Snatch Complex
Every Other Minute on the Minute x 7:
1 Snatch Deadlift + 1 Mid-Hang Snatch High Pull + 1 Mid-Hang Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
Keep this complex relatively light today (70-80% of you Power Snatch 1RM) and focus on executing perfect positions on each movement.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
20 Burpees
15 Pull-Ups
Rx’d on the Burpee is jump out/jump in with full chest and thighs to the floor. Scale volume on the Pull-Ups or to bands or Ring Rows as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Our MARIO KART 64 practice station will be up all week before the tournament on the big screen on Friday the 13th. Time to brush off the dust and get ready to throw down! Sign up for the tournament on the event page
CFSBK is excited to partner with our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard to provide digital workout tracking for our affiliate! Members are able to access each day’s workout on the app or desktop site, both of which provide tons of data, gym leaderboards, and a variety of other cool tracking parameters. BTWB is an official CrossFit® app, and it’s run by CFSBKers!
Complete the following steps to register and start tracking your workouts:
- Create a profile by registering at
- Use the gym code CFSBK101 to receive a free membership and link you into the CFSBK group class programming feed.
- Download the app for Apple or Android and sign in!
You read that right: this premium service is completely FREE for CFSBK members. OMG, that’s you.
You can access the sign-up page and see recent member activity via the widget to the right (or the bottom if you’re reading this on a phone)!
News and Notes
- In other news from your favorite website (this one), you can also check photos of our recent lost and found clear outs via the link under Member Resources. Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPS!
- There are just 2 spots left in Coach Ken’s rings gymnastics class, which starts this Sunday. Who’s gonna grab ’em? Go HERE to register!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / DB Row | KB Swings, HSPUs, Muscle-Ups
Road to the Games: Annie, Sara & Katrin CrossFit
Bananas vs. Sports Drinks? Bananas Win NY Times
7 AM was ginormous today!
When I got in and the usual suspects were saying “hi, how ya doin’,” my honest answer was, “I’m still not sure it was a good idea to get out of bed this morning.” Basically ran on autopilot for a bit while waiting for my brain to catch up with my body.
Got to 78 on the snatch complex. For not having snatched all of last cycle, this wasn’t so bad.
3 rounds + 20 burpees with 10 pullups per round. This was also not as bad as I was afraid it would be. I just decided I was going to go slow on the burpees and that was fine. As for the kipping pullups, it feels so great to be able to rely on a movement that, just a few months ago, I was still struggling with! Gives me hope that someday in the not-too-distant future I’ll get there with T2B.
Speaking of T2B…I have these grand plans of practicing them every time I come to the gym. But today after the pullups, my hands said a big fat AW HELL NO to that. Next time!
Nudge me and I’ll practice TTB with you.
7am was another big ol’ party today.
Snatch complex: Worked with Stella up to 78#. Felt good to break down all the movements in the snatch, as it’s a total work in progress for me. I really liked this complex.
WOD: Exactly four rounds, scaled to 10 pull-ups per rounds. This is the first workout I got to utilize my newfound pull-up skills, so I was excited to just try! Wanted to get the burpees over as quickly as possible so I could get back on the bar. Did sets of 5 each round.
I watched the first episode of Road to The Games (linked at the bottom of the post) last night on FB! I’m such a Dottir fangirl. I totally admire their perseverance, dedication and strength, and I love any type of “day in the life” videos with them in it.
Spoiler (and my fav part): Katrin and Annie eat these massive peanut butter, apple and chicken burritos and claim they’re delicious. I thought about this for a long time, and decided I would eat it if someone happened to have one, but would not go out of my way to assemble myself. Also, it seems like good hiking food.
Swap the peanut butter for almond butter and I’d be in.
Sounds relish…I love a good PBT&J (peanut butter, turkey, and jelly)
ok upon further research, I found a chicken and apple kale salad with peanut butter dressing which sounds DELICIOUS. For some reason putting the three ingredients together in that format makes the flavor combination much more palatable in my head. Now I want to try this burrito!
7am w/ Lauren + Jess
Fun snatch complex (with Shawn!!): 52×2, 57×2, 62×3. Kept it light to focus on good form. OH squats felt GREAT! Unlike most times, I didn’t have any trouble getting to full depth.
WOD: 3 rounds + 3 burpees RX. I really disliked this…the sets felt endless and boring and all I could think about was how much I didn’t want to be doing it. Just had a bad attitude and no hustle. Ohhh well. Rest day tomorrow!
7 am with Lauren and Jess
Got to snatch with Kirby who wanted to maintain perfect form and did so it was great to be able to watch her and take mental notes. 52×2, 57×2, 62×3. This got heavy enough for me to have to really, really focus on being aggressive off my feet. The squats felt heavy at 62 probs because my legs are leaddy from this week’s work.
The WOD. 3 rounds plus 20 burbees with 7 pull ups. I went into this undecided about what I’d do for the pull ups. Had a couple of bands handy but stuck to 7 and did not use the bands at all. I felt like I did better than usual at dropping right down to the burpess one after the other at a maintainable pace. I’m in training to re-do 18.2 in a couple weeks so getting my head out of the movement and just moving is the goal. I was on the bar when Jess said 90 seconds left and I knew I wanted to finish that last set of 20. Small victory!
You looked super strong on those pull-ups!
7am today! Haven’t posted in a while, not sure why my job doesn’t understand the need to read about fitness and watch videos featuring the kickass Dottirs.
Snatch complex up to 68. I told Lauren today (and Fox last week) that I feel like I once loved to snatch and but somehow all knowledge has just… deserted me. It is a process and a reminder that practicing the faster lifts consistently is really so important. Got some great tips last week and again today and the last few reps were improved for sure. I’ll take it.
WOD 3 rounds + 15 burpees with banded pull-ups. I almost experimented with my in-development kipping pull-ups but decided to focus on the strict strength. Broke these up into sets of 5. Burpees just tried to keep steady. I’m with Kirby, this was just a slog! Good mental exercise in keeping moving and not getting down mid-workout.
12pm class
Snatch complex up to 155
Not bad, a little off balance on a few of the powers.
Metcon Rx’d
4 + 21
Thanks to Sarah C, I stuck with butterfly throughout, mostly in sets of 5.
12pm with Jess!
Loved this snatch complex…I’m hoping it will help me with my bar path and staying tight the entire lifting process! Stayed at 105 for all sets
4 rds +1
Tried to focus on not rushing and maintain good reps on all butterfly pullups. I kept them sets of five until the end of the third round where i had to go to lipping. I was happy with how they felt!
New goal for the next eight weeks…don’t worry about weight, times, or rounds done, but
Complete each skill persicely and as perfectly as possible. I need to focus on this gymnastics stuff
A) Back Squat @2011
185 x 7, 205 x 5, 235 x 3
195 x 7, 210 x 5, 225 x 3
Still felt weird today, like I can’t quite remember how to do this properly. I feel strong enough but the positions feel alien.
B) Strict Pull-Up @10×0
Green band across x 7
BW x 5
Plus 10# x 3
Green band x 7
BW x 5
Plus 15# x 3
C) FT @aer
100ft sled push, +green plate (slow trot) 5 kHSPU
20 cal row
rest 3 min
x4 sets
2:51, 2:30, 2:38, 2:32
HSPU unbroken and wrist didn’t hurt! Woo! I moved my equipment closer together which accounts for the 20 second difference in the first round. I think.
D) 10-15 min flush
Did a few mins on the new bikes but was out of time- does my 10 min bike ride home count? I’m gonna go with yes for today and waste less time transitioning between things going forward.
Here is some info on how Porgs got in The Last Jedi for those who called me a liar *cough whit cough*
Runs today were meh, snatch complex was meh and metcon was meh.
Fun class though!
Complex – last two rounds at 67#
Honestly almost didn’t show bc of the sight of this but I really liked the progression here.. pulls felt great pre OH squat. Nice coaching by Jess
3 rounds, 20 burpees and 2 PU
Nice burn all around
Loved the snatch workout! Great tips from Whit and Lauren in terms of thinking of the snatch itself as a high pull+ jump under. They felt *awesome* when I did that.
63×3, 68×2, 73×2
Wod: 4 rounds + 12 burpees
… doing 7 strict pull-ups per round.
MAN, started to do two kipping pull-ups and felt that annoying pulling sensation from my lat to my bicep. Not pain, but uncomfortable and not normal workout stuff. It’s been about three weeks— I need to go to the doctor so it doesn’t get worse. It seems small, but like if I kept working out on it it would get worse.
The only time I feel it is during a kip when pushing down on the bar. BOO.
Snatch complex:
63×3, 68, 73, 78, 83
All felt great except for 83 where I let the bar get away from me.
WOD: 4+9 Rx’d
Steady pace- maybe could have pushed a little bit more on the burpees in the first two rounds. Pullups 8-7 for the first three rounds then 6-5-4. Boy did I feel heavy today after vacation. Hopefully a couple of days of clean eating will fix that.
Deadlifts afterwards:
TNG: 135×5, 165×8, 185×6
From a dead stop: 205×5
Felt HEAVY after all those squats yesterday.