Photos from 18.4 by Thomas H. and Robert C. are now up on Flickr! | Photo by Thomas H.
Interested in the Spring Vegetable CSA?
A few weeks ago, we ran a post to see how many people might be interested in participating in a vegetable CSA this year. To make sure we got the word out, we’re asking again for a non-binding headcount. Here are the details:
CFSBK is considering partnering with a new vegetable CSA vendor this summer: Miracle Springs Farm from Gallatin, NY.
Cost info: $700 for a weekly share for 22 weeks, or $350 for every-other-week for 22 weeks. Pick up would be at the gym on Wednesday evenings.
In order to move forward, we need to get a tentative headcount. The farm would need 15 every-other-week members or 30 weekly members.
Please comment below if you’re interested, and include if you would like weekly, every-other-week, or “doesn’t matter.” If you have questions, please email Michele at mignyc [at]
Cam C. at Pull for Pride
Cam C. will be competing in the Pull for Pride on Saturday, June 16th at CrossFit Crow Hill. The Pull for Pride is a Deadlift-only event benefiting the Ali Forney Center, whose mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.
Go here to sponsor Cam!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press | Run, Thrusters, Pull-Ups
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Fitness Space Girls Gone Wrong
18.4: Preliminary Analysis Beyond the Whiteboard
Wednesday’s Programming
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
Row 300m
10 Alternating Heavy Dumbbell Snatches
Single-Arm Farmer’s Carry, down and back each side
15 Supine Leg Raises 4-2-4 tempo (4 seconds down, 2 seconds hold at top, 4 seconds lift, rest as needed at top)
Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy single for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Hi All, Just a heads up that I’ve lost my old beaten up Patriots hat. Pretty sure I left it in the locker room Thursday night. I scoured lost and found yesterday and also let the front desk know but no dice. If you saw it let me know. Thanks.
Side note: This March is proving to be the best skiing in the east in many many years. So much snow. If you’ve never gone or just haven’t this year, go now! There are buses from the Barclays Center (NYSnowBus) and 4th and Bergen (Ovrride) to Windham, Hunter, and other mountains. Easy-peasy.
Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something about your choice in football teams. 😛
Interested in the veggie CSA (weekly)- thanks!
2-3 sets
3 wall walk + 2 kick ups
10 band pass throughs + pulls
12 glute bridges
kipping HSPU Practice
C. FT @aerobic pace
6 hspu
8 box jumps
10 KBS, 24/20
35 DU
rest 2 min
x4 sets
Interested in the vegetable CSA!
6am with JB doing Monday’s workout
Happy to hit 265 – 10# off my PR
11:13 Rxd
Slowish run, unbroken thrusters, PUs in 2 sets except for the last round which was unbroken
7am with Lauren doing Monday’s work
Bench: 63×5, 83×5, 88×3, 95×3, 100×1, 105×1*
105# is a PR! And it actually moved pretty easily, so I can’t wait to officially test this. I am going to attribute this to the LFPB challenge. I haven’t seen physical changes in weight or body composition, but MAN I’ve been PR-ing a bunch in the past couple of months! I get down on myself sometimes about the challenge and lack of progress, but overall I’m definitely netting out positive 🙂
Kiiiinda been having anxiety about DB Thrusters at 35#. But with my luck (and with how our WODS have magically been aligning with Open workouts) they’re going to show up on Thursday night. Broke these up in 7-7-4-3, 5-5-3-2, 5-2-2.
Finished in 17:28, with jumping pull ups from a stool. I REALLY need to learn how to do a kipping pull up! I’ll learn from Kirby – she looks like a freakin’ ballerina on the bar.
Nice on those PRs!
Also, come to AG. Ro will have you doing kipping pullups fo sho.
You made 105 look easy, AND you crushed the workout! I couldn’t keep up with you. I envy your discipline in holding onto the DBs and sticking to your rep scheme on the thrusters. Great job!!
NFR work was most welcome this morning. I like farmer carries — I feel like they really open up my neck vertebrae, which helps me feel less old.
Supine leg raises at tempo are serious stuff!
Worked to 200 on the FSQ, despite being a doofus and forgetting my lifters. Finally got to squat w/Dan G again — we were partnered pretty much every class for several months and then never again. Now we’re not really a weight match any more, because Dan has made the gainz! Nice work squat buddy, I’ll miss ya.
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday
Bench press, wahoooo!!! 85×5, 90×5, 95×3, 100×3, 110×1. Wanted to see if I could hit 115 but I ran out of time. 110 felt fine so I bet I can!! I <3 benching.
WOD: 19:16 (i.e. dead last) with 35# DBs and chin-over-bar pull ups. This was horrible and I still can't breathe properly (the ol' Fran lung got me!!). I don't even remember how I broke up the thrusters because I think I blacked out. God help me if these show up in 18.5 (which, let's be honest, they will). On the bright side, pull ups felt good today! I'm just really grateful that this is over.
Way to stick to it, lady!
I had PT this morning so am doing class tonight and have been wavering re: whether to do yesterday’s or tomorrow’s (or AG!) and TBH reading your recap has AG looking pretty damn attractive. Way to stick with it and push through (and agree with Jaime’s comment about your pull-ups, they always look so effortless and elegant!).
lol Kirby, you’re scaring people now!
HAHA SORRY!! Do this workout to prepare yourself for 18.5! It hurts but it builds character 😉
Yeah that was a really rough one! I wasn’t right for like 15 minutes. I did my first set of DB Thrusters as 18-3. I don’t recommend that strategy
Veggie CSA put me down for every other week.
Interested in CSA every other week!
7 am with Lauren doing Monday’s work
Sleeping so badly lately. Bench presses felt heavy from the get go. 75, 85, 95 for both sets of three. I needed to push with my legs so much that I got a freakin’ charlie horse all the way down my hamstring. Genius that I am I decided to go ahead and add weight for the single 100 – failed both attempts. 1RM is 105. Apparently, Jaime stole it!
On the fun side of this – I got to work with Ellen who is a newer member of our gym and knows Gerry Mullaney, who I miss so it was nice to have at least a little Gerry talk.
On the opposite of fun side – WOD with 20# DBs and a 10, 7, 3 (10 was supposed to be 12, 7 was supposed to be 9, 3 was 3) pull ups. They weren’t bad, it’s just that I caught myself resting too much in between so would run back out instead of extra standing. 15:25 I think.
Also – anyone interested in the Russian baths at Mermaid spa on Saturday around noon – either message me on face book or email shawnalysec at gmail.
+ 1 for interest in the veggie csa every other week.
make up posting!
FRI: prep day. long warm up for neck/shoulders, then practiced some HSPU.
SAT: OPEN WOD 18.4. score = 106 reps RX’d
the good stuff:
-did not injure myself, tweak my neck, or have pain during/after the WOD!
-only 1 no rep for being a little to excited to get off the wall at the end. otherwise, the standard was fine.
-positions and kip technique felt SOLID
-PR’d my Diane. haven’t done it in about 3 years I think b/c I haven’t been doing HSPU in training, so it was 6:31 down from probably around 9 min??
the challenges:
-even though HSPU felt solid, I still wanted to go slow and steady, not crash on my head, not go to failure. so that meant i was cautious and conservative. probably could’ve pushed the envelope a bit more. felt like I didn’t have the muscle endurance to back up bigger sets, but I also never got close to failure so… hard to say!
-deadliftssssssss. even in the diane portion, the 155# started to feel a bit heavy. 205# was ROUGH! in warm up, did a triple and a single at 215, but when I got to that bar in the wod, i could only hit singles. so fatigued. hitching, rounding, and all. just gnarly stuff! probably the worst form i’ve had in a workout in… years.
-really bummed I didn’t get a chance to handstand walk! sigh.
-no way I could re-do this. would’ve been really dumb to double up that volume on my neck/shoulders. and my triceps are still sore today!
What did I learn?
-upper body strengthening and my overall programming is WORKING
-I need to deadlift and hinge more! More frequent exposure, and with increased weight/intensity and volume over time.
Recovery post WOD: 15 min bike, a bit of soft tissue work in lower back, hot shower, e-stim at home, and some neck massage!
Sunday: ski, bike, row… easy pace
Mon: about 40 min, just moving:
2min bike, legs only 48 RPM
6ea waiter sqt @ 16kg @ 21×1
10 band good mornings
:30 supine GHD hold
:45 single unders
100′ sled drag (+85#)
think I did 5 sets or so
Interested in weekly veg csa!
AMRAP 12 mins: 5 rounds | 370 reps | Rx’d
12:00 AMRAP:
50 Double Unders
12 Power Snatches, 75 lbs
12 Toes-to-bars
Flat. Doubles were toast from beginning. Hard to hinge today. Kip was slow too! Most 4s, 6s and some occasional singles tossed in when I lost my rhythm. Good workout
6:00 four mile run. Still dark and cold. I love the spring.
5:30 group with Whit
5 – 155
5 – 165
3 – 175
3 – 185
1 – 195
1 – 205 PR (200 previous)
1 – 215 PR
I’ve been cheating and doing bench stuff on my own for the last six months and have been waiting to test this.
Metcon with 35# and PUs were 963 and I was toast
Scooter over to strongfit
Keith murdered us with his metcon
3 person teams trading off whenever
3000m bike
1500m row
1500m ski
This was absolutely brutal and gave me an extreme headache. But work already got cancelled for tomorrow so I basically win the day.
Took a rest day yesterday… literally every part of my body was saying “NO EXERCISE”.
Planned on Monday’s wod after AG Strength, decided to do AG instead because the workout looked so fun (which it was) and I didn’t feel like running outside.
Luckily, we’ve actually practiced dumbbell thrusters before in AG, and I’m pretty good at them. I hope they are in 18.5.
Honestly a DB Fran would be great for me!!
Anyway, AG workout was a blast. AGS got me swole.
Snow day tomorrow!! I hope short circuit isn’t cancelled!!
Me too! I’m just getting home from work (yeah it’s almost midnight, awesome) so if SC is running I am DEFINITELY starting my work-from-home day late so I can partake.
Interested in bi-weekly CSA