Our CrossFit Kids might all be stuck against the wall in Mario Kart, but in about 10 years, Coach David will have a team of eSports stallions | Photo by Ben S. (Thanks, Ben!)
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. We’ve added another Short Circuit class on Saturdays at 10am. Check it out tomorrow!
2. For the 3rd year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at the Bronx-based nonprofit Grace Outreach. On Monday, we told you all about this awesome scholarship. Show some love by donating to your favorite lifter(s) through the 2018 Crowdrise campaign here.
3. The big highlight of this week on the blog was definitely “The Long Haul,” a 2-part series on Coach Whit’s reflections on her 6th year of competing in the Open. In case you missed them, read Part I andPart II!
4. Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! You can also now see photos of our lost and found clear outs via the link under Member Resources. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
5. On Saturday, May 5th, CFSBK will host an afternoon of friendly Spikeball-de-Mayo competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple. All are invited! Head over to the event page to learn more Spikeball and to sign up…
6. Abbotsford Road Coffee (right around the corner on Sackett between 3rd and Nevins) is offering CFSBK members and employees a free upsize (e.g., a large for the price of a small) on their excellent coffee! Just show your membership scan card at the register. (You do have a scan card, don’t you?)
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Front Squats, Double-Unders
To Slash Your Risk of Heard Disease, Keep Moving NY Times
3 Situations When You Shouldn’t Push Through Pain Girls Gone Strong
Saturday’s Programming
Rope Climb
130m Jog
2 Wall Walks or 10 Wall-Facing Shoulder Taps
1 Rope Climb
Post work to comments.
In teams of two with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
20 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/16kg
20 Burpees
Break up the reps however desired: full rounds, full sets of each movement, or break up the reps for each movement.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
I planned to come in this AM to do Thursday’s work, but I’m having some low back/deep hip pain on my right side that I think I exacerbated in a yoga class last night 🙁 🙁 🙁 Any suggestions for stretching/mobilizing this area are appreciated! Also, has anyone been to Brooklyn Acupuncture Project? Think I’m going to check it out.
Saturday’s workout looks fun!
Brooklyn acupuncture project is great! I was interested in finding a triggerpoint therapist but I dont believe they have one there right now. Either way, for the sake of dealing with non muscular related issues, I see Jonathan Peacock and he has been really really great. I’ve seen good results and definitely noticed a difference. One time when i was stressed during the Open he used the “turn off your brain” protocol and all placebo aside, I think it actually helped me relax a lot with some consistent weekly sessions. Acupuncture is so interesting. Affordable price too
oh awesome, thank you!!
I’ve heard good things! I’m a big fan of Brooklyn Open Acupuncture and Liz Bishop who owns it. She actually fixed my hip/butt/shoulder and is super knowledgeable. Mona is good there for muscular stuff too and it’s sliding scale from $20-$60 I think.
I go to Rebecca, the other owner & have for years! So knowledgable & helpful w injuries over the years!
Saturday’s work was fun! I finally came prepared for the rope climbs, with knee socks that I folded down once so I had three layers of protection. I think my right shin’s rope burn is permanent. It’s been over two years now, and it’s still there. Battle wounds!
WOD paired with Theodora, who was a great partner! We split the work by doing half volume of each movement, and got through 7 rounds + 20 WB’s.
Hoping to make it in to the 10am short circuit class tomorrow 🙂
Thursdays work
got up to 68lbs with the snatch complex. Whit’s cue of punching up with the arms helped a lot as I was getting tossed backwards. I looked up my snatch 1rm and it’s 73lbs so maybe time to retest because the 68 felt easy and was power. but also want to keep working on the basics.
metcon in 6:38
Front squats at 75lbs. Had complete breakdown of DU’s in the first two rounds, like couldn’t string together more than 3, so I scaled to 15. In the 3rd -5th round they showed back up and I did the full 30, had a set of 20 in there. In the first two rounds I was all for blaming the rope cause I did 49 or so the other day, but it wasn’t, it was my fault because the double under is a flighty mistress.
then short circuit which was super fun.
Have to use the warmup sets as real sets because otherwise I wasn’t making it
95 x 10
115 x 10
125 x 10
130 x 10
Felt ok. I was so jet lagged I started to get giddy around rep 8 and it took all I had not to giggle and then pass out. Thanks to Snickers and Tori for putting up with me deliriously chatting them up.
rows at 30lbs x 10, got to bro grunt
Getting much better with the handstand kickups from standing. They feel easier with a spot in the middle of the room. Might try and take a few steps next time these show up 🙂
7am OG stuff
Warm up:
3min air runner then
100′ SA OH carry @ 40#
:45 side plank
crossover symmetry – internal, external, row
A) OHS!!!
63x5x2, 73×5, 78×3, 83×3, 93
Felt super OK and 100% shoulder pain free.
B) 3 pause snatch DL doubles
Worked up to 100#. Lats!
C) Row 2000m
Every 500m –
10 SA KB swing @ 16kg
20 russian KBS
10 goblet squats
Spicy. Slow rows.
Came in for the noon class, and ended up being the only participant doing Saturday…so I had a 1 on 1 with Coach Brett instead, and let me tell you, best Friday of 2018.
Firstly, let me give a huge thank you to all the CFSBK coaches I’ve had the opportunity to workout with over the last year. I can’t tell you all what a difference this community has made for me. I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been and Crossfit, and this gym specifically, has been the #1 factor in keeping me sane during a tough year.
Today I want to thank both Brett and Whit specifically, who constantly find ways to push me, guide me to perform my workouts more intelligently, and correct me when I get tired and sloppy. I’ve made serious improvements in the last year and I think a lot of them have been in your classes. This is your 5 star yelp review.
I need to preface the rest of this with the fact that I’m going to teeter on the edge of braggy, because I’ve had one hell of a month. I had set 3 goals for 2018 – string together 3+ ring muscle ups, string together 3+ bar muscle ups, and be able to do 10+ double unders consistently. In the 20 minutes of one on one with Brett, I hit two of my three goals.
I think I’ve finally got the rhythm of double unders down. On my best set I hit about 15 before I started getting too excited that I was actually doing it and forgot to focus on my form. Other times I was getting 8+, and I felt in control instead of just getting lucky. DUs have been a point of frustration for me for a while, and anyone who saw my workout yesterday can attest to that.
I also managed to string together bar muscle ups; a few sets of 3 and one of 4. A correction in my form coming down made a massive difference, and I’m confident I can now string together my bar muscle ups to failure. I tried a set of ring muscle ups, but that’s still a work in progress.
And as a bonus, a couple weeks ago there was strict muscle up work. Under Whit’s guidance, I managed to use false grip and get 4 single strict ring muscle ups. I should also note that I got some serious encouragement from Brendan Walker too. They weren’t even on my list for 2018, because I thought it was going to be too hard, but as the old saying goes, ‘just fucking try it.’
So thanks CFSBK, this is the best start to a weekend I can remember!
that’s AWESOME!
well done.
10 AM Class with Whit doing Saturday’s work, aka tall people day.
I’m always happy to see rope climbs programmed- They’re a great example of functional fitness- all of the other week we do gets applied to a skill we don’t attempt often. That and it takes me less pulls to reach the ceiling.
Did 5 rounds of the NFT work and then partnered with Coop to take on the metcon.
RX’d we did 8 rounds + 14 wallballs. Split in half for the wall balls and swings
and in 5’s for the burpees.
Fun day.