Snatch Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 7:
1 Snatch Deadlift + 4 Second Lower to the Floor + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
Keep this complex relatively light today (70-80% of Power Snatch 1RM) and focus on executing perfect positions on each movement.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Front Squats 115/75
30 Double-Unders
The barbell comes off the floor and should be light for you, unbroken on the fast end. Scale the Dubs to 3x Singles or 1/2 attempts as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Saturday, May 5th: CFSBK Spikeball Tournament!
An afternoon of friendly Spikeball de Mayo competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. All are invited! Please sign up below if you plan to participate. Teams (of 2) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up the day of the tournament. The top 3 winning teams go on the leaderboard until the next tournament!
Saturday, May 5th at 4:00pm. We’ll start with about 30 minutes of practice and organization. The tournament proper will begin at 4:30, but please be at 597 by 4:00 so we know how many people are participating.
We’ll also be running practice sessions on Sunday, April 22nd from 3:30 to 4:30pm and Saturday, April 28th from 4 to 5pm.
Go here to sign up for the tournament and practice sessions!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / DB Row | Handstand Walking
Getting the Bar Past the Knees in the Snatch and Clean Catalyst Athletics
Your New Diet in the Real World CrossFit Journal
6am OG making up Wednesday because I hit the snooze hard yesterday…
Warm up
1min row
100′ ea farmers carry @ 24kg
1min plank
10 bootstraps
crossover symmetry – internal, external, rows
(45×6, 95×10, 115×10) 125x8x3, 135×8
Realized I’ve really been rushing the first 4-5 reps on these big sets. Last set was the best.
3pt DB Row:
(25x6e) 30x10e x4 – but maybe I did an extra set?
This all took a WHILE so I got in 3-4 kick ups with a few baby steps towards the wall. Shoulders felt good.
Worked up to 77# on the snatch complex. Thanks to Lauren for the great tips on keeping my hips back (as opposed to kind of squatting down) when lowering the bar to the floor.
WOD in 6:20 – RX weight with front squats unbroken, and 10 DU attempts. My “S-S-S-D” cadence has been working for me lately. Progress!
While in Vancouver, I dropped into Dynasty Gym/Crossfit Palace on Monday.
Work was:
Strength A:
E3MOMx9:00 done at 145#
1x Back Squat + 1x Front Squat (pause) @90%
– percentage based off FS
– 1-2 sec pause at bottom of FS
Strength B: (I did 1 pull-up, EMOM)
2-4 Muscle Ups
2-6 Chest to Bar (strict or kipping)
4-8 Pull-ups (strict)
4-8 Pull-up Progressions
16 Alt DB Snatches
8 Toe to Bar
4 Muscle Ups (I scaled to 1 pull-up)
Snatch Complex: Started at 83, up to 98.
WOD: 4:19 Rx
Averaged at least one trip per round – definitely doable sub-4 for those setting goals for later today.
After: Press: 73 x 4 x 3 – medium tough
Have been trying to figure out a way to balance Iron Maidens prep and what makes me happy. I learned after last week that squatting and benching constantly does not provide me with much joy, so switching my game plan to include more varied accessory work instead of just the same lifts to keep it more interesting.
Bench: 100x9x2, 105x6x2, 105×5
Lower body accessory:
EMOM 8: 6 1 1/4 Goblet squats (35#) & 3 Goblet with a pause (22.5#)
EMOM 5: 5 each rear foot elevated split squats (35#) & 3 each lateral squats
20 min AB – E4Min 6 kipping pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 6 box jumps (24″)
Tried to stay at or just above 50 RPM (110 cal total), each break was about 90 sec.
Squat: 185×9, 195×9, 195x7x2 – Listening to body, back not feeling 100%
Upper body accessory:
6 rounds: 3-3 cluster Single arm DB row (35#)
3 rounds: 3 strict pull-ups & 6 push-ups (2101 tempo)
3 rounds: 15 Bird-Dog &10 band pull-parts
Dang, Kayleigh! Putting in work!
Anyone interested in adopting a sweet new dog?! My co-worker is trying to find a new home for Skye, her 18-month-old pit mix. Skye is a beautiful reddish color with a white chest, very affectionate, and loves giving kisses! She’s house trained and likes to play catch. She gets along well with other dogs in dog parks but can be a bit guarded and protective with people she doesn’t know, though she eases in quickly. She needs ample exercise and love, and her owner is only looking for a new home for her because she works full-time and has kids and you know, life can be intense in the big city.
If you know anyone who is interested or want pictures, email me at katharinereece at
Yesterday’s Ro-Gramming:
10e paloff presses
10 band pull aparts (step on band/shoulder raise/pull apart)
10 squat press outs
A1) Weighted Strict Pronated Pull-Up
@1,1,1,1, build to a 1rm, rest 3-5 min between attempts.
rest 10 min after your final attempt then A2
47.5 was close to not being a rep. But I put out a poll on instagram and 32 said it was a good rep and 10 said no so I suppose its a rep. At least 45 is legit so its close either way!
A2) Weighted Strict Pronated Pull-Up
@85% of A1 for max reps
I definitely was toast, can’t imagine doing that twice even if I wasn’t!
B) 10 min @hard effort AB max cal
123 cal
Not feeling good at all. Oof. Hard to even hold my chill pace @ 56RPM, had to stand a lot. Excited to be out of this job next week so I can recover better and establish a new schedule
C) 10-15 min ez flush
Wednesday 8am w/ Ro (a.k.a. too early to be squatting sets of 10!)
(45×8, 95×6, 125×4)
40# x 10ea x 4
Think I chose the right weights on both and glad I stuck it out for 10 reps on everything, but DAYUM that was hard. Really not used to waking up and squatting first thing in the morning. When I started breathing through my nose and being a bit less intense about my first 6-7 reps on the squat, it got a lot better.
HS walk practice was fun! Did 4 sets of unbroken passes (maybe 40′) with some bike/row mixed in. Then started to mess around with turning my hands/pirouetting… a whole new adventure there.
Today, 12pm w/ Jess
Snatch complex, did my OHS @ 23×2 tempo each time:
85×2, 95×3, 105×2
Took video of 95, laying back a bit. Jess cued me to focus on more aggressive pull through the bar, chest/head thru. I think they’re related. But also my abs clearly go off tension at some point, so need to put my brain there before i start the lift.
WOD in 4:08, but subbed 65# alternating f-rack rvrs lunges. Guess I could’ve kept the weight at 75, but the pace/intensity would’ve decreased at this point, whereas this way I kept the same throughout.
Then, 3x:
10 walking lunges, 75# f-rack
:20 supine GHD hold
:30 prone GHD hold
7am with Lauren and Jess
Snatches up to 68, I’ve been really focusing on form and not throwing the bar out in front of me. Also have been videoing which is super horrifying and super helpful at the same time. These are DEFINITELY better – loving this cycle of complexes.
WOD in 5:22 with Rx front squats and 15 dubs / attempts. Those FSQ added up after #allthesquatz yesterday!
A) Back Squat
@2011 7,5,3,7,5,3, rest 3-4 min
210 x 7
225x 5
240 x 3
215 x 7
230 x 5
240 x 3 (belt made all the difference! I was trying to avoid using it but I think if I want to go heavier, i’m going to need it. )
B) Strict Pull up
@10×0 7,5,3,7,5,3, rest 3-4 min
7 @ green band
5@ BW
3@ +12.5
7@ green band down one
5@ +7.5
C) FT @aer
100ft sled push, +green plate (slow trot) 7 kHSPU
24 cal row
rest 3 min
x4 sets
HSPU- 5,2/3,4/1,6/7
Glad I took a video of HSPU because I watched the first set and they looked a lot better in my head than thanin real life! 😂 Was less floppy I think in the following sets.
I thought there was a 9am class this morning so I showed up and found out, I was wrong👎🏼….so I did today’s workout alone……
Snatch work:
125# for the seven rounds! Felling stable OH even after being under fatigue for such a long while.
Definitely could have finished sub 3 but I tripped on each round of double unders🙄. This was a good one!!
Loving this cycle and the work were doing. I can already see the difference.
I meant finished sub-4
really appreciating this snatch technique work – breaking the movement into parts has been SO helpful
& made me happy on a rainy morning <3
Somehow made it in for group class with whit and Snisky!
Honestly I forgot how to be aggressive with a barbell until the very end. So rusty but happy with this. Only lift that got a little weird was 130 but otherwise it felt pretty good! Left hip noticeably tighter the more I think about it. Gotta get some work done on it for sure
WOD: 3:34 RX
squats started to burn so fast. I don’t think I was holding a very good front rack either but I just wanted to move fast. That was all mind over matter to squat quickly, knew I could do it I just didn’t want to! Legs started to trip me up on doubles by round 2. Three trips in that round I think. Rounds 1 and 5 had one. And then two of em unbroken when I was focused!
Snatch complex:
Had a press out on the 83. Tried to be tight and aggressive on all of these but I don’t think I accomplished this.
WOD: 6:06 Rx’d
FSQTS unbroken and paced with a pause at the top. Front rack position could def be improved.
DUs: unbrboken 4/5 rounds which is unheard of for me!
Watched Katie Harper do the workout before class- inspired!
Snatch: 63-68-73
Stayed here. Feeling so terrible today. So tired and cold… I am either getting sick or I need a rest day.
After watching KHarpz I decided I wanted to try my best to go for the burn.
I did 52# and tried my hardest… ended at 4:23. The burn was there, still there in fact… I also noticed some pauses I made I shouldn’t have.
Oh well!
YaaaaaS GURL! let it burn