Warm up and work up to a heavy single Snatch. Press-outs are misses. If you’re feeling good, then go for a new 1RM. If not, then aim to make a few reps between 80-90%.
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Every Minute on the Minute x 25 (5e):
1) 7/5 Calorie Bike/Row, as fast as possible
2) 12 Russian Kettelbell Swings (Heavy)
3) 12 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
4) 30 Second Side Plank (Left)
5) 30 Second Side Plank (Right)
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Next Sunday: WrestleMania at CFSBK
Next Sunday, April 8th, CFSBK will be showing WrestleMania 34 on our big, big screen! The big event starts at 7pm. Feel free to BYOB, snacks, and friends!
See Anise Perform Tonight!
A message from Anise:
I wanted to let everyone know that I have a performance on the evening of Easter Sunday. That’s 8pm Sunday, April 1st. Some of you saw me perform part of my original work Apostate at the CFSBK Art Show. It is a multidisciplinary performance piece about a postmodern understanding of spirituality, faith, and community. The full-length version of Apostate is being featured at Empty Tomb//Fertile Womb, a fundraising event for my theatre group Sacred Circle Theatre Company. If anyone is free, I would love to see you there and show you what I do! Below are the facebook event and the direct link to buy tickets.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Metcon Mash-Up
Check Out 97 Year Old Powerlifter Edith Traina BarBend
How Does Insulin Work in Our Bodies? Scientific American
A. 3-4 sets for quality with a partner
3 wall walks w/shoulder tap
50ft Wheelbarrow walk
5 squat thrusts w/yoga push up
B. Handstand Walk Practice
C.FT @aerobic pace:
Run 270m
Run 270m
10 C2B pull ups
rest min
x3 rounds
Dropin at CF Boynton Beach, my florida box
My old coach was there so it was good catching up with him and seeing some old friends, those guys are right on the line for making regionals, fingers crossed for them. Everyone is so nice there. So many people that remember me from 3-4 years ago, still remember my name and say hello. So great! I walked in to take group and someone who i haven’t spoken to in years screamed “KATIE HARPER IN THA HOUSE!!!” from across the gym. Ha! I’m on total vacation mode, enjoying my mental break from fitness. Cruiiiisin through life!
As expected, their Saturday WOD was ALL engine and partner style. Gotta keep that FL beach bod.
1 mile run
12 rounds (6 per partner- “you go i go’)
8 cal assault bike
8 thrusters (65#)
8 burpee over bar
Completed with partner in 32:00 flat. The run was the best part. It was warm out, so I pushed it cause it felt so good to be outside! I think it was around 6:55 mile? I went hard on the first round and then backed off a bit cause my partner was on the struggle bus. She crushed it though, we both did all of our thrusters unbroken. That blew up my quads! wow. Think i was floating around 75-79 RPM for bike and burpees were relatively fast
Looking forward to another week off and then getting back into things mid April.
A. Deadlift- heavy single @10X0
300, 315, 325
Felt rusty. Back was rounding. Just need to remember how to do it right.
B. 4 rounds @ hard effort
30 sec row
30 sec rest
152, 147, 146, 142
C. 15 mins AB @50RPM
A. 20 min AMRAP @hard effort
100ft FC, 24kg/hand
200ft SBC, 60lb
10 burpees
10 rounds + FC + 100ft SBC
B. 15 min row @2.22 split
Thus ends testing week! Happy with how it went and excited to start getting stronger!
AG with the front gate open! 😀
I was surprised to find I could get anywhere at all with the handstand walk practice. I guess I feel a wee bit more secure with a spotter than against the wall! Not that I got far, but I was able to move my hands on the floor at least a few inches.
Workout w/burpees instead of HSPU and chin-over-bar pullups: 4:51, 4:48, 4:30. Strung together 8 kipping pullups in a row for what I think is the first time, yay!
Stayed after class to do a bit of AR and also practice kipping toes to bar. I was able to get 2 in a row a couple of times, but not more than that. Oh well, just gotta keep plugging away.
10am with Lauren and Fox
Reacquainting myself with the snatch after being away from the gym for a while. Stayed at a light 43# w/power snatch – felt good and moved well. Need to work on speed and getting under the bar.
Used a white then green kettlebell for the workout – swings are my strongest movement, but this was a first for me. Accidentally went from swings to row then had to do wall balls – oof.