Arnold Press / Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Half-Kneeling Single-Arm Arnold Press:
4 x 5-8
A2) Barbell Romanian Deadlift:
4 x 5-8
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form, heavier than last week. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Arnold Presses, followed by a set of Romanian Deadlifts. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
Every 3 Minutes for 7 Rounds:
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10/7 Calorie Bike Sprint
Go hard on each round, but not all-out efforts. Aim for consistent times, within a few seconds from fastest to slowest.
Post work to comments.
Margie addresses the crowd at last year’s Iron Maidens Raw Open
Iron Maidens and the Stay Strong Scholarship
You probably know that The Iron Maidens Raw Open, a women-only powerlifting meet slated for Saturday, June 2nd, is one of our most anticipated events of the year. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. You won’t want to miss it. Save the date!
For the 3rd year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach.
Why should you support the Stay Strong Scholarship? Here’s a message from CFSBK’s very own Danae McLeod, Executive Director of Grace Outreach:
Nearly four years ago, I started working at Grace Outreach, an incredible non-profit in the South Bronx that works with women to get their high school equivalency degrees, go to college, and get jobs. I met so many smart, talented, and motivated women who wanted to improve their lives through education. The problem was that a bunch of them couldn’t afford to go to college. They were DREAMers and undocumented women who had come to the U.S. as children, and they weren’t eligible for financial aid.
I started looking for ways to help financially support these women’s dreams of getting a college degree. At around that time, Margie Lempert, the Iron Maidens Meet Director, told me she wanted to add a fundraising component to the women’s powerlifting event she had been running in different iterations for a few years. We thought that the grit and determination that it took for first-generation, low-income women to get to college matched the strength and tenacity that women powerlifters demonstrate.
We created the Stay Strong Scholarship to support women at Grace Outreach. The money we raise pays for 80% of college tuition for undocumented students, DREAMers, and women who have been victims of predatory for-profit colleges.
Two years after Iron Maidens and Grace Outreach started the Stay Strong Scholarship, we have have raised over $65,000 and sent 10 women to college! Two students have graduated with Associate Degrees and moved on to Bachelors programs. We currently have five students making their way through CUNY community colleges with GPAs over 3.0.
We know that now, more than ever, the undocumented community needs our support. The Stay Strong Scholarship positively contributes to women who are determined to change their lives through education.
This year, our goal is to raise $40,000 to continue supporting these students. Right now we’re at $2,450 raised. Can you help us get there? Show some love by donating to your favorite lifter(s) through the 2018 Crowdrise campaign here!
News and Notes
- On Saturday, May 5th, CFSBK will host an afternoon of friendly Spikeball-de-Mayo competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple. All are invited! Head over to the event page to learn more Spikeball and to sign up…
- Abbotsford Road Coffee (right around the corner on Sackett between 3rd and Nevins) is offering CFSBK members and employees a free upsize (e.g., a large for the price of a small) on their excellent coffee! Just show your membership scan card at the register. (You do have a scan card, don’t you?)
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | Run, Bar Muscle-Ups
Cat Snatch Fever: A CrossFit Love Story CrossFit Journal (video)
Long John Silver’s Customer Finds Deep-Fried Poseidon Head in Value Meal
7am OG
Warm up:
1:00 row
100′ SA OH carry @ 40#
:45 side plank
8ea squat to bench
Rear foot elevated split squat
15#x8ea, 20#x6ea x2
Single Arm Elbow on Knee External Rotation
7.5#x8ea, 10#x8ea x2 -shoulder feels so much stronger on these than my first pass at them a couple weeks ago.
Banded pull ups @31×1
Blue & red band x 3sets
Pushups @31×1
6×3 – had to break up 3-3, 3-3, 2-2-2
Was supposed to use the airbike for 10min, but all were taken for class, so ran a mile outside instead. Sunny!
Looking forward to doing today’s workout tomorrow, looks fun.
7am w/ Lauren + Ro
Arnold press: 27.5#x5eax2, then x6eax2. Tried 30# but it felt SO heavy!
RDL: 95x8x1, 135x8x3. Thought these would bother my back (and didn’t push the weight much for that reason; this is only a 5# jump from last week) but it seems to feel better when I move around. Also got acupuncture on Friday and I really think it helped!
WOD: fastest was round 1 at 1:00, slowest was round 7 at 1:18. Walk home was slowwwwww. Assault bike is not my friend.
8 AM. Hoping these noon-to-midnight shifts aren’t a thing very much longer. I love you 8 AM, but I’d rather have 7 AM and a normal workday!
Arnold press at 27.5×7 for all 4 sets. I’m realizing I should have consulted my notebook instead of relying on my memory, because I did 27.5×9 for 3 of my 4 sets last week (failed after 6 reps on the final set). So of course this wasn’t that hard! Next week I’ll do the 30 for sure. After that I’m not sure what happens, since my guess is I’ll have to start 30 at fairly low reps and the next dumbbell up is 35.
RDLs 165×8 each time. My legs are fine, but my thumbs have been ground into hamburger.
WOD: best round 1:04, worst 1:13 (because I fell off the box, derp), with 6/6 per round. I do not understand how one gets 7 of each done in a minute! I suppose pivoting on the box and also being more comfortable burpee-ing closer to the box would help with that.
PS, dear Short Circuiteers who were watching the end of class, I’m sorry for the expletive I yelled in front of your kids when I fell off the box :/
Those kids will understand, someday, that there are some words that are appropriate from when you’re falling off of a box jump…
7am with Lauren and Ro
Arnold press: 25# for 7ea then 6 then 5 and 5. Good!
RDL: I’ve been really conservative with these because according to numerous physical therapists the root of all of my life problems is in my hamstrings SO. Felt great last week though and this week moved up from 95# to 125#. My range of motion is still modest but these have definitely gotten much better.
WOD did 7 and 7 each round, fastest 1:06 and slowest 1:24. I honestly don’t know what I did in that round that was so different! I had a burpee breakthrough during class on Saturday and hoped that would translate to box jump burpees – sadly it didn’t. I’ve fallen one too many times and still take a big pause to set myself up for that box jump!
Yesterday, 10am with Fox + Snickers
C&J complex : 105, 115, 125, 125, 135, 135, 145
not my best work. like moving through molasses. still around 85-90% of my best power clean and jerk. happy to hit consistency here without concern.
WOD: performance in 10:53 RX’d
this was so fun. took my first run at a moderate pace. wish now that i had looked at the clock to see what that was. walked up to the bar and felt great on my first rep, then had a bit of an OOPSIE situation where two of us almost kicked each other right in the groin. had to come down, stagger, and then hopped back up. so…
BMU: 1/4-5-5, 5-4, 6 (!)
the middle 400m run was definitely my sloggiest. it’s time to practice breathing a little more during the bigger sets of bar muscle ups, now that the technique is there.
STOKED to have finished with 6 unbroken — never done that many without coming down, much less at the end of a workout 🙂 focused on patience, straight arm push, hips up/midline integrity. rhythm felt good.
12pm today w/ Fox
BB RDL, 4″ deficit:
(45×8, 115×4)
145x8x2, 155x8x2 (hook grip)
gross. definitely arched and leaned on a few of these bad boys.
:52, :50, :51, :49, :51, :54, then … death by cement legs
DNF round 7. did my first BBJO and went “nope!” my legs were just buckling underneath me. knew my intensity would be nowhere near the other rounds, so decided it was better to stop than go slow and/or crash my shins into a box.
in hindsight, I think I hit a good pace for a 5-round workout (since those were all within 3 seconds of each other), but 7 was a different beast and my legs were just not ready for it! good learning.
Rode the bike at a whopping 28 RPM for 12 minutes, did some cooldown movement and light stretching, and finally felt like a human again 35 minutes after class was over. rest day tmw!
3 rounds for quality.
5ea bent knee eccentric ankle dorsiflexion
5ea straight knee eccentric ankle dorsiflexion
5ea lateral box step up 24″
30s bottom of squat hold 20kg
3 rounds for quality
5ea quadruped thoracic rotations
30s bar hang
5ea turkish situps @12kg x 2, 16kg x 1
A) Back Squat
5 clusters at 200lb of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set) rest 3-5 min
Feeling good!
B) Chin up
@10×0 7,5,3,7,5,3 rest 3-4 min
7 @ BW
5 @ +10
3 @ + 17.5
7 @ + 5
5 @ + 15
3 @ + 22.5
Amazing what happened when I started a bit lighter and took enough rest!
C)24 min row @2:10-2:15 split
e6 min
7 RMU transitions w/dip
100ft SB carry, 80lb
18 wall ball, 14/9
D)15 min EZ flush- Assault Bike
Today- accessory day.
Same dorsiflexion/step-up warmup as yesterday.
6 push ups
10e sa ring rows
45 sec ring FLR
Glad I talked to Morit about the single-arm ring rows beforehand because I was definitely too horizontal last week and they were impossible. All I needed to do to make them manageable was stand a bit more upright. Duh. Thanks Mo!
A1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
@20×1 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
40 x 10, 45 x 10 x 2
A2) SA Farmers Carry
×@50ft/arm, 100lb, rest 1-2 min
3 sets.
B1) Strict Dip
@10×1 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
B2) Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlift
@20×1 8-10 reps/leg, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
40 x 10 x 3
Think I got them this time.
C) 28 min AB @45-55 rpm
e7 min
6 c2b
8 push ups
12 box jump step down, 24″
Got in my head on the last set. Forgot to record cals.
D)15 min flush- Assault Bike.
Oh hello comments section. It’s been a while.
I’ve only just made it home after finishing today’s WOD. I was walking so slowly, I was practically going backwards. I half considered turning back and staying at the gym all night through fear of not making it home!
Completed RDLs and Arnold Press in sets of 8 across the board. I had a couple of new points of feedback from Keith and DO to work on on the RDLs, so I was happy to stay where i was with the weight and focus on making those improvements. I would love to use a heavier dumbbell for the Arnold press, but my left arm just isn’t strong or coordinated enough and i didn’t want to lose my technique. Hopefully that will improve by the end of this cycle.
RDL @ 133
AP @ 22.5
I had to use the rowing machine a couple of times in the Metcon because the bike wasn’t available – i don’t know which was worse! I guess i appreciated the variety. Fastest time in 1:00. Slowest was my first round at 1:18, but I had to wait for the bike, so I can probably call it 1:12 or thereabouts. Whatever the time – it burned!
Today: Drove to the gym, not feeling like it at all, told myself I’d feel better after I got started with my accessory work before class.
Did 5 deadlifts at 95, broke down my bar, then went to for a 45 min massage. Lol!
Good call! Listen to that body!!
8e waiter squats
8e KB high pull
6 yoga push ups
Front Squat
@30×0 1,1,1,1, build to a 1rm, rest 3-5 min between attempts
rest 10 min after your 5th attempt then A2
Sick! happy with this
Front Squat
@30×0 85% of A1 for max reps
Not a good day under the bar for me. Was a bit irresponsible And had a late night out on Saturday and a tiny sunday funday yesterday so feeling quite shaky after my single.
4 rounds @hard effort
30 sec row
30 sec rest
set up monitor to count for intervals time
set damper between 2 and 3
note total meters for each round
1- 151M (1:39.3)
2- 147M (1:42)
3- 146M (1:42.7)
4- 143M (1:44.8)
Tough. Forced myself to breathe through my nose for recovery and as much as I could during row. Think it helped but couldn’t keep it the whole time
10-15 min ez flush
D) light sled pulls forward/backward for 15 min
E) a bunch of deadbugs and bird dogs
I meal prepped tonight. Starting to finally get tired of being unhealthy.
530 with DO and Keith
RDL: 165…I have work to make these perfect. I’m still struggeling with my
Leg movement and rounding shoulders. But hopefully that will come!
Arnold press: 30…went up this week in weight. I can feel my shoulders getting a little more comfortable with this!!
1:00, :59, :51, :50, :53, :51, :49
This was fast and spicy…I loved it. I was placed right next Marcus who was always ahead of my by a split second of a jump and it made me push that much harder so I was equal to him! This echo bikes are no joke!!
Walked my bike up the hill after that lol
Before class fitness
10min EMOM
1-8 butterfly pullups
2- 8 back squats 125
First time squatting since before the open 🤦♀️
RDL: 133×10 (oops), 133×8, 143x8x2
AP: 25x8x2, 27.5×8, 27.5×7
Failed 8th rep on the last set with my left arm. Right arm was easy.
WOD: Ranged from 1:03-1:14 I think
While Sarah was trying to keep up with Marcus, I was trying to keep up with Sarah, but only on the BBJOs. Little uncoordinated on the first round because I used to step out before they changed the standard. Then it was a slow walk to the AB, and an even slower time to get it started. I used about 80% arms and 20% legs on it.
Slow mile jog to cool down afterwards.