Coach JB and Kayleigh R. representing CFSBK at Machu Picchu. (Gunz on display, mountains for scale.)
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. This Sunday, April 8th, we’ll be showing WrestleMania 34 on our big, big screen! The show starts at 7pm. Feel free to BYOB, snacks, friends, and folding chairs to hit ’em with!
2. There are just 2 spots left in Coach Ken’s rings gymnastics class, which starts this Sunday. Who’s gonna grab ’em? Go HERE to register!
3. Our new training cycle for CrossFit group classes kicked off this week. See Monday’s post to find out what you can expect for the next 8 weeks!
4. Check out the latest in Coach Fox’s “Older, Fitter” series for Beyond the Whiteboard, “How To Keep Working Hard as You Age”!
5. Missing something? You can now check photos of our recent lost and found clear outs via the link under Member Resources. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
6. Our MARIO KART 64 practice station will be up all week before the tournament on the big screen on Friday the 13th. Time to brush off the dust and get ready to throw down! Sign up for the tournament on the event page.
7. Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Burpees, Pull-Ups
A Practical Guide to Walking on Your Hands Breaking Muscle
Coaching Starting Strength
Saturday’s Programming
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
9 Calorie Row
12 Wall Balls
Choose your weight and height on the Wall Ball.
Rest 3 minutes, then…
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
9/6 Calorie Bike
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Choose your load on the kettlebell.
Rest 3 minutes, then…
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
24 Double-Unders
12 Squats
Scale Dubs to 2x Single-Unders as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Wowee people. Get ready for that Saturday WOD, especially if you’re feeling Monday and Wednesday in the legs!
8 am with Brett
Teamed up with Henry and Greg. Brett said he set the teams up according to height. I guess he meant that average height between the two teams had to be the same.
The row/wall ball combination is one of my least favorites in the world. I decided to go for the 12# ball and the 8 ft target to ensure unbroken sets. I did succeed in that but might have faltered had there been another set. Then on to the assault bike, which I used to think was aptly named but from now on I will call it the felony assault bike. That first calorie is so hard and that 6th one always seemed to toy with me in each round. I need to learn a better strategy to get off the bike! I switched after the first round from the 20kg to the 16th kg KB. It was hard to pick up without firm legs to stand on. On my last (5th round) I started by peddling backward. Don’t do this. The first calories is hard enough. I faltered after the 5th calorie here with about 10 seconds to go. ..just…stopped. I had not recovered by the time we got to the rope and even though I was only doing single unders I missed about 3 times – not normal for me. As this one went on it got better (especially after I realized it was 12 not 21 squats once I had completed the first round). I don’t remember our score. Henry and Greg were great incentive for me to keep at it and not drag us down. Greg has a very special technique for dropping right into a squat from the last double under. He attempted to explain it but I think I need a clinic.
So hard in the moment and so fun in retrospect!
Lolmygod felony assault bike
6am with Brett doing tomorrow’s
Joy got lucky and got a Hutsal sandwich for the partner WODs
Did the the bike one first – I think we got 15 rounds (5 each) + bike. I went first, horrible decision. Used 40kg bell. All swings unbroken
Row/wall ball – I think we got through 11 rounds + Row. Used the 30# wall ball for first time. Unbroken except two times when it came down out of line and I couldn’t catch it. So much harder to stop the 30# wall ball!
DU/Squats – 16 rounds. This one wasn’t too bad, goes on forever though. Most rounds unbroken.
Fun workout!
Welcome back to group class, Linda! <3
Thanks Stella!! It was a good one to come back to and my partners were awesome!!
Fantastic 6am class! First because it was the return of Linda to group class; and two because I was partnered with baby Zachary’s parents for Saturday’s WOD. I’m glad we started with the bike/KB AMRAP because I don’t think I would have lasted if we did it last. Pro tip: press the start button on the bike. It really makes a difference.
Right. Press start and pedal forward.
You are all welcome.
Good training day for how I felt for sure. Little to no sleep last night so came in, laid flat on my back on the mat with a fitaid, and watched Whitney and brett crush some quality fitness. So I wrote up my own little piece inspired by them. Goal was to work at a very chill pace for a good long while. I succeeded!
1000M row
50ft Double KB front rack walking lunges (12kg ea hand)
50 cal echo bike
50M sled push (sled + 90#)
1000M row
50M farmer carry (20kg ea hand)
50 cal echo bike
50M two arm OH carry (12kg ea)
This felt so good. Definitely short changed my lunges. But I’m so tired of my legs being sore and I was being lazy in the beginning. Should’ve just done it. Echo is hard to figure out still did a little over 50 RPM. Sled was hard on my baby calves. Should do these more. Overhead carries are atrocious with two arms. Shows I actually do have some overhead restrictions because I was even using kettle bells and my elbows were struggling to lockout. Single arm no problem. Farmer carries sucked today too though. And those are normally fine. Probably just drained.
Decided to BLAST as a cash-out with a few supersets:
DB external rotation 3×8 @ 7.5#
Powell raise 3×8 @10#
Slow down fast up
Bicep curls 3×8 (25#)
Supine tricep extensions (15#)
My triceps hate exercise
Was going to do a single arm bench/row combo but I decided to stare at my phone on the wrestling mat instead.
No ragrets.