Allie B. and Coach Whit embrace after a milestone Muscle-Up at Friday Night Lights. Be sure to check out the whole series here! | Photo by Thomas H.
Jay-Star’s Guide to the Open: AARGH
By Jay Reingold
Editor’s Note: This is the second episode of Jay-Star’s new satirical series about the Open. You can find last week’s installment here.
They say that many things get better with age. And by “many things,” I mean me. Haters are gonna hate, but I am currently ranked in the 78th percentile in my age group which is an extraordinary accomplishment given my lack of motivation and general CrossFit suckiness.
What this really demonstrates is that CrossFitters need to have a well-developed aging strategy during Games season. Remember young = bad, old = good. Competing in an older cohort is pretty much guaranteed to put you on the fast track to relative CrossFit Open greatness. Since rapid aging is not likely to be one of your #goalz, you need to turn to the old tried and true: the fake ID. Yes, it’s time to drop by mom’s house, dig through the crates, and dust off the Finland driver’s license that made your Zima- fueled good time Saturday night dreams come true.
Back in my minorhood, my fully documented cover story was that I was a 25-year old submariner on shore leave after a six-month stint in the Arctic hunting Russkies, defending baby seals, and picking up hitchhiking polar bears. Let me say it served me quite well both with the ladies and at the West End Bar where I felt great after the first seven tequila shots until I passed out in the bathroom of Tom’s Restaurant and had to find my way back to Bensonhurst. I forgot my address, and to this day I am not sure if I ever made it to the right place. Some nice family finally took me in and helped me pay for college after I knocked down—I mean… on a few doors
Anyway… keep in mind… AMRAP becomes ARAP if you get rid of the M and ARAP becomes AARP if you do some other stuff.
Kip it real y’all.
News and Notes
- Intramural team captains: Don’t forget to submit your athletes’ scores to the spreadsheet today!
- Missing something? Check out the goods from our latest lost and found clean out, and be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Run, KB Swings, Push Presses, Bar Muscle-Ups
The Magic (and Math) of Skating on Thin Ice Scientific American
Better to Be Better Than Perfect Breaking Muscle
Wednesday’s Programming
Every 3 Minutes for 6 Rounds:
12 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (6e)
12 Dumbbell Burpees
Post work to comments.
Tempo Back Squat / Tempo Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (33X1)
Heavy 3
Warm up and work up to a heavy set of 3 Tempo Back Squats. Use spotters on all work sets.
Tempo Front Squat (33X1)
Heavy 3
Drop weight from the Back Squat set and perform a heavy set of 3 Tempo Front Squats.
Post loads to comments.
2-3 strict pull up or 5 ring rows
10-20 sec handstand hold
10 double unders
Butterfly pull up/kipping pull up practice
for time @aerobic pace
3 min
5 pull ups
10/8 cal AB
rest 3 min
3 min
5 burpees
10 KBS, 24/20
rest 3 min
3 min
5 toes to bar
10 wall ball
rest 3 min
3 min
5 hspu
15 double unders
You can’t spell LEGENDARY without LEG DAY!
E3MOM work was both better and worse than I imagined. Better, because I really thought each round was going to take me closer to 2 minutes than 1 minute. Worse, because although I fancy that I have an active imagination, imagining the pain cave and actually being IN the pain cave are quite different.
I was very consistent…as in I consistently got slower by about the same amount of time every round 😛 1:04, 1:08, 1:12, 1:16, 1:18, 1:23, followed by some lying on the ground flattened by the whole ordeal.
Fun squatting with rackmates Toni and Jaime. Worked to 155 on back squat and 135 on front.
PS, today’s blog photo <3 <3 <3
THAT PHOTO! So many feels. <3
7am w/ Lauren doing Monday
WOD: 17:40 doing a fitness/performance mash-up (and rowing 270m because snow). I did 73# for the push press which felt a liiiittle too easy for the intended stimulus. I was able to do them unbroken throughout the 5 rounds. Did American KBS with the green bell, all unbroken…this left me really winded!! Then 3 T2B+3C2B (chest-to-bar status questionable). I definitely got a bit lost in my rests during this workout.
Side note: Bar muscle-ups are the next skill I'm determined to get!!
ALSO!! I think (and hope) those are my black and white Rogue wrist wraps in the lost and found pic! But I didn’t see them in the bin the last time I checked. Is there anywhere else they might be?
GURL. American KB swings with the 24 are no joke! Nice work!
If you see your lost items in a picture, just ask at the Front Desk. They won’t be in that bin anymore as we empty that and take a picture every other week or when it fills up. Hope they are yours!
Are you sure you did 73? Didn’t you have green=25# plates on a yellow bar? Isn’t that 83? Bar muscle ups are just a session or two away for you!
I panicked and took the greens off at the last minute 🙁 I HOPE you’re right about muscle ups! <3
Thanks, Charlie!! Will inquire at the desk tomorrow AM 🙂
Love love love the blog content lately. Bright spot every day – please keep it comin’ ya’ll!
Been a bad blog poster, but have been doing CF things. Everyone said the Open would be super fun, and everyone was right! It’s been awesome to cheer people on both virtually and in person, and I’ve enjoyed pushing myself and challenging my own expectations. I’m coming for you next year, muscle ups!
Did 18.3 last night, had to wear heels today for a big meeting, whatup calf muscles 🔥🔥🔥
I echo Stella’s comment about E3MOM work being better and worse than expected for the same reasons. But I kind of like workouts where you go in thinking it won’t be that bad, because it changes your initial attitude. I feel like it’s worse when you KNOW it’s gonna suck. Rounds from 1:07 – 1:20, RX.
The last round was PAIN CAVE MATERIAL. The deadlift after the burpee is kinda like a, “just PICK IT UP” kind of movement, so you have no excuse to really take much of a break.
Back Squat: worked up to 125
Front Squat: worked up to 115.
Could have gone heavier on both I think, but my legs were NOT havin’ it today after that workout. Loved squatting with Stella and Toni…they are #goals!
6am – back from a few days off in Punta Cana
Did Monday’s Performance WOD with rowing instead of running (because snow). Finished in 15:13 – which was probably faster than I would have with running, but not by too much
Jay-Star – you just totally divulged Kippin’ It Real’s unfair advantage. As the elder Master, I know that I’m going to always lead the team in at least one regard!
That picture of Allie and Whitney is just the essence of it all, no?
7 am with Lauren
I’m humble again. So many heart beats on the rower even in the first round. Scaled the push press scale down to 68#. Took a 16kg KB thinking I’d try to go over head but kept it Russian (but there was no collusion). Knees to chest with some ttb thrown in. Mostly chin over bar but I came down and took a sec to gather in every round. 18:03. Was there something else in this workout? If so I just skipped it or, as Jay might say, took the senior discount.
18.3 recap:
I did it twice. first time muscle ups were better. second time my muscle ups felt terrible. Doubles were good both days! My calves are okay??? to be fair i did alot of barefoot recovery on Saturday to try and loosen em up. I’ll just log my second attempt to save some blog space:
Completed 581 reps, 13:08 tiebreak (7 rep PR) YUSSS!
100 DU: 25/25/25/25 (to save shoulders for ring MU)
20 OHS: unbroken and feeling awesome these days
100 DU: 17 (trip)/33/25/25
12 ring MU: 3/2/1 or 2/2xF/singles i think?
At this point. I looked at the clock, knew I was about 1:30 over my previous pace (finished muscle ups in first attempt around 5:53 and it was 7:20ish), so i looked at Brett and Keith, and said “I guess I’ll just make it a solid workout” thinking it was competely over, I just decided to ditch all thoughts and go hard since there was nothing to lose. From there this was my strategy:
It was a good strategy. I able to hit pretty big sets of double unders, realized that my lungs could handle it, and that i was surprisingly ahead of pace by the time I got past the bar MU (all quick sets of 2, no fails). So had about 50s to go for a big unbroken set of OHS! I got 17. I was excited cause I wanted to try and beat my friend back in Maryland, who got 16. Friendly competition of course, but still fist pumped myself over it. Happy with this. This was definitely the best I’ve got on this one! 2 more!
How I miss CFSBK! I’ve been dropping in at Crossfit Potrero Hill over here in San Francisco for the past week and a half. It’s been great, but I’m looking forward to being back next week.
A couple of catch-ups (that I feel like posting):
Frustrating that the scaled version included chin over bar pull ups, so I super scaled that with jumping chin over bars. Either way with the single unders, 35lb OHS, and 20lb DB snatches, I got through the first round and was midway through the second round of OHS.
A WOD I liked here was the following:
200m run
8 rounds of: 3 DL, 2 FSQ, 1 Jerk
200m run
6 rounds of: 3 DL, 2 FSQ, 1 Jerk
200m run
4 rounds of 3 DL, 2 FSQ, 1 Jerk
200m run
2 rounds of 3 DL, 2 FSQ, 1 Jerk
So, I did this work out with 60lb, as the lifts were all 1 motion (with me resting in between each round). This was probably the most actual lifting reps I’ve ever done, so I was quite spent afterward. I’m learning how to recover after this type of work by getting more protein after workouts, new addition there.
I’ll be doing a 2000m row this afternoon for time at Potrero and some BSQs. Fun stuff 🙂
I woke up this morning and realized I forgot to submit my 18.3 score. Waaah! Now the world will never know whether I am in the top 160,000 Crossfit athletes.
7:30 with k harpz
During the warm up I decided to just try a bar muscle up (why not?) and actually got one!
Did the workout with 24kg Russian swings, 83# push press, and 1 bar muscle up per round. I got all 5 bar muscle ups! They aren’t the prettiest thing (yet), but I’m excited that I did 7 in total today!
Yeah, Jenny!!!! Congratulations!!
Congrats, Jenny!
Big milestone!! Congrats girl!!
WOW! Well done!
LOVE this pic!
Wednesday’s WOD:
Done with 35# DBs: 1:23, 1:19, 1:24, 1:22, 1:14
Burpees were SLOW!
Back squat: 145
FSQT: 115
When do you breathe on these????
Couldn’t keep my elbows up on the front squat. Not even sure I pulled the bar out of the rack in the correct position now that I think about it. Also, every vertebrae cracked at the pause on the bottom. Weird.
Yeah, congrats, Jenny!! It was awesome to watch you calmly crush that… way to keep your cool 😛
AGS: whooped me again, but that bicep, tricep pump is LEGIT. Love it!!!
Did 7:30 class doing Wednesday’s work because of work obligations tomorrow. Woof.
Used 35# dbs
Rounds 1-5: 1:26/1:27
Round 6: 1:10– ignored the burning in my legs during deadlifts.
HBBS: 115×3, 125×3
Went there because I saw Jaime did 🙂
FSQ: attempted 115, failed second rep— felt super dizzy!
95×3– hard. Man!! Haven’t front squatted in awhile!!!