Clean and Jerk
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 14 (7 reps):
Clean Deadlift + 4 Second Lower to Floor + Power Clean + Push Jerk
Heavier than last week, but focus on executing perfect positions on each movement.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
For Time:
550m Run
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
400m Run
9 Bar Muscle Ups
270m Run
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
For Time:
550m Run
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Push-Ups
400m Run
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Push-Ups
270m Run
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Next Sunday: Starting Strength Total at CFSBK
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle on Sunday, April 29th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
News and Notes
- CFSBKer Nathan Englander had an opinion piece on David Buckel and climate change in Friday’s New York Times. It’s a difficult but important thing to read!
- We’ll be running practice sessions for our upcoming Spikeball Tournament today from 3:30 to 4:30pm and Saturday, April 28th from 4 to 5pm.
The Squat: Upper Back Position Starting Strength
Iceland: Country of CrossFit Games Champions CrossFit
Arturo R. says
2 sets
5 hanging leg raises/knee raises
5 ea DB high pull@3012
10 band goodmornings
B. Kipping toes to bar Practice
C. 25 min row/bike for meters @aer pace
every 5 min perform:
6 t2b
9 no push up burpees
14 alt step KB death march, AHAP
Kristin caps says
Worked up to 103# on complex for last two rounds. Fox with good cue to be patient on first part of the pull
Fitness WOD in 10:16 with chin over bars PU
Stella says
10 AM with Snickers
Worked up to 113 on the complex. Couple of reverse curls in there. “Faster elbows” is the story of my life.
11:40 on the WOD with chin over bar pullups. I do not like running while mildly hung over. 😛
David Osorio says
1pm group class with Ro
C&J complex
215 (missed jerk)
RUN/BMU Metcon
10:40 as rxd
BMU: (7-3-3-2) (4-3-2)(6)
Allie B says
I was feeling smug about barely beating David until I remembered there was a performance version of this workout. He crushed it! #goals
Good work, DO!!!
KLove says
Worked up to 108 on the complex. Jerks are still easier than power cleans but still not overextending on the clean. Yay! Still working on being more aggressive and staying tight overall and faster elbows.
Fitness WOD Rx’d in 11:30
Runs: medium to slow
C2B: 5-5-2-3, 3-3-1-2, 4-2
Pushups: 5s, 3s, unbroken
No repped myself on two C2B which were chin over bar pullups. Have to remember I don’t have the same capacity on these as regular pullups and break them up properly!