WOD 4.14.18
For Time:
50 Double-Unders
25 Deadlifts 135/95
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 Double-Unders
20 Deadlifts 185/125
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 Double-Undefrs
15 Deadlifts 225/135
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 Double-Unders
10 Deadlifts 275/185
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 Double-Unders
5 Deadlifts 315/225
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Scale Double-Unders to 25 attempts or 100 Singles as needed. Use progressively heavier loads on the Deadlift. The barbell should begin light and finish heavy for you (we’ve listed two options for scaled loads below). Sub Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups for Bar Muscle-Ups if you don’t have them, or scale some volume if you have some but not 25 of them.
Deadlift Scaling Options:
A) 115/75, 165/105, 185/125, 205/145, 225/155
B) 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105
Post time and Rx to comments.
Temperatures are expected to climb into the mid-70s today. Don’t forget to pack your deodorant!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. CFSBK power couple Sophia M. and Lauro L. took 1st place in the 2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge! “I lost 9 pounds,” Sophia reports, “and was able to lose enough fat to start seeing the muscles that I knew were hiding. I was happy to find them for the 1st time in my life!”
2. 2nd place went to Marcus P. and Liz M.! “I also play roller derby, and I have noticed a performance improvement there. My endurance, speed, and strength is markedly better. We were doing an offensive hitting drill the other day, which elicited a lot of feedback like “daaaamn” and “ow” when it was my turn,” Liz says. OW!
3. Lauren M. and Runit C. came in 3rd. “One of the biggest successes of the Challenge for me has been the mental aspect,” Lauren told us, “Making time to sleep, prepare meals, eat meals, relax, and recover, have decreased my overall stress.” Congrats to everyone who took part in this year’s Challenge!
4. Missing something? You can now check photos of our recent lost and found clear outs via the link under Member Resources. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
5. See that Beyond the Whiteboard widget to the right? There’s now a dedicated part of our site where you can sign up for this FREE service and see recent activity from CFSBKers!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Athlete’s Toolbox Breaking Muscle
Warm Ocean Mind zen habits
Pro tip by josh Schneiderman about the DO for your BO (LITERALLY?! GET IT?!?)
OG Tonight, fighting through a gnarly chest thingy all week I’ve barely been able to work out. Bouncing back from the open has been tougher than expected. I am sort of going through a major job change though so I’m obviously stressed, what can ya do. So Stoked to come into SBK full time to coach all of you fine people in two weeks!!!
10e paloff presses
10 band pull aparts (step on band/shoulder raise/pull apart)
10 squat press outs
A1) Close Grip Bench Press
@30×0 1,1,1,1, build to a 1rm, rest 3-5 min between attempts.
rest 10 min after your final attempt then A2
Maybe had 145 in there but I stuck with 140 cause it was 4th attempt. Felt powerful. Held good tension in the bottom
A2) Close Grip Bench Press
@30×0 85% of A1 for max reps
Definitely all I had. Bench is my most underdeveloped lift for sure I never do it
B) 30 min amrap
15 russian KBS, 24kg
400m run
30 du
do the run outside if possible
9 rounds + 12 swings
Although I’m feeling only 80% myself today I’m happy I could get 9+. Goal was to hit 10 so maybe if I was feeling myself I could’ve? Who knows. Swings were fine! All unbroken. Runs felt slow as molasses. Doubles were a mess today and they usually aren’t. Chest feels super tight hopefully I kick this chest thingy by the end of the weekend
C) 10-15 min ez flush
6:00am – Eight mile run
My legs feel very heavy right now so all runs feel harder than usual. I hit my stride from miles 4-7 and the 8th was a nightmare today. Very lame. Then I got a coffee and became basic AF.
StrongFit with Brett
Sled pull bear crawls are fun, and makes me want to ride a bear.
550m sandbag carry had me yanked that I didn’t have the energy to add in group class.
10am with the Mario Cart Champ
21:37 with deadlift scale 75, 105, 125, 145, 155 and banded pull ups. I started out with a plan to do 25 DU attempts the first, third, and fifth rounds, and 100SUs the second and fourth, but after most attempts were missed after my first few, I switched to all SUs. Need to get back into the habit of working on these before and after classes. Overall loved this WOD though.
Just starting to feel less shitty about the run & burpee WOD from Thursday—finished in 16:09 and felt like I failed everything. I walked on my third run and was just constantly out of breath. And even though I was ok with breaking up the burpees how I did, I felt like I needed way too much rest in between. Ugh.
On a bright note— it’s finally spring! (?)
That burpee wod was horrible! And the first few running workouts of the season always feel harder than expected for me too!
8am with DO
Just under 18min – scaled to:
-25 DUS – OK! Had a good rhythm on the first 10 in a row each round
-DL 95-125-145-165-185 – singles in the last set but fine
-5 banded CTB w/green + blue – got tough
Spent most of the week doing lots and lots of time squatting and benching at 6am OG – this will basally become my life for the next two months. But want to still get in the Saturday Funday WODs. I was also planning on deadlifting today, so decided to make it all happen at once…
StrongFit! Served as a grip and back warm-up for group class…
WOD: 21:42 Rx Mens weight and C2B pull ups.
315 got real – all in singles and told myself to walk away from the bar each time to do a full mental reset. Once I reached 275, I wanted to focus fully on good movements and not speed. Broke up DUs into 2 sets each time to keep consistent, C2B moved pretty well – played around with some different grips.
Snatch complex from 83 to 93.
Running and Burpee WOD: 11:06, which included a double shoe tie.
My jaw dropped when I read you did the men’s weight…literally dropped to the floor. That’s incredible!
WOWWWWWW men’s Rx?!
we are not worthy…
A very belated congratulations to all the challenge winners this year! Loved reading all your write-ups! So awesome/inspiring 😀
1pm class today with Whit/Brett
Wod in 15 something. Deadlifts were 65, 75, 85, 95, 105. It all felt pretty challenging towards the end, but I wonder if I should have pushed it more maybe? I dunno, but I enjoyed it. Whit reminded me to start with my feet real close to the bar and keep my hips bit higher than I’m inclined to when I start off. Subbed jumping pull ups which are always fun and gave myself a minute or so of double under attempts each round which were all pretty humbling/depressing.
BUT I gave myself a few extra minutes after class to practice double unders and Whit recommended I think “whip WHIP.” I tried and I got my first double under! I have no real wisdom for why it worked this time and why all the rest didn’t as it felt exactly the same. Such magic! Pretty sure I hallucinated it, but I’ll take it!! (Thanks Coach Whit!)
Woohoo, way go to on your FIRST DU, Sarah!!! They took me forever to get back when I started and it is SUCH a good feeling when they finally start to come together. whip-WHIP!!! 🙂
got moving before i lost my motivation today. tired tired tired.
a1. FSQ
3-3-3 clusters w/ :20 between sets / rest 3 min, repeat x 3 clusters total
(WU: 45×8, 95×5, 125×4, 135×2)
clusters @ 145. success!
second was the hardest. last one I focused more on tension and tempo on the way down and being ready to drive. much better than rushing to the bottom. duh.
a2. SA DB High Pull
15x8ea, 20×8, 30×8, 35x8x3
b. 4 sets
:30 front rack standing hold
1:30 rest
done @ 185#
c. 3 sets:
12 ea SA DB Ext Rotation @ 30×1 : 7.5#, 10# x 2
1:00 weighted forearm plank @ 25#
d. weighted bike ride, 1.7 miles, uphill
weight = 23# penny the pup in doggie backpack
StrongFit and then group class this morning
12:33 Rx’d On the metcon. This was a fun one!
A) Conventional Deadlift
4 clusters at 245 of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set) rest 3-5 min
B) Bench press
4 clusters at 110 of (20×1 4×2 rest 15 sec between each set) rest 3-5 min
C) EMOM 21
1. 3-5 BFPU
2. 25 DU
3. 8 cal ski
D)10 mins EZ AB
Butterflies coming along. I like clusters.
I thought I was going to have to work until midnight last night so I was all grumpy about having to miss Strong Fit. Then I unexpectedly got out at 10:30, which is just about as late as I can work and still get to bed by midnight. 😀
So, Strong Fit! That sandbag around the block carry was pretty spicy. Followed it up with Short Circuit, in which tabata squats holding the bottom of the squat in the rest period just about killed me.
Tiny AR class. What, it’s nice out so no one wants to mobilize? I loved it, anyway.
1pm with Brett.
26:25 on WOD.
Scaled 50 DU to 100 DU.
Scaled BMU to JMBU for sets 1, 2, and 5; JCTB for sets 3, 4.
Rx on deadlifts