Photos from the 5th and final Friday Night Lights of the year are now up on Flickr!
Barbell Medicine Seminar at CFSBK
Join Drs. Baraki and Feigenbaum for the Barbell Medicine seminar at CFSBK on July 28th and 29th. The Barbell Medicine seminar attempts to integrate modern medicine with legitimate strength and conditioning to provide the background knowledge, coaching strategies, nutrition and lifestyle modifications, and personal form corrections needed to work with folks who may have common health issues.
Our lectures revolve around the most common health issues seen in both primary care by clinicians and in the gym by coaches. We’ll cover the background epidemiology, pathophysiology, and available treatments including training, nutrition, and lifestyle modification so that the attendee is armed with an arsenal of information to put into immediate practice. Lecture topics include:
- Exercise Screening and Prescription
- Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Nutrition and Supplementation Prescription
- Programming for Strength and Conditioning
- Low Back Pain
- Osteoarthiritis
- Testosterone and Endocrine Abnormalities
Practical On-the-Platform Sessions consist of real-time coaching and lifting practice by the seminar attendee with feedback from our coaching staff. The ratio of attendees to coaches is 6:1 so you’ll definitely get enough personalized attention.
The sessions include:
- Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
- Bench Press
This seminar is directed at anyone to increase their knowledge base on common health issues, available interventions, lifting technique, and core strength and conditioning practices.
Spots are limited! Sign up today!
News and Notes
- Intramural team captains: Don’t forget to submit your team’s scores to the spreadsheet today!
- Please get your Post-Challenge Submissions to us no later than this Wednesday, March 28th.
- In case you missed the announcement, the farewell party/drinks for Coach Melo, Alex, and Lily will be this Saturday at 4pm at Pig Beach on Union St. All are welcomed!
- The 2018 Open is over! The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is over! Did you participate in either or maybe even both (you maniac)? Tell us about your experience in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press | “Jackie”
Why You Should Use Both Low and High Bar Squats in Your Training BarBend
The Key to Good Luck Is an Open Mind Nautilus
Wednesday’s Programming
Sumo Deadlift
All sets should be heavy, ending with the heavy singles.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Burpees
7 Hang Power Snatches 115/80
5 Burpees
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Score fastest and slowest rounds.
Post time and Rx to comments.
2-3 sets for quality
20 single unders/10 double unders
5 chin ups or 5e sa ring rows
5 lateral box step ups
Double under Practice
10 min @aerobic pace
10 push ups
25 double unders
rest 3 min
10 min @aerobic pace
25 double unders
10 cal AB/row/ski/run
5 burpees
yayyyyy T2B practice!
Crossing my fingers I don’t have to work late tonight.
4:30pm Group Class
Press: worked up to 125×1
Was hoping to get 140 today or maybe 145 but couldn’t get anywhere near PR territory.
Jackie: 8:13 as rxd
Row in 4:04
Thrusters and pull-ups unbroken
Strict press: 65×3, 70×3, 72.5×3
Heavy enough for today but not grindy.
Modified Jackie in 10:42
1000m row in 4:26 (sad)
50 db front squats @ 35# (5 sets of 10, slow, terrible)
30 kb swings @ 16kg
Bye legz will miss u.
Aw- i missed your return! Will see you in class later this week though, yes?
Tomorrow!! Independent study the rest of the week after that 🙂
worked up to a heavy power clean, because I am a meathead and needed to be sure I could still clean weight. Only let myself fail twice and then I called it.
83×3, 103×3, 113×2, 133, 153, 163, 173, 183, 193 (fx2)
Pulled 193 to my shoulders both times, just decided to land in a squat with no tension, no chance i was standing that up. I forget what happened the second time. I forgot to let go of my hookgrip and i think it fell forward in the front rack. Looking forward to ironing this out with some coaching. It all just feels so awkward. Either way, I feel better now 🙂
Hang Power Cleans and AbMat Sit-ups : 4 mins 11 secs | Rx’d
4 rounds of:
15 Hang Power Cleans, 70 lbs
21 AbMat Sit-ups
Unbroken and practiced that little hip bounce hang thing. So fast when i get it right!
Cardio: 30 min AB
very sanbaggy sort of pace. I was just no interesting in sitting for that long.
7am doing Monday with Lauren
I haven’t been strict pressing much since I had to stop doing AG, so I was interested to see how this would go. Went up to 78, which felt good!
Jackie – 9:24 with jumping pull-ups
When I did this in January I scaled to 33# thrusters and jumping pull-ups, finished in 9:10. Today I did the Rx weight for thrusters but kept the jumping pull-ups since while these are coming, I don’t yet have 30 when fatigued.
Turned out to be a really good choice because MAN I am still smoked from my adventures with chest to bars on Sunday. Row was great, 3:57 – an improvement from last time and I felt fine coming off. Thrusters did 25-10-8-7. I’d hoped to do 25-15-10 but just didn’t have it. Still happy with how these moved, especially at 45#. Then pull-ups WHOMP. IDK where my lats are but they are apparently not currently attached to my body. Way slower than they should have been.
Anywho, still happy with this overall, and the LFPB challenge has been super fun! My before-after pics are hilarious, it is obvious why my shirts have stopped fitting.
I thought you were looking super fit when you came in to do 18.5 on Sunday! Congrats on LFBP success!
Started a new cycle yesterday with Ro- time to get strong for Iron Maidens. I almost didn’t sign up because of the pressure I’ve put myself under in the past, but I’m going to approach it with a more relaxed attitude this year and just have FUN and enjoy lifting with my strong sisters.
This is going to be kind of like an experiment as I will have a focus on strength but will still be doing other things- working on gymnastics skills and conditioning etc.
I’m excited to see what happens!
This week I’m mostly testing things- Ro called it a deload week because it’s way less volume than I’ve been doing but I don’t know if I agree with that name for this. Ha.
A) Bench Press @30×1
Build to a heavy single.
125, 135, 145(bw!)147.5F
B)2K row- hard effort
C)15 mins AB @40-50RPM
63×3, 68×3, 73×1, 78×1, 80x1F – how is that extra 2 lbs. SO HEAVY?!
Jackie RX-10:59
Lots of walking around during the thrusters, knocked out the pull ups in 5/5/5/5/3/3/2/2
6:30 with Whit doing Monday’s work
Got up to 69.5 which is sadly a strict press PR. These feel heavy so fast! But hey, any progress is good progress I suppose.
I am STOKED about improvement over the LFPB challenge though! My before/after pictures definitely show little shifts, but between my improvement on Jackie, my friend saying “wow jen, your back!” while helping me sunscreen, easily co-lifting the bride at a wedding this weekend during the hora, and a generally improved diet, I’d chalk this one up as a big success. Thanks to Fox for organizing such a thoughtful challenge and set of lectures.
So Jackie today was 10:40, an improvement of 1:05 from January amd with more weight (33# v 22#) and lower box (stool v. 16” box) for jumping pull ups. I wish I pushed the thrusters a little harder; the sets of 10 were still fine but I took a lot of rest in between. Overall excited though.
Also, I was reflecting on how fun doing the Open for the first time this year was. It definitely pushed me to do things I didn’t think I could (looking at you, 100 DUs) and push a little harder in the workouts. I also really enjoyed the extra comeraderie and cheering and sitting in awe watching everyone moments. This was fun and now I also have so many goals for next year (can I get toes to bar and pull-ups by then?). And can’t wait to see how much team Make America Blue Again crushed it by 🙂
Sumo Deadlift: 225×5, 255×5, 275×3, 295×3, 315×1, 335×1
All unbelted. Switch grip feels less comfortable in a sumo than conventional for me, but moved well otherwise. Something to consider for Iron Maidens…
WOD: 44, 45, 46, 48, 51 seconds
Enjoyed this one. Needed to take slightly more pauses as the rounds continued. That minute of rest goes quickly.
6:30 with Whitney
Worked up to 73×3 on the press
Jackie RX in 8:53. 3 seconds slower than January, which I found pretty impressive since I only worked out one day in Maui over the past 9 days AND I only got 4 hours of sleep on the red eye and had to go straight to the office this morning from jfk.
Happy with it! Ready to ease back into fitness after a nice little break enjoying the beach and LOTS of French fries and desserts 🙂
Didn’t do 18.5 in Maui either and have no regrets. It was wonderful to just enjoy the Island life and see my girl Erin Musni!
6:30 with Whit, Monday’s work.
(Also, first time remembering to comment here post-class. Thanks, jet lag!)
Strict press: I’m still pretty new to the CF world, so I started pretty light and worked up to 105#x3 reps. Thanks to Whit for pointing out I could go higher– figuring out my weights is still something I’m getting used to.
Jackie– 11:31
1000m row: Wasn’t so bad!
Thrusters: Realized I should have taken advantage of that “easy” row to preserve more energy. Began making some very strange little noises.
Pullups (scaled to 30 jumping): Not terrible, but not delightful either.
Overall: I really need to work on figuring out my pacing for these workouts. Thanks to my partner for reminding me to breathe through the thrusters and keep chipping away at the damn thing.
It was good to get back in after a couple weeks on the road. Way to earn your beers for the day, y’all!