Open Workout 18.3
2 Rounds for Time:
100 Double-Unders
20 Overhead Squats 115/80
100 Double-Unders
12 Ring Muscle-Ups
100 Double-Unders
20 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
100 Double-Unders
12 Bar Muscle-Ups
18.3 Scaled
2 Rounds for Time:
100 Single-Unders
20 Overhead Squats 45/35
100 Single-Unders
12 Chin-Over-Bar pull-ups
100 Single-Unders
20 Dumbbell Snatches 35/20
100 Single-Unders
12 Chin-Over-Bar Pull-Ups
14 minute cap on both versions
Masters 55+ Rx’d is Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, 75/55 OHS, and 35/20 DBs.
Masters 55+ Scaled is Jumping CTB Pull Ups, 45/35 OHS, and 20/10 DBs.
18.3 will be a workout in which many of you will get a “first.” Maybe it’ll be your first Doubles or a new unbroken Double-Under PR. Maybe you get that first Muscle-Up that you’ve been working on and are oh so close to getting, or your first Pull-Ups. Take an honest look at the workout and decide what the workout will be for you. If you’re close to getting a Ring Muscle-Up, then try and ride some Open magic and get one! If you think you can get through the Double-Unders and Overhead Squats Rx’d but are nowhere near a Ring Muscle-Up, then when you finish the 2nd set of 100 Doubles take an Rx’d score of 220 and move on to Pull-Ups.
The Scaled version is no joke! Even if the weights are light for you and you have muscle ups, it’s still a Double-Under workout. Stay loose and relaxed and remember to breathe on the jump rope. There are 928 (800 on the rope!) reps needed to complete any version of this workout. Have fun and good luck!
Dmitry D. on the rope at Friday Night Lights. Thanks to everyone who came out last night!
Last Chance to Register for Active Life Strength!
There are just 2 spots left in Coach Keith‘s next Active Life Strength class, which starts this Monday! The Active Life methods help athletes of all levels identify the root causes of their pain, injuries, and plateaus, and provide solutions for alleviating and eliminating those limitations through strength training, hands on treatment, corrective movements, and program modification. As the Head Coach at Active Life Athletics, Coach Keith worked closely with the Active Life doctors as they developed the system and led the charge to incorporate it into a gym model. Using those principles, this program will help you identify your individual weaknesses and limitations, guide you through the necessary strength and mobility exercises, and get you moving and lifting more efficiently, with less pain.
Here’s what Colleen M., who just finished up a cycle, had to say about the class:
My pain was being caused by shoulder impingement and a labral tear of the hip. At my wits end with my shoulder, I thought, “I will go back to HSS and ask them to do surgery.” I was just sick of it. Just as the surgery idea was taking hold, Active Life was offered at CFSBK.
Putting an Active Life program in a regularly scheduled group class was the magic formula for me. I find it very difficult to work on my own. I need the guidance of a coach, the structure and dynamics of a group class combined with individual program tailored to each participant’s needs. This saved me and my shoulder.
I know, disclaimer, not meant to diagnose or treat, etc., etc., but this is my experience. Looking into surgery was the next step for me if Active Life didn’t work, and it DID work. I have mobility now and I’m happily working pain free.
As for my hip (a two year old injury) HSS and NYU hip center both said that the cartilage could not be repaired on its own or through surgery, but if I could strengthen my core I could relieve pressure on the joint. Strengthening the core works, but doing self-guided extra work outside of group class is just not my strong suit. Flash forward to Active Life About half way through, I had a revelation–my individual program was forcing me to use all the muscles on my back, and on the back of my legs! There’s an inner hamstring muscle that I didn’t even know I had, from that to my lats and up and down, shoulders to heels, all those muscles woke up and I learned how important they are. It was just so extraordinary. Strengthening everything behind me I was relieving the injuries on the front of me. WOW. I’m so happy.
I’m now adding some weight to the bar and I have a few post-injury PRs. I can also tell you that I can now bound up the subway stairs two steps at a time – a first for this New Yorker of 26 years! Having fun with my new superpower.
Sound like something you need? Go HERE to grab one of those last spots!
Who Gets to Call Themselves an Athlete? Girls Gone Strong
Why Powerlifting Is a Sport for Nerds BarBend
Did 18.3 last night at FNL.
It didn’t go the way I wanted but my honest plan was to get the best tiebreak score that I could, and then try like hell to get my first muscleup
I crushed my tiebreak, finished that in 2:58. I had never done a set of 100 DU unbroken and last night I did, which was super exciting for me. Got the OH squats unbroken and then finshed up the DU in set of 40-30-30
After I finished that, i took a minute to cool off and then each minute, I tried a muscle-up. I have a few good videos of me catching but unable to get out of it because my rings were too far over. I was pumped though, I’ve never caught myself over the rings so I know what I’m doing is working…and I know what will happen is that after the Open is over, three weeks later I will get these dang muscleups! Even though I didn’t get the muscle-up, I was still really happy!!
Last nights FNL was the best though….I loved watching Allie get her two muscle-ups, hearing that Jess got through the muscle-ups and then seeing everyone work so hard to push through the workout!! So fun to see people work so hard to get through something! It’s inspiring!
Thanks Brett for setting this all up and ensuring it runs flawlessly each Friday! Really looking forward to next Friday!!
May your Double Unders be unbroken, and your muscle-ups successful!!!
So many good things about your workout!! Congrats on the dubs, crushing the tiebreak, and being sooooo close to your muscleup!
83-93-103 were all unbroken and cycled power clean/push jerks.
108 as singles
Getting better every week at handstand walking!
Went slow and steady on double unders and OHS to save my shoulders for muscle up attempts.
Got two muscleups! First time in 2018 and first time in a workout! So proud… after the first one I cried happy tears in the arms of Whit. Lol!
Congrats to everyone! Including Allen who got 7 muscle ups!!!
You rock Allie B! So glad for what you’ve earned! I was across the street warming up so I missed it but everyone was talking about it with great excitement. Great job!
SO PROUD of you, Allie! Wish I was there to see it, so badly!
Muscle Up Magic!
That’s awesome Allie, I’m so happy for you and sad that I missed the moment (was also across the street warming up).
Well played, woman!
Thanks guys!
18.3 Rx during FNL yesterday
220 with a 10:49min tiebreak. I didn’t even try a ring MU, as I’m not really close to it. Instead of sulking from not having a MU, I’ll choose instead to celebrate that I did 200 DUs when I couldn’t even string them together last year. MU for next year’s open!
18.3 scaled during 10am class today
14 snatches on the 2nd round (I think that’s 810 reps)
This was a pure “just keep hopping” workout. Did singles unbroken until I couldn’t no more and my calves were screaming at me. OHS unbroken, snatches without rest, pull-ups around 7/5 for all 3 sets. This was fun, if I had really committed I think I could have finished.
Yesterday and today it was so awesome seeing so many people overcoming their limits – people who didn’t think they’d get a single OHS and got 18 (!), lots of first muscle ups, etc.
Ha, now I’m envisioning Dory from Finding Nemo going “just keep hopping, just keep hopping, just keep hopping, hopping, hopping…”
18.3 last night at FNL. I planned to do one DU and then go to scale to have a fun workout. I almost forgot. Finished my singles and then Corey reminded me. went on the finish one round of the scaled version and then into the second round for a total of 642.
18.3 this morning with KLove! I planned to get all 100 DUs even though they are mad at me and won’t happen in succession. Then I planned to use the time left to try to get one OHS at 80 lbs. One would have made me happy. My PR was 68#. I didn’t warm up the squat but I did get the bar on my back and over my head. I thought it felt doable. AND IT WAS! I did it! 11 times! I had 7 mins to get them in and took lots of rest and a hard fall on my butt during one attempt but I did it! KLove was super helpful – suggested a closer grip and a better starting position from the back and just that plain ol’ encouragement! I am so pleased with 111! Gonna go enter that score right now!
Congrats Shawn!
that’s fantastic.
Wow, so good, Shawn!
Congrats, Shawn!!!!
18.3 at FNL.
182 reps= 62 doubles in the second round.
162 doubles likely exceeds my lifetime total.
I’ve never had them, has stopped working on them to work on other things (OHS!), but the recent workouts that programmed them got me a sense of how to do them (none strung together) and then i made it through last night.
OHS were in 5 sets I think-
FNL was great- thanks to Brett for getting it set up so well and to Paul A. for being such an enthusiastic and supportive (and accurate) judge.
Stories like Allie’s and Shawn’s make me happy that the Open exists (even if I’m also happy not to be doing it myself).
AWESOME Strong Fit class this morning. 7 women and 2 men! Let’s make this ratio happen more often! Also, I expected front rack holds to be all kinds of terrible and instead I surprised myself holding up 275# for my last 10-second go.
Followed up w/Short Circuit. This combo seems fine when I do it and then I always end up absolutely blasted about an hour after lunch. Took a nap and I still feel like I was hit by a Mack truck. Whew!
So I did this workout twice. I went to Jersey last night and did it with a friend scaled which was still a solid workout. Completed one round and got through the set of overhead squats and about 30 single unders.
Felt good after so didn’t think it would have an effect on me today going for RX. Boy was I wrong. I’m pretty confident in my double unders and they were terrible from the start. Took me a over 3 minutes to get through the first 100. Overhead squats did in 6,3,3,3,5 then back to crappy double unders finishing with a tie breaker time of 11:29. This gave me time for 4 not even close attempts at a ring muscle up.
Right now my calves are on fire!
Oh man, I feel sorry for the lower legs of anyone who does this one twice…especially two days in a row! WHASSUPWITDAT?