Open Workout 18.5
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
3 Thrusters 100/65 lb
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters 100/65 lb
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters 100/65 lb
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Thrusters 100/65 lb
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters 100/65 lb
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
18 Thrusters 100/65 lb
18 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Post total reps and Rx to comments.
Friday, March 30th: The Redeemed and the Dominant Screening
Come out to the gym Friday March, 30th at 8pm (right after OG) to celebrate the end of the Open and gear up for Regionals with a screening of The Redeemed and the Dominant: Fittest on Earth, a documentary look at the 2017 CrossFit Games. Bring your own drinks and snacks to share!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Nicole Carroll’s Tips for 18.5 CrossFit Games (video)
Lifting Cultural Expectations Girls Gone Strong
18.5 – Rx’d : 136 reps | Rx’d
One and done! Executed this exactly to my current abilities. Couldn’t be happier with this. Zoned out and hit all thrusters unbroken. This is 100% a result of consistency with my squat program, and my overhead program from performance care. Thrusters have traditionally been my worst movement and now I think they’re probably my best (light ones at least, need to get a little stronger). Anyway, I’m stoked about this!
All C2B in threes with just a second rest in between. Hit a set of 6/then the rest 3s. Fast set of 10 for the last 35sec! Thanks for judging DO!
Aside from that dang clean, I couldn’t be happier with how the open went this year. I think I proved a lot to myself, mostly that the calmer you stay under pressure the better you do. I thought about nothing except breathing and doing what was in front of me last night. Mind was blank. Gotta keep practicing being an exercise robot, think that will be insanely helpful for my CrussFit game. Looking forward to another healthy year of training, where I can get skuper skrong and crush all of the categories. I refuse to let ONE REP keep me from reaching my goals! grrrrr.
18.5 during FNL yesterday: 63 reps Rx
First time doing C2B in a workout, so I was happy with getting 30. Round of 12 C2B was very painful, all slow singles and it felt like it took forever. Wish I could have finished the 12 with another 30s on the clock, since I could have banged out another 5 or 6 thrusters. Oh well. Had the best judge in Super Karl, who kept me honest and moving and breathing.
9am today Short Circuit
Practiced 25lbs wallballs, which really get terrible after 10 or so. DB holds at 30lbs for 40s were a lot worse than I expected.
10am group class… Which I decided to skip. I had thought about redoing 18.5 this morning, and try using a supinated or switch grip to see if I could get through the C2Bs faster, but the rational side of me was saying “what’s the point”. Yeah, maybe I’ll get another 5 or 6 reps and be happy (for all of 10min afterwards), but maybe I won’t… Let’s just re-test this at some point in the future. Was happy to be there and cheer for a bunch of amazing folks.
My first open officially in the books and completed 18.5 today at 9am. Not so happy about my score because I wanted to at least get back to the 6 thrusters, but I got 2 CTB pull ups in the supinated grip. Had many failed attempts trying pronated but now I know I at least can do a few kipping pull-ups. Got my first one in 18.3.
Overall happy with my performance throughout the open and looking forward to getting stronger and seeing improvement in the next open.
Y’all, I’m not sure if you’re watching this, but our own Stella Zawistowski is currently competing in the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament, and sitting in (I think?) 6th position overall (!!) with one puzzle left to solve…
She’s also currently #1 from the NYC area!
Awww thanks!
holy shit! sitting in 6th! Insane.