/2
Congrats Charles!
That was challenging but I can feel
My arms getting more comfortable and stable.
Single leg side lunge: 35#
Loved this. Everything unbroken but pullups. Tried to hold sets of 5 butterfly pullups across the board. Feeling better about these!
Wednesday work:
From the ground FS
I felt like I had to really perform because I was working out with Erica! Got some good tips on looking up from Coach Harper which definetly helped me feel way more
6:08 rx
That was no joke. I went for a crazy walk in between each round. Those push jerks crushed me!!!