Metcon Mash-Up
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
9 Calorie Row
12 Wall Balls
Choose your weight and height on the Wall Balls.
Rest 3 minutes, then…
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
9/6 Calorie Bike
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Choose your load on the kettlebell.
Rest 3 minutes, then…
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
24 Double-Unders
12 Squats
Scale Dubs to 2x Single-Unders as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Tomorrow Night: WrestleMania 34 Screening
Tomorrow night, we’ll be showing WrestleMania 34 on our big, big screen! The show starts at 7pm. Get yourself in the mood by watching the video above of WWE stars throwing down at CFSBK. Feel free to BYOB, snacks, and friends!
News and Notes
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
- There are just 2 spots left in Coach Ken’s rings gymnastics class, which starts tomorrow. Who’s gonna grab ’em? Go HERE to register!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Nine Ways to Avoid Being a Vile Visitor CrossFit Journal
Let’s Get Lateral StrongFirst
Strong Fit + Short Circuit (hiiiiii Greg! Nice to see you coaching!)
Double overhead carries are serious business. I made it with the 45# DBs, but just barely. 50s were a non-starter. Turning around with heavy DBs over your head is SO HARD!
Short Circuit was super fun. Joy is way too fast at burpees. I gave the 14#/10’ wall ball combination a try for the first time (have been experimenting with 10#/10’ for a while now) and didn’t hate it, although that’s because I had to do only 8 at a time. NOT volunteering to do that in regular WODs. Yet, anyway.
Dudes who are shorter than I am, my sympathies. I know y’all have to hit the 10 all the time, and with a heavier ball to boot.
Your over head grunt/yells were inspiring
Made a new run route to the gym to make it four miles instead of three. Ended up being 4.25. EXTRA FITNE$$ (ke$ha inspired bc she was on my Pandora). This run annoyed me because at 3.5 I finally fell into the groove and wanted to go further, but I had ten minutes until Strongfit so I had to dip.
Strongfit! – Turkish getups are a nightmare. Turkish getups with a barbell are a nightmare the Freddy Kruger joined in on.
Noticing without training them a ton, my deadlifts are constantly getting stronger, but I did cut my hair this morning so maybe it was some weird aerodynamics going on.
Group class
Since we had a small enough class, David put us in groups of two instead of three. Rest periods were short and this was hard/fun.
Row/WB – 12 rounds + 6 calories
Bike/KB swing – 11 rounds
DU/Squats – 17 brutal rounds
I got like 6 rounds of DUs unbroken which was the highlight of the day.
10am class
Partnered with Greg C and Matt C
Fun workouts. NO idea how many rounds we did on any of it…I was on for coaching the 11am and didn’t check our boards, but all three were pretty hard. Took a 30# ball to the face on the row/wb combo 🙁