Clean and Jerk Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 14 (7 reps):
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean High Pull + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk
Keep this complex relatively light today (70-80% of Power Clean & Jerk 1RM) and focus on executing perfect positions on each movement.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
16 Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35
12 Toe-to-Bars
400m Run
16 Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35
12 Toe-to-Bars
For the Dumbbell Hand Clean and Jerks, perform 8 on the left then 8 on the right. Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
TONIGHT: WrestleMania at CFSBK!
Tonight we’ll be showing WrestleMania 34 on our big, big screen! The show starts at 7pm. Feel free to BYOB, snacks, friends, and folding chairs to hit ’em with. All are welcomed!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Metcon Mash-Up
On Being a Giant The Ringer
Strategies to Better Fuel Your Training Athlete Daily
Yesterday’s Results Board: Metcon Mash-Up
On Being a Giant The Ringer
Strategies to Better Fuel Your Training Athlete Daily
A. 2x
5 low ring transitions
15-20 sec ring support
5 kip swings
10/7 cal row
B. Kipping Ring Muscle up practice
C. 14 min w/partner @aerobic pace
12 box jump step down, 24/20
10 burpees
5 muscle ups
Anyone want to do today’s workout with me at open gym tonight? 🙂
Yes! I’m upstate but planning to be back this evening and do OG.
Hit my new four mile route to the gym. Traffic is so lite in the morning that I never have to stop. Great.
Group with Jess at 8:00
Complex is fun. I felt good with all my movements that I didn’t really get noted much which made me doubt myself more? For some reason the old brain is like OH IM JUST HOPELESS. I know that’s not true, but that thought did happen briefly. But then I remember that I crush crossfit and was fine.
Metcon was right up my alley, but my legs were super tight from the day before and running to the gym, so I semi sand bagged the runs.
WOD: happened.
Cashout, inspired by the question of the day: toasted pumpernickel everything (!) bagel with egg and cheddar. Yum.
Came in early to do the strength stuff I’m trying to focus on: deadlift wave (8-6-4,8-6-4 heavier) at 30X0 tempo… getting heavier and is hard!
Then KB death marches (which actually are deadly)… and an attempt at reverse hypers.
It felt like that was enough to be the days workout!
1pm class
C&J up to 113 (118 is 1rm) cleans felt on point— failed jerk twice; one pressout, one came forward. Need to not death grip! That will help… wish I could have given it another shot after that feedback front Ro.
Wod: Ro siggested to go aerobic on days I do extra strength stuff first (and not try to “win the workout”) HA! I couldn’t have won even if I tried! Legs felt like lead… it was nuts!
Don’t know my time— 27.5# and GHD since I still need to go to the doctor and check out my weird lat/bicep kip issue.
And I actually thought I would make it to AG. Nope!
Also, my cashout was not a bagel… but was an amazing spring salad.
I have two non-bagel recommendations for anyone interested:
-peas, feta, and radicchio in your salad!
-Trader Joe’s “everything but the bagel” seasoning on… everything! (Especially avocados)
Okay! Bye!
Making up some fitness this weekend after travel in Texas this weed –
Yesterday making up Wednesday:
Warm up:
2min row/2min assult runner
50’ SA farmers carry @ 24kg
:30ea side plank
8e SA ring row
HBBS: 95×12, 95x15x3 – focused on consistency, staying balanced on my feet & not pitching forward. Not heavy but got so winded!
3pt DB row: 25x12ea, 25x15eax3 – fine! Left weaker than right as usual
5 rounds for quality:
30 kbs @ 16kg
5 HSPU 3sec negatives to 1abmat
2 strict chin ups
Took a while, mostly on the chin ups. Felt like I was pulling up many cases of beer, which is mostly accurate after how I spent my week. HSPU negatives felt solid.
Today OG stuff
Warm up:
3min assault runner
50’ SA OH carry @25, 30, 30
1min forearm plank
8e SA dB high pull @17.5
David told me I was running with my arms doing the wrong thing (too much swinging crossbody, need more up and down) and Jeremy told me I was doing my planks wrong (hips too high) so once again I long for group class bc generally I have no idea what I’m doing – even with things I’ve been doing for ohhh roughly 25 years?
Clean pull triples
143# clean is def a goal for the year.
Then –
10min EMOM
:30 arch hold
:30 supinated grip hollow body hang
And then –
10min EMOM
6-8c AB
Sucking wind.
Clean complex: 93×2, 98, 103, 108, 113×2
Cleans at 113 were a little sloppy- didn’t get my elbows around fast enough. Didn’t overextend though which is a plus. Jerks at this weight were solid.
WOD Rx’d in 12:32
Run: so slow
DB C&J: fast and unbroken. More challenging on my left side.
TTB: 6-6
Saturday partner WOD with Serena and a ghost partner:
Row/WB: 11+15
AB/swings: 15
The echo bike is HARD
DUs/squats: 18
Couldn’t get my left wrist to move on DUs!!
Worked up to 57# – good cues from Ro. Feel way more confident w/cleans v. snatches
WOD in 14:02 with 20# dumbbells and knee raises.