Bench Press
Warm up and perform two heavy sets at each rep scheme. The goal is no misses but use spotters on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
400m Run
21 Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400m Run
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400m Run
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Scale load on the Dumbbell Thrusters and to regular Chin-over-Bar Pull-Ups or Ring Rows as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
This Friday: Iron Maidens Registration Opens!
The 4th Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open is happening! We’ve moved to a warmer month this year: June 2, 2018.
This is a full, raw powerlifting meet contesting the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. It is open to women only. You do not need to be a member of CrossFit South Brooklyn to participate and we welcome all ages. We have space for 60 participants, and we always sell out fast!
For the third year, we are happy to continue raising funds for the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship which provides college tuition support to students of Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through past competitors’ efforts, we have raised over $65,000 and supported 10 women pursuing higher education!
Registration will open March 23, 2018. Be on the lookout for the sign-up link posted right here on the blog and the Iron Maidens website!
News and Notes
- A note from Stella Z.: “Next weekend (March 23-25) I’ll be heading to Stamford, CT for the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. It’s a contest to see who’s the fastest and most accurate solver across seven puzzles, and the top three competitors at that point solve a live final puzzle on a giant grid in front of an audience. I’d love to get on the podium, although that is mostly a pipe dream, but my totally achievable and yet not easy goal is to remain in the top ten. As a reference point for how competitive the field is: I regularly solve the New York Times Sunday crossword in less than seven minutes, and I’m still not even unequivocally the fastest person in Brooklyn! Wish me luck, I’m gonna need it.” Good luck, Stella!
- Robert C. did some more maths and figured out that according to the CrossFit Games site, as of Saturday, CFSBK members had collectively lifted 252,855 lb (126 tons) in 18.4. For reference, that’s more than the weight of 18 Tyrannosaurus rex. For 18.5, you’ll have to kill the Tyrannosaurus for time.
- Don’t forget to submit your 18.4 scores to the Games site tonight before 8pm!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Snatch, Toes-to-Bars, Planks, Burpees
The Untold History of the Bench Press BarBend
Why Can’t Everyone Do the “Asian Squat”? The Atlantic
Thanks for the shoutout Josh! Sorry to my Strong Fit brethren and sistren, I’ll miss you on Saturday while I’m doing crosswords for time.
Today I woke up and totally misread the WOD, because I didn’t notice the 400m run involved in each round. That’s a good thing, because if I had noticed that I think I might have pulled the covers back over my head, even though today was bench press day.
Worked to 135 for a single on the bench. I’d be very disappointed in that number if it were 1RM test day, but with 6 sets to squish into 15 minutes, I’m totally fine with that.
WOD in 14 minutes flat with 30# DBs and 12-9-6 chin over bar pullups. I know, I know. Woulda coulda shoulda done the Rx DB weight. (I think my pullup scale was perfectly appropriate.) This is the second time I’ve done that this year — that is, pick up the 35s to warm up, go “OH GOD THIS IS SO HEAVY,” put them away, and then realize during the workout that I could totally have challenged myself with the Rx weight.
Oh well, at least I didn’t just roll back into bed, right? And I’m still riding a T2B high from yesterday.
Have Fun and go get ’em Saturday!
So cool, Stella! Kill ’em this weekend!!!!
Good luck crosswording this weekend, Stella! (And way to go on those toes to bar yesterday! So great!)
Good luck and have fun Stella!
Stella! I fell back asleep this morning for two and a half hours. Out cold! Good for you for dragging in! Good luck on the quickie crosswords!
Rooting for you!
“STELLA’s the boss of down and across! Black squares bewares cause she’s solvin’ here …”
8 AM class at Mousetrap Crossfit, Orlando Florida.
They split the class into a skill portion and a WOD (with a choice).
Skill today was a 10 minute EMOM alternating
3 power snatches and 5 power cleans.
I did the first two rounds at 85# and the last 3 at 95#. Felt good-
cleans were easy but meant to be at the same weight.
This gym doesn’t work on TNG like we do, that’s for sure.
I chose the Speed (aka Keanu) version of the WOD, which was meant to
be 5 rounds (15 min cap):
12 DB thrusters @30#
400m run.
The rowing option started as a 1200m row, which we modified after one round to 500m.
Finished 4 round plus 9 thrusters. no one in the first three classes finished.
Solid gym, well organized, decent coaching. CFSBK kills other gyms on the little things- having tape, multiple clocks, thoughtful scaling options (that’s a big thing).
Sunday in the hotel gym:
DB bench press:
1x 8x 25/35/45
18 Min Tabata (40/20):
db snatches @35# (8 per round)
RKBS @ 32K (11 per round)
abmat situps (11 per round)
followed by
4 sets of 25 hard pulls on the rower:
All in 42/43 seconds and 239-242m ranges.
So funny; I thought about going to that class this morning as I’m also in Orlando. But alas I was too tired. Crappy hotel gym it was and will be again!
@Stella you were flying on those thrusters.
7am OG – not complaining & doing stuff!
Warm up –
25c AB
Crossover symmetry internal/external rotation and rows x 3
Hip openers, good mornings, etc
Light, careful strength sets –
HBBS: 125x5x3 – lol, light? last rep of each set felt kinda heavy
Press: 40x5x3 – these felt great! shoulder is still sensitive but not painful, weight felt appropriate for now
DL: 95×5, 135x5x2 – fine but enough
Cash out –
25c AB
15 hollow rocks x 3
Lat + pec stretch
Foam roll, peanut roll upper back & traps
Shoulder/arm is feeling SO much better after two weeks out of class. Trying to stay super focused on good posture. Standing like a human seems hard?
Bench Press: 95 x 5, 105 x 5, 110 x 3, 115 x 3, 125 x 1, 131F
130 is a PR, so grabbed the fractionals to see what might happen, alas not today.
WOD: 15:01 with regular chin-over-bar pull-ups. Thrusters 14-7, 9-6, 9.
Sunday: Worked up to 103 on the power snatch complex. Body just beat up and not snappy at all.
Saturday: Managed to do 11 successful HSPUs in 18.4. Would have liked to have done more, got frustrated with some close no reps and many failed attempts. Really wanted to make it back to the deadlifts (first 21 took me 25 sec). But I need to remember how far I’ve come with regards to this movement. Last year I got one HSPU in the open, so still improving.
Let out some frustration post-open by taking the yoke for many 50′ walks (StrongFit FOMO during the Open). Worked up to 425# successfully for 50′. Tried 475, but had to take a break midway (so lets call it 475# x 25′ x 2).
Just couldn’t get out of bed for 7am today…and now I know what’s in store for me tomorrow. I knew it was only a matter of time before these 35# DB thrusters showed up. At least it’s also bench press day!
Weekend recap:
Saturday 10am w/ Melo + Keith
18.4 RXed
21 deadlifts in 1:20, followed by 7 HSPU. I think I PR’ed standing around in the middle of a workout…but still, this went better than expected! I did my first-ever HSPU at full ROM the day before, so getting 7 was really satisfying. I did a drill beforehand that is best described as an explosive glute bridge and it helped tremendously. Save your shoulders; use your glutes!! The one frustrating thing was that I kept getting no-repped because my feet were falling off the wall at the very end of the push-up…so I’d already done most of the hard work but the rep didn’t count. What I learned is that I need to set up a little closer to the wall.
Happy to report I managed to get through this workout w/o destroying my neck or back…probably thanks to the mobility I did before class and the AR I did after 🙂
Sunday 11am w/ Ro + Lauren
I LOVED this workout! So much fun. Got some awesome cues from Ro on the snatch complex that I was able to dial in across the 6 rounds, and by the last 3 at 78# things were feeling super crisp. And I love T2B!
6am Class today!
Bench: 95-105-115-125-135-135
Something I need to work on! Got some great tips about keeping everything tight and really pushing with my heels, from RO!
WOD: 15:41 RX
runs always kill me…I wish I was faster! Broke everything up nicely and stuck to my decided rep scheme which made all my pullups feel pretty good. No pain in the shoulder after either which was exciting!
Back to the early grind tomorrow too! Funny how even though I hated waking up early for this class, I felt great while working out!!
This was a fun WOD!
Finished in 13:14. Modified chest to bar with chin over the bar but super happy I was able to do the reps. Really need to start working on getting my chest to the bar. Anyone know of any tricks to make that happen?
By Thursday would be nice lol
I have confidence you can get them by Thursday. Just keep doing what you’re already doing.
It sounds like a lot of us had unexpected and really exciting accomplishments on 18.4. Really and in fact we all accomplish a great deal by showing up and trying hard! Looking ahead to post 18.5, there has been some mention of heading out to Mermaid spa to treat our well abused bodies to some steam and sauna and whirlpool and maybe some piva. Here is the link.
If I know that we have a group, I can make a reservation and maybe a group rate. Otherwise it’s $45 for as long as you want to stay. I think my plan is to go from the gym around noon on Saturday.
Hola everyone!
Im back from a week of stuffing my face with Tacos and Margaritas in Mexico (Heathy eating totally out of the window!), so I went in for 18.4 today. Sadly, my back has not recovered from falling off the pull-up bar a few weeks ago and those deadlifts made things a lot worse – silly me! I was forced to call it after 5 reps of the 15.
While this feels disappointing, I shouldn’t complain. I still managed to get through the first set and this time last year I got my first handstand push up, so even with an injury I’m still better than a year ago! I guess it’s just frustrating because I know i could have done better in all the workouts and it would have been nice to know what my scores would have been had I not fallen.
Not to worry! Onwards and upwards. Here’s to recovering properly, to not overdoing it and to 19.1!
83×5, 93×5, 98×3, 103×3, 108×1, 113×1, 118×1
All moved well
WOD: 16:37 modified
Run: Always slow
Thrusters: @30# 9-7-5, 9-6, 9. Really wanted to do 35# but shoulders were blasted from those hang clean DB thrusters thingys at 35# in AG yesterday.
C2B: 15-12-9. Mostly in sets of 4….but needed long breathing breaks in between. No repped myself in the second round (it was just a pullup). Had planned on doing full volume but entire class was out for the second run when I was only on rep 15 of C2B.
Todays workout:
Bench Press
Running Dumbbell CTB Fran
17:37 as Rx’d
That had me shook afterwards
18.4 on Monday
Diane + 8 reps at 315
That’s probably as well as i should have expected it to go. Was about a minute slower than my best Diane time. My HSPUs felt a lot harder that day. Not because of the standard, I love the standard, thats how you should always do HSPUs, with good lines, feet together, and full range of motion… also strict!
recap of today:
I redid 18.4, i did worse, and also loaded my bar wrong twice. ended up doing 21 deadlifts at 195#, loL! David told me he was proud of how I handled the situation in the moment (which made my day). Which was to act instead of react. go me! I didn’t do better anyway cause my hammies were so shot, but at least I win the dingus of the day award though. Ended up getting 35 on handstand walk or something. I have no idea honestly I was totally disoriented today. So anyway, really happy with Friday’s 129! Still not over that clean and how bad it knocked me in the standings, le sighhhh. That’s okay, besides that my consistency across the leaderboard is exactly where I wanted to be this year. and that’s really all that counts! So far only one hole to fill, which doesn’t even feel too far out of sight.
Air runner: 30 min
4 min on/1 min off, 4655M
This burned like hell. oh my poor posterior chain.
also; I posted about my beavis and butthead socks on instagram. And mike judge responded to my story. MY DAY HAS BEEN MADE. I told him i was his number one fan. It’s true.
Partnered with Matt and got up to 205# on the bench
15:15 on the WOD. 35# DB; Ring Rows.
ALSO – I’ve lost my beaten up Patriots hat. Pretty sure I left it in the locker room Thursday night. I scoured lost and found today and also let the front desk know but no dice. If you saw it let me know. Thanks.
I’m interested in the every-other-week CSA!